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pick 10


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1 - water heating unit

2 - pen and paper

3 - modem

4 - computer rig

5 - books

6 - the 2 plates of food

7 - fridge and oven ( I would make sure the $100 is spent on only high quality shit. It won't go as far, but this way, with my 2 plates, not a lot of what's in the fridge will go to waste and I can learn how to cook like a boss ).

8 - garden (w/poolboy)

9 - the coke and the $100, re: keltoi (also, I can make some extra $ by selling the coke to the poolboy)

10 - The blonde

(It was a REALLY close call between the japanese girl and the blonde, but I think the blonde wins. This is because... A) Even though the Japanese girl is 18, she is 8/10 and not 10/10 (I'm going by 10/10 in my own standards, that pic is definitely not my idea of a 10... B) She has a high IQ. I was thinking it would be a lot of fun to learn Japanese and teach English, but what if, after all of that we discover we have very little in common? I mean, it's 10 years ... C) The japanese girl is mentioned as "generic"... D) I like someone who is opinionated.)

Fuck. All of this talk about it might be making me change my mind. Fuck it. The Japanese girl wins.

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aslso what the fuck does slightly feminist mean

i think its because some reddit teenage boy fuck has written this stupid thing so its like oh no a draw back is that the girl slightly wants equality FUCK THAT SHIT just want a whore to rape and stuff init

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Guest Franklin

I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of your guys' responses later tonight:


1. computer

2. internet (3 gigs is enough to stream porn and youtube and webcam with people to keep social interaction. also enough to watmm and blog/journal so I can come out with a book deal when the experiment is over)

3. yard with garden for relaxation and gardening

4. punching bag + rope for physical activity

5. 2 plates of food daily (I'm 5'9 140 pounds so that would be enough food for sure)

6. german shepard for company! would rather my cat

7. Books


So here's the thing... this is basically already my life up to this point minus having my wife around and a dog instead of my cat and minecraft. I would add my wife but I wouldnt handle the schizophrenia part after 5 years well. So the last 4 are basically bonuses:


8. movies and tv series b/c 3 gigs isnt enough for at least the foreseeable future until all that shit is streamable on the web.

9. Mark Twain. we'd likely become best buds having great religious debates while basically agreeing on most other topics. He had wide-ranging interests as do I.

10. fridge + oven + food. maybe I'd like get good at baking or something (not necessary)



Based on current temperament I would give up 2 choices if I could have an SSRI or xanax in steady supply just to keep the mood level and not get any crazy ideas.


A girl is tempting but there might be serious personality differences and speaking as a married man porn does a pretty decent job when you're with the same person for large blocks of time like 10 years. The inclusion of a male would not be sexual at all but friendship, social interaction, and to have a great mind like that would be awesome. Tesla and Feneyman would be too much I think and have limited interests from what I know about them.

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Waterheating Unit

Internet Modem

Big Yard

30 Books

Fridge/Oven Food

2 Plates of my Choice


The psychedelics

Some person, I dunno


No point in having a phone, sense Skype is a thing. I wish Schizo medication was an option.

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Guest uptown devil

^^ "any person of your choice. must be real and currently alive. will develop schizophrenia after 5 years, spending the remainder highly unstable, but not dangerous."


seems like a lousy fuckin option.

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fridge and food (fuck it, I'm used to living off of less than $100 a month for food, and I like cooking)

garden & pool


water heater


intelligent girl


I have no problem hanging with autistic people, so drinking and getting high with mozart and making music together in an art gallery of a garden sounds like a damn fine time to me.

total BS that the girl is a "10" because she's blonde and white (as if that's the universal ideal) but whatever, she'd be good for having conversations with



edit: although, the 100$ of food sucks if I have to feed the poolboy too.... don't really care about the pool, so it's kind of a shame that he exists at all. fuck it, he's eating gruel

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good choices. weed and psychedelics. definitely don't exacerbate any latent mental conditions which i'm presuming the schizo meds are for.

If Schizo meds were an option, I'd probably change the results quite a bit.


Also, fuck the fridge option, if I get to eat 2 lbs of food/day I'm happy. I'll replace it with art.

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Fridge and food


The blonde girl

The garden

A computer



Mozart + Piano and Violin

The weed

Pen + paper


I wonder how much time there would be before I turn completely crazy. Probably not very long.

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