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Laziest Countries in the World

syd syside

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the USA is a fucking shithole. I don't know anyone who is happy living in this workaholic shitfuck diarrhea toilet of misery and joylessness. a life well worked, with no regard for anything else.



thats my point. Americans on average might be ignorant, bigoted, and overweight, but they work ALL THE FUCKING TIME.


People don't have to work 60 hours a week on the docks or at some fucking track meet you idiots. You can sit on your ass answering tech support/sales calls for 12 hours a day...and I bet you go home and gorge yourself on the only thing in your life that brings you joy.

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the potential false correlation that Greece's financial woes = laziest, when they are apparently least lazy, is interesting.



physical inactivity and financial collapse are not the same thing. what are you saying?




When I originally made that comment I didn't understand it was only referring to physical activity, thought it could refer to work ethic. What are you saying?

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the USA is a fucking shithole. I don't know anyone who is happy living in this workaholic shitfuck diarrhea toilet of misery and joylessness. a life well worked, with no regard for anything else.



thats my point. Americans on average might be ignorant, bigoted, and overweight, but they work ALL THE FUCKING TIME.


People don't have to work 60 hours a week on the docks or at some fucking track meet you idiots. You can sit on your ass answering tech support/sales calls for 12 hours a day...and I bet you go home and gorge yourself on the only thing in your life that brings you joy.



at the least it's better than being some third world jagoff working at an Apple factory.


and for me, I'm quite lucky because I'm still young "going to college" and my parents are putting me through more or less.


when this is over though... Jesus fuck. seriously. I've noticed that everyone around me who works regularly is pretty much braindead. as in, no time to read or think or consume healthy culture. just braindead, bitter assholes who think a 3 day vacation is some kind of gift from god. I don't mean to hate, but I'm testing the territory. quite frankly "working people" all act like 40 year old mid life crisis bitter cunts. no joy remains.


I'm not really hating too much here. Because I encourage such "cunts" to take a fucking breath and investigate healthy culture. Seriously. Go to a fucking opera or something. Turn off ESPN, or better yet send your TV to Goodwill so someone even more destitute can use it to ease their utterly hopeless shithole of a situation.


As for you upper middle class 40 year olds, please, for fucks sake. Go to the opera. these simple. bitter. pleasures...


Just take a look at your life folks. it ain't pretty. haha.

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the USA is a fucking shithole. I don't know anyone who is happy living in this workaholic shitfuck diarrhea toilet of misery and joylessness. a life well worked, with no regard for anything else.



thats my point. Americans on average might be ignorant, bigoted, and overweight, but they work ALL THE FUCKING TIME.


People don't have to work 60 hours a week on the docks or at some fucking track meet you idiots. You can sit on your ass answering tech support/sales calls for 12 hours a day...and I bet you go home and gorge yourself on the only thing in your life that brings you joy.


60 hours.. Seriously? That's harsh, I wouldn't be able to do that.


I don't know about the unemployment rates in the US. But 60 hours would be work enough for two persons. Why not just split it up? Give more people work.

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Because if you work more than 40 hours, your employer is forced to pay you 1.5x (or sometimes 2x) as much money every hour. Unless you're on a salary, at which point you're probably just working that much to attempt to get a promotion and... work even more? I don't know, that shit is senseless. I'm planning to be "poor" for the rest of my days. Free time > money.

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the USA is a fucking shithole. I don't know anyone who is happy living in this workaholic shitfuck diarrhea toilet of misery and joylessness. a life well worked, with no regard for anything else.



thats my point. Americans on average might be ignorant, bigoted, and overweight, but they work ALL THE FUCKING TIME.


People don't have to work 60 hours a week on the docks or at some fucking track meet you idiots. You can sit on your ass answering tech support/sales calls for 12 hours a day...and I bet you go home and gorge yourself on the only thing in your life that brings you joy.


60 hours.. Seriously? That's harsh, I wouldn't be able to do that.


I don't know about the unemployment rates in the US. But 60 hours would be work enough for two persons. Why not just split it up? Give more people work.


I personally work about 50 hours a week, down from 60+ at 3 different jobs, and I barely make enough to pay rent. The only choice I have is to hope I can land a decent salary job before I die/my back gives out.

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Guest Sprigg

60 hours.. Seriously? That's harsh, I wouldn't be able to do that.


I don't know about the unemployment rates in the US. But 60 hours would be work enough for two persons. Why not just split it up? Give more people work.


Because some of us honestly need the money. I only get 30 a week right now, and I can barely afford to live... if I got 40 I could actually go out with people every once in a while, and if I got 50 I could save money to go back to school.

