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Anti-Islaam Film


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Guest dese manz hatin

lol at cultural explanations as a determinant for political/economic outcomes.





Good wind-up bits.

I'm of the belief that any male wearing a sleeveless shirt in an ironic-free manner deserves to be lynched.



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I know it seems like I'm cutting and running, but I ain't gonna bitch out. I gotta go give a presentation and then finish writing this dmned book review.

but if you guys want i'll be happy to enter discussion if you promise to read the pdf I'm gonna upload. I'd like nothing better than to sit around with y'all on a Friday night over some fine merlot and discuss development literature.

Institutions as the Fundamental Cause of Long Run Growth.pdf

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Eugene - Weber's argument has been largely overridden. And no, not by Jared Diamond, although he certainly does bring up some interesting points.


o rly ? i guess that's why he's considered the daddy of sociology (especially because of the strength of that thesis) and is taught back to back with marx in intro. to sociology courses.

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Guest dese manz hatin

Well I get (to a certain degree) why culture doesn't matter much in terms of economic outcomes.


But how could political outcomes possibly be seperated from their cultural basis? Even if you put great emphasize on the role of institutions, an institution like the public sphere (as underdeveloped as it may be) by definition includes culture and societal norms/identities. Given the same institutional frame, outcomes would be different in the US than they would be in Germany simply because of differences regarding the political cultures, which are in turn rooted in culture as a whole (e.g. US: American Dream, individualism, small government; Germany: strong state, welfare, tad more emphasize on collectivity etc.).


Not saying that there is no interplay between institution and society though.

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Guest dese manz hatin

Eugene - Weber's argument has been largely overridden. And no, not by Jared Diamond, although he certainly does bring up some interesting points.


o rly ? i guess that's why he's considered the daddy of sociology (especially because of the strength of that thesis) and is taught back to back with marx in intro. to sociology courses.


The parts of Weber's work still taught today mainly concern his concepts of rationality, theories of the state and society etc. and his general approach, not so much the direct conclusions he drew.

The Protestant Ethics is no longer regarded up to date, neither in sociology, nor in theology.

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Eugene - Weber's argument has been largely overridden. And no, not by Jared Diamond, although he certainly does bring up some interesting points.


o rly ? i guess that's why he's considered the daddy of sociology (especially because of the strength of that thesis) and is taught back to back with marx in intro. to sociology courses.


you do understand that someone's methodology and approach can be taught because of historical relevance rather than the validity of their conclusions?


Yo, Aristotle totally rejected the heliocentric theory because he was a boss.


Eugene - Weber's argument has been largely overridden. And no, not by Jared Diamond, although he certainly does bring up some interesting points.


o rly ? i guess that's why he's considered the daddy of sociology (especially because of the strength of that thesis) and is taught back to back with marx in intro. to sociology courses.


The parts of Weber's work still taught today mainly concern his concepts of rationality, theories of the state and society etc. and his general approach, not so much the direct conclusions he drew.

The Protestant Ethics is no longer regarded up to date, neither in sociology, nor in theology.



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It's almost as if you're saying atheism isn't the single most important civil rights issue facing the western world today. And frankly as a white, able-bodied, heterosexual, middle-class, cis-gendered male I think you're crazy.



"Is the messenger of God....gay?!"


"Yes! And Omar also!"




I wonder if right wing Christian nutters also ran amok when they made The Life Of Brian


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ISLAMABAD: Pakistani officials say they have opened an investigation into a businessman who has been accused of blasphemy after refusing to join protests over an anti-Islam video and allegedly trying to convince others also not to take part.


Police officer Munir Abbasi says that hundreds of protesters in the city of Hyderabad who rallied against the film that mocks the Holy Prophet (PBUH) demanded the businessman shut his shops in solidarity.


When the businessman refused, one of his tenants said his decision supported the film.


City police chief Fareed Jan said Wednesday the protesters claim the accused insulted the Holy Prophet (PBUH).


