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IDF have told The Times they expect to invade Gaza this weekend.

syd syside

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Iain C, please learn some history before responding to me with your angry rubbish.


I would strongly advise that you do the same. I've heard some crackpot shit but "Jews in the American Revolution" jacks it up to 11? Or are you referring to Solomon Chaim? Oh wait, nevermind, freemasons are a jewish conspiracy organization.


Who the fuck fought WWII for the Jewish people? Jesus man your history is fucked up.



Can we close this thread now? This has gone into territory of the retarded.

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I dunno about "Jews in the American Revolution", but "International Bankers in the American Revolution" rings some truth to it..


The founding fathers knew the evils of a privately-owned central bank. First of all, they had seen how the privately-owned British central bank, the Bank of England, had run up the British national debt to such an extent that Parliament had been forced to place unfair taxes on the American colonies.


In fact, Ben Franklin claimed that this was the real cause of the American Revolution. Many of the founding fathers realized the potential dangers of banking, and feared their accumulation of wealth and power.


Jefferson put it this way: "...sincerely believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a money aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs."

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I dunno about "Jews in the American Revolution", but "International Bankers in the American Revolution" rings some truth to it..


The founding fathers knew the evils of a privately-owned central bank. First of all, they had seen how the privately-owned British central bank, the Bank of England, had run up the British national debt to such an extent that Parliament had been forced to place unfair taxes on the American colonies.


In fact, Ben Franklin claimed that this was the real cause of the American Revolution. Many of the founding fathers realized the potential dangers of banking, and feared their accumulation of wealth and power.


Jefferson put it this way: "...sincerely believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a money aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs."


Wrong. Fucking. Wrong.


Alexander Hamilton, a founding father btw, was the architect behind the first bank of the United States. Jefferson was one of the opposition, hence the split between Federalist and Anti-Federalist (Dem.-Rep. Party). John Adams and George Washington, two other founding fathers supported the creation of the First Bank, among others.


People have this diluted fantastical idea that all the Amer. Rev. were of one mindset on all matters economic and political. Its absolute rubbish. Jefferson is no doubt important, but he is not the be all end all of the movement.


I can't begin to talk about how many inconsistencies and historical revisionism is going on in this thread. Its honestly quite disturbing.


Also the majority of the loans came from the Dutch Fuggers and from the French monarchist government, not from some Zionist jew banking conspiracy.


wtf is this bullshit. plz stop. plz get educated.

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Smetty isn't there some truth over central banking and past presidents wanting to avoid a central private bank which is what the Federal Reserve is today. I'm not touching anything about a zionist jew conspiracy, but our history has had a conflict with central private banks and the Federal Reserve could be argued as a corrupt institution?

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SR IV, i'm too lazy right now to search for evidence on revisionist theories, but one thing i've read here and there is that not a single official document of the nazi administration speaking of killing the jews in the concentration camps was ever found. one could argue that all those documents were destroyed by the nazis, but Raul Hilberg for example, "widely considered to be the world's preeminent scholar of the Holocaust", who used to claim that such documents existed, later revised this detail in his theory and agreed that such documents were indeed never found.

about gas chambers, and the denial of their existence by some, there's an interesting scientific study that prooves that gas chambers existed: http://www.holocaust...fr/report.shtml

this study was an response to a "pseudoscientific document", the leuchter report, that claimed that no gas residue was found in gas chambers. the document was discredited by jean-claude pressac, who wrote a book about concentration camps that was aligned with the official theory. a few years later, he totally changed his mind and said that the concentration camps case contained so many elements that were rubbish and untruthful that the whole official case should be dumped into the trash bin of history. now, i haven't researched on this particular case (gas residue in gas chambers), but i find this story intriguing. robert faurisson claims that no official document prooves that gas chambers were used in concentration camps. i haven't checked myself to be honest, but i plan to do so.by the way, faurisson is the most discredited and demonised frenchman alive.

about the number of jews dead during ww2, i'm too lazy to research right now but i think it's faurisson again, who claims there isn't a single official document that can proove this number. haven't checked myself.

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So how long do you guys give this ceasefire? I'm thinking they'll be at again by wednesday next week, if not earlier.

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Personal testimony...not just from Jews but from members of various death squads and administrators, and captured Nazi officers, including from the SS. Please explain how a handful of a minority was able to steamline the versions of a supposedly false Holocaust narrative among over a million people, many of which were not Jews or Germans


what about the Sonderkommandos tesitmony?


What about the Korherr Report?


If these camps were not designed to execute undesirables in society, please explain the bodies found by American and Allied GIs in there camps. Were these fake skeletal doubles made by the Jewish Secret Service?



Im not debating whether the number of casualties is correct, thats certainly up for scrutiny, but to assume that these camps were not designed to exterminate their members whether directly or indirectly via heavy labor and starvation is beyond insane. I really cant be arsed to argue this any further; its absolutely insane and completely baseless revisionism. If you refute all the evidence presented from a number of different sources, and wave off all the Nazi documentation with a mere "well they didn't directly say they were killing Jews", you live in a parallel reality.

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Personal testimony...not just from Jews but from members of various death squads and administrators, and captured Nazi officers, including from the SS. Please explain how a handful of a minority was able to steamline the versions of a supposedly false Holocaust narrative among over a million people, many of which were not Jews or Germans


what about the Sonderkommandos tesitmony?


What about the Korherr Report?


If these camps were not designed to execute undesirables in society, please explain the bodies found by American and Allied GIs in there camps. Were these fake skeletal doubles made by the Jewish Secret Service?