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what constitutes being 'lazy'? one could be quite busy and proficient at various pursuits that others regard as unimportant, is that lazy? if you are not performing socially acceptable work tasks, for long drawn out periods of time each day then you are considered lazy? what if i work in the heat of wheat fields and choose to sleep in the shade of trees for the better part of the afternoons to avoid the heat stroke and the cancer? am i lazy then? if my family chooses to live by little means and instead we share the time we've saved with each other, is that lazy? is it not the efficiency of work that is most highly prized, not the amount of time spent preforming it? who is responsible for this study? the lancet can lick on my balls thx plees!

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sprigg, smetty -- that is madness! Where are you people living that rent is that expensive? I live in Seattle, a city highly ranked among the most expensive to live... and while I don't really live in a nice (or trendy) neighborhood at the moment, my rent is $899. Split with my girl, it's pretty affordable each month.. minimum wage here is $9. If I worked 50 or 60 hours a week I'd be fucking banking, but I'm working part time and sliding by instead, saving pennies to put toward whatever schooling my financial aid and scholarships won't cover. I'm sure you're both aware of this, but as a sort of general rule, people say to never spend more than 1/3 your monthly income on rent.... 60 hours a week and you're barely paying the bills? Move!


@troon: agreed. nice post.

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Guest Sprigg
sprigg, smetty -- that is madness! Where are you people living that rent is that expensive? I live in Seattle, a city highly ranked among the most expensive to live... and while I don't really live in a nice (or trendy) neighborhood at the moment, my rent is $899. Split with my girl, it's pretty affordable each month.. minimum wage here is $9. If I worked 50 or 60 hours a week I'd be fucking banking, but I'm working part time and sliding by instead, saving pennies to put toward whatever schooling my financial aid and scholarships won't cover. I'm sure you're both aware of this, but as a sort of general rule, people say to never spend more than 1/3 your monthly income on rent.... 60 hours a week and you're barely paying the bills? Move!


@troon: agreed. nice post.


I'm in Kansas city, and I make 8.50 an hour, 1100 a month.... I have close to 800 a month in bills, and the rest goes to food and gas...60 hours to barely pay bills is ridiculous though, I can't imagine that.

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I'm young and don't know anything about how the working world works.


How can you work so much and yet barely make enough to make ends meet? What bills are your salaries going to? I'd like to know just so life doesn't crush me any more than it already is.

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smett should move somewhere else (and before you get offended, i mean somewhere within USA)


yeah, i hear you, and im already working on it. Im trying to see if i can land jobs in Chicago and a couple of places in California. Jobs that pay enough to easily afford an apartment.

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get away from the city, work less doing what you love to do. Enjoy your life.


im trying to move into a city so i can spend more time doing what i want to do.

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sprigg, smetty -- that is madness! Where are you people living that rent is that expensive? I live in Seattle, a city highly ranked among the most expensive to live... and while I don't really live in a nice (or trendy) neighborhood at the moment, my rent is $899. Split with my girl, it's pretty affordable each month.. minimum wage here is $9. If I worked 50 or 60 hours a week I'd be fucking banking, but I'm working part time and sliding by instead, saving pennies to put toward whatever schooling my financial aid and scholarships won't cover. I'm sure you're both aware of this, but as a sort of general rule, people say to never spend more than 1/3 your monthly income on rent.... 60 hours a week and you're barely paying the bills? Move!


@troon: agreed. nice post.


I'm in Kansas city, and I make 8.50 an hour, 1100 a month.... I have close to 800 a month in bills, and the rest goes to food and gas...60 hours to barely pay bills is ridiculous though, I can't imagine that.


im in a similar situation as you...adding school debt and hospital/healthcare bills.

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Oh yeah, health care bills. I have a few of those just fucking my credit in the ass.


I just watched the documentary "Inside Job" last night... needless to say, I am thoroughly pissed the fuck off at our government and banks. WTFF.

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Guest Sprigg

I'm young and don't know anything about how the working world works.


How can you work so much and yet barely make enough to make ends meet? What bills are your salaries going to? I'd like to know just so life doesn't crush me any more than it already is.

Bills, in $/month

200- car

150- insurance for my car (shitty driving record a few years back, and it's still fucking me in the ass)

225- rent

90- phone

50- student loans

20- credit card

50- utilities


My phone plan is with ATT and it's fucking ridiculous and overpriced, I'll be switching when my contract is up in November... that should knock off a bit. I get shit gas mileage and drive 20 minutes to work each way, so I spend roughly 30 dollars a week on gas, closer to 50 if I actually go out and do anything else... hopefully living in the downtown area will take care of a lot of that, and when I get my nursing assistant's license in spring, I should be doing a bit better financially, and will finally be able to go back to school next fall!


In the meantime, I'm trying to get a second (or just full-time) job so I can raise my standard of living a bit.


Also, the credit card is in pieces and probably melted/recycled at this point. Stay the fuck away from that shit.

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