Jan said there’s no evidence to suggest this happened and said police were pressured by the mob to open the case.


Blasphemy is punishable by life in prison or death in Pakistan.

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also, ill stop being sarcastic for a second and ask whether everyone in this thread realizes that religion is not inherently separate from other cultural inputs?

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apparently the full one


good, because as curious as i was there was no way i was going to torrent this



well, since there's a topic now, I may as well post this from Neil Gaiman's blog




i heard the ambassador was anally raped before being executed. interesting


er, inside a fiery building? chances are he died of smoke inhalation


He was actually barely alive when Libya citizens dragged him out and rushed him to the hospital. The mob that killed him basically stormed in and took off, a lot of good samaritans (or whatever you want to call them) were on the scene before the police and security forces arrived. The whole thing was a clusterfuck regardless.




On the other hand, Gaddafi was stabbed while being captured, some claim the same attackers attempted to sodomize him with bayonets and knives.



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Methods of consumption/leisure activities, marital practices, etc. etc.



Everyone is talking in here like the idea of "economy" is completely barred off from "culture" or any other insanely nebulous term of civil organization.



apparently the full one


good, because as curious as i was there was no way i was going to torrent this



well, since there's a topic now, I may as well post this from Neil Gaiman's blog




i heard the ambassador was anally raped before being executed. interesting


er, inside a fiery building? chances are he died of smoke inhalation


He was actually barely alive when Libya citizens dragged him out and rushed him to the hospital. The mob that killed him basically stormed in and took off, a lot of good samaritans (or whatever you want to call them) were on the scene before the police and security forces arrived. The whole thing was a clusterfuck regardless.




On the other hand, Gaddafi was stabbed while being captured, so claim the same attackers attempted to sodomize him with bayonets and knives.




it was pretty reprehensible when FOX News and other reports were showing the pictures of the rescuers and displaying them as the attackers.

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re: reply to cryptic modey post


yes, what does that statement imply. My simple mind is unable to grasp it's meaning.




As to the video, it was a clearly a ploy generated to incite the reaction that they got. And then there was that poor ambassador that got murdered in a safe house after his security detail lost him, on the day of sacrifice; well shall we ever know. And i turn on daily show and mr. steward is doing his expected, pointless, forget what's really going on just to keep himself employed, poo'pooing.



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Eugene - Weber's argument has been largely overridden. And no, not by Jared Diamond, although he certainly does bring up some interesting points.


o rly ? i guess that's why he's considered the daddy of sociology (especially because of the strength of that thesis) and is taught back to back with marx in intro. to sociology courses.


you do understand that someone's methodology and approach can be taught because of historical relevance rather than the validity of their conclusions?


Yo, Aristotle totally rejected the heliocentric theory because he was a boss.


Eugene - Weber's argument has been largely overridden. And no, not by Jared Diamond, although he certainly does bring up some interesting points.


o rly ? i guess that's why he's considered the daddy of sociology (especially because of the strength of that thesis) and is taught back to back with marx in intro. to sociology courses.


The parts of Weber's work still taught today mainly concern his concepts of rationality, theories of the state and society etc. and his general approach, not so much the direct conclusions he drew.

The Protestant Ethics is no longer regarded up to date, neither in sociology, nor in theology.



Eugene - Weber's argument has been largely overridden. And no, not by Jared Diamond, although he certainly does bring up some interesting points.


o rly ? i guess that's why he's considered the daddy of sociology (especially because of the strength of that thesis) and is taught back to back with marx in intro. to sociology courses.


The parts of Weber's work still taught today mainly concern his concepts of rationality, theories of the state and society etc. and his general approach, not so much the direct conclusions he drew.

The Protestant Ethics is no longer regarded up to date, neither in sociology, nor in theology.


to me weber is bureaucracy, rationality/disenchantment and his seminal work is protestant ethic. his methodology is not the focus of basic courses, as i understand he's meant to serve as a counterweight to marx. his general approach assumes significant influence of culture/religion as he focuses on the individual and his interpretation of reality as opposed to marx. i doubt you can dissociate weber's thought from "protestant ethic", it's very easy to poke holes in it now but still it's hardly irrelevant. interestingly enough, he even allows for rational action to be influenced by emotion and tradition.