Im not debating whether the number of casualties is correct, thats certainly up for scrutiny, but to assume that these camps were not designed to exterminate their members whether directly or indirectly via heavy labor and starvation is beyond insane. I really cant be arsed to argue this any further; its absolutely insane and completely baseless revisionism. If you refute all the evidence presented from a number of different sources, and wave off all the Nazi documentation with a mere "well they didn't directly say they were killing Jews", you live in a parallel reality.


interesting view. pragmatical and reasonable (i'm not being sarcastic). i've read interesting things about why people died of starvation in camps, claiming it wasn't nazis fault, but the allies fault and policy. i'll have to research.


a holocaust denier and an israeli in the same watmm thread :duckhunt:


haha, i'm no holocaust denier, let's say i'm a holocaust skeptic at this point. i could go to jail for that in france. i just don't buy the official theory, i just want to know the truth. and kill all jews. just kidding.


anyway this thread is interesting, i've learnt quite a few things that will help me researching.

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if you guys would entertain me for a sec. What influence if any did Israel's 'anti terrorism' philosophies influence the United States post 9/11? In that video i posted a few pages back on the morning of 9/11, IDF's head Ehud Barak predicts exactly how the US would react to 9/11, he even uses the phrase 'war against terror' that we need to preemptively wage war on any nation harboring terrorists and that Americans need to get used to 1 hour+ delays before hopping on a flight due to much needed security. These are only small aspects of what occurred after 9/11. From my perspective it seems like the US has adopted the Israeli model, by using 'terrorism' as an excuse for barbaric and blatant war crime like behavior. I suppose this isn't a new concept, i just wanted to know if anyone else saw a link between the two philosophies.

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Noted, and seems likely. Without the overwhelming support from the US there would be not an Israel as we know it today, the same goes for Gaza. The ammount of money Egypt receives in "humanitarian aid" from the US for keeping the blockade alive is ridicilous, I think it's close to 2 billion usd every year. *backflips the fuck out*

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@gocab, everything would obviously be different, but all of conventional wars that threatened israel strategically were won without american help, the massive american airlift of 1973 war came after israel turned the tide in its favor against egypt and syria. the alleged israeli nuclear arsenal was attained without american help either.


re: sister, how did the israeli government threaten and banned her exactly ? official letter bearing the signature of israeli government representatives or a debate with some israeli official that went emo ?


i also haven't heard any russian statement regarding the bombing of their office in gaza.

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Are you saying the united states didn't contribute in building Israels military forces? http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel%E2%80%93United_States_military_relations

It's all a fucking mess, I guess Europe would be in a bad state as well if it weren't for US contributions during ww2. I may not have a point.

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Are you saying the united states didn't contribute in building Israels military forces? http://en.m.wikipedi...itary_relations

It's all a fucking mess, I guess Europe would be in a bad state as well if it weren't for US contributions during ww2. I may not have a point.


no, im saying those relations began much later than people generally believe.


also regarding the press building bombing, wiki says it "The tower, known as the Al-Sharouk compound, contained the offices of Al-Quds TV, Sky News, Press TV,[197] ARD, Kuwait TV, RAI, Rusiya Al-Yaum[198] and ITN, and had previously also been used by BBC.[199][200] The IDF said that it targeted Hamas communications devices located on the roofs of two media buildings"


sky news, ard, rai and itn can't be considered hostile to israel, so this argument the sister presents in her "Israel's War on Truth" about israel bombing stations critical of them is pretty damn idiotic.


secondly, unless you somehow prove that israel DIDN'T target the communication device on the roof but something else (and it is very clear from the video of the bombing of that building that only the roof is hit), your really don't have any feasible argument.

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im having multiple facepalm attacks just watching the sister's videos, in the very first 4 seconds of that interview with the israeli peace activists she states "in israel every citizen of military age is forced to serve time in the idf" i mean wtf ? how can what she does be considered journalism ?


i wanted to leave this thread for good and go watch bad taxidermy or something, but this astounding ignorance is just hard to ignore sometimes.

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im having multiple facepalm attacks just watching the sister's videos, in the very first 4 seconds of that interview with the israeli peace activists she states "in israel every citizen of military age is forced to serve time in the idf" i mean wtf ? how can what she does be considered journalism ?


i wanted to leave this thread for good and go watch bad taxidermy or something, but this astounding ignorance is just hard to ignore sometimes.


besides various religious and arab exemptions, please I'm all ears how is that inaccurate? Pretty useless to claim astounding ignorance without really explaining why. Please bless us with your knowledge. From the very moment i revealed that she worked for Russia Today you've been bent out of shape about it, so I'm not surprised that your attitude continues to reveal your long held resentment.


Conscription exists in Israel for all Israeli citizens over the age of 18, although Arab citizens of Israel are exempt (but Druze citizens are conscripted); other exceptions are made on religious, physical or psychological grounds (see Profile 21). The normal length of compulsory service is currently three years for men and two years for women.


but then wikipedia says this with no sourcing



Despite a general impression that the majority of Israeli citizens are conscripted, only about 50% of potential conscripts actually serve in the military. Others do not serve for a variety of reasons, including religious study, minority community exemptions, refusing to serve, "low motivation", and a criminal record.[citation needed]


Maybe this is what Eugene meant? It still doesn't change the fact that it's compulsory or required by law, exemptions may take people out of the running but i don't really understand how or why it's ignorant when almost everything I've read reaffirms what my sister said on her show.

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