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edit: Stewart has largely turned into a force of evil


agreed, he's part of the campaign of cultural prozac.


Still watch for the lolz on topics that he's allowed to broach. Needs to ditch the cast of airtime wasting hacks that should be sent back to the writing pool though. One big plus for colbert is that he's the mouthpiece for the writing team, it's not diluted by faux panel discussions and the like, personalities trying to build a profile rather than integrate. Sometimes it works but a lot of the time it's just filler.

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it was pretty reprehensible when FOX News and other reports were showing the pictures of the rescuers and displaying them as the attackers.


It is, but that's the beard-and-butter of cable news. Networks are oriented toward misinformation, misleading, and "teasing" viewers. They do it all for enticing viewers, then play the "breaking news" card if it's wrong or the "we're just commentators" angle if it's controversial rhetoric.

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I think my main frustration is that this event is inherently framed in "West vs Middle East" "Islam vs Christianity" "Free Speech vs Censorship" etc. For me there are so many levels of ignorance, idiocy, hatred, and misguided rhetoric to comment on this succinctly and easily. So I'll just say this - when the fuck will mobs learn you should set the American flag on fire AFTER you stomp on it. Jesus titty-fucking-Mohammad Christ, it's not that hard to figure out.



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also, this isn't much different that how South Park responded to the Danish cartoon protests and their own issues with Comedy Central's censoring decisions, but still lol...








WASHINGTON—Following the publication of the image above, in which the most cherished figures from multiple religious faiths were depicted engaging in a lascivious sex act of considerable depravity, no one was murdered, beaten, or had their lives threatened, sources reported Thursday. The image of the Hebrew prophet Moses high-fiving Jesus Christ as both are having their erect penises vigorously masturbated by Ganesha, all while the Hindu deity anally penetrates Buddha with his fist, reportedly went online at 6:45 p.m. EDT, after which not a single bomb threat was made against the organization responsible, nor did the person who created the cartoon go home fearing for his life in any way. Though some members of the Jewish, Christian, Hindu, and Buddhist faiths were reportedly offended by the image, sources confirmed that upon seeing it, they simply shook their heads, rolled their eyes, and continued on with their day.terminator.gif



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I think my main frustration is that this event is inherently framed in "West vs Middle East" "Islam vs Christianity" "Free Speech vs Censorship" etc. For me there are so many levels of ignorance, idiocy, hatred, and misguided rhetoric to comment on this succinctly and easily. So I'll just say this - when the fuck will mobs learn you should set the American flag on fire AFTER you stomp on it. Jesus titty-fucking-Mohammad Christ, it's not that hard to figure out.




Winding us up for the potential invasion of iran pre christmas. If the US army can't stop it, they wouldn't want to pointlessly die.


Either that or the current war games in golan is the precursor for a land grab in syria, mythical kingdom of david lol.

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Guest Xenblake



It's almost as if you're saying atheism isn't the single most important civil rights issue facing the western world today. And frankly as a white, able-bodied, heterosexual, middle-class, cis-gendered male I think you're crazy.



"Is the messenger of God....gay?!"


"Yes! And Omar also!"




I wonder if right wing Christian nutters also ran amok when they made The Life Of Brian




lol thanks.

So, this is how right wing Christians run amok. Think I prefer it to the muslim version. I know Christians have been cruel bastards in the past, but they've kind of gotten over that phase.


I really hope the muslims get over their violent, barbaric phase too. It's not really doing themselves or anyone else any good.



And what's this garbage about atheists being more dangerous than muslims?! When have atheists caused violent behaviour and murder? And what's wrong with being a priviliged white person now?

What do you want, everyone living in poverty and fearing God?

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