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IDF have told The Times they expect to invade Gaza this weekend.

syd syside

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Awepittance you never responded to my post. I would like to wrap up our differences because I respect you and your sisters general ideals.


That's atrocious that they banned her and bombed RT


Hey i forgot to, and in response to Eugene it was an official spokesperson for BB, it wasn't written down on an official letter. Often veiled threats from large world players aren't written down on paper fyi. Russia Today america already announced this. If you're expecting the Russian government to express outrage, well that probably won't happen. It would be like The UK government expressing outrage at a BBC office being bombed.

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isn't it inaccurate enough to conclude that the interviewer doesn't know what she's talking about ? those various exemptions are like 30% of the population.


but how does that change what she said, by 'forced' you are required by law until you meet the criteria for a special exemption. You could semantically challenge her wording if you think it's too strong, but i think most people would agree that if you are legally required to serve military service, regardless of special exemptions (by your own wording then 70% of the population is forced into serving in the military) that classifies as being forced by your own government. Still confused, and you've given absolutely no information to prove her wrong.


and no it's not accurate, because my sister knows that there are special exemptions. In fact we've spoken humorously about that if you are Orthodox you most likely don't have to serve. You are just latching onto her wording, if she was so 'astoundingly ignorant' don't you think the person she was interviewing, the Israeli activist who dissented would have corrected her?

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isn't it inaccurate enough to conclude that the interviewer doesn't know what she's talking about ? those various exemptions are like 30% of the population.


but how does that change what she said, by 'forced' you are required by law until you meet the criteria for a special exemption. You could semantically challenge her wording if you think it's too strong, but i think most people would agree that if you are legally required to serve military service, regardless of special exemptions (by your own wording then 70% of the population is forced into serving in the military) that classifies as being forced by your own government. Still confused, and you've given absolutely no information to prove her wrong.

she said 100% of the population has to serve in the army in reality it's about 70% and of rather specific demographic, the exemption is not something "special", it's a law. i hope we won't have to argue about 70% being pretty close to 100%..

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Awepittance you never responded to my post. I would like to wrap up our differences because I respect you and your sisters general ideals.


That's atrocious that they banned her and bombed RT


Hey i forgot to, and in response to Eugene it was an official spokesperson for BB, it wasn't written down on an official letter. Often veiled threats from large world players aren't written down on paper fyi. Russia Today america already announced this. If you're expecting the Russian government to express outrage, well that probably won't happen. It would be like The UK government expressing outrage at a BBC office being bombed.

it's meaningless, she can enter israel freely. if israel really wanted to censor press it would start with the local haaretz, which is far more informed and therefore much more effective with its criticism.

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100% of the population IS required unless they can provide legal reasons they ought to be exempt. dude, this is stupid.

the people who are exempt by law will never receive a word from the army about possible draft or anything, they don't have to prove anything or come to any contact with the army. you really don't need to argue with me about this, i've lived here for 17 years ffs.

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you've made 20 edits to your posts before i hit reply, what are you arguing for exactly right now ? your sister was very wrong about something very important which implies very poor knowledge of the topic, what's more ?

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100% of the population IS required unless they can provide legal reasons they ought to be exempt. dude, this is stupid.

the people who are exempt by law will never receive a word from the army about possible draft or anything, they don't have to prove anything or come to any contact with the army. you really don't need to argue with me about this, i've lived here for 17 years ffs.


aren't you kinda splitting hairs here? there is a rule of conscription in Israel, with exemptions, as will happen in all instances of conscription. i'm genuinely confused about why you're arguing this point.

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bro, you can't really start your item with "in israel every citizen of military age is forced to serve time in the idf" and claim sufficient knowledge of the topic of israel in general, because it is common knowledge that a significant percentage of citizens of israel of military age are not forced to serve time in the idf, as simple as that.

i can pick at countless of factual errors in her reporting about israel, and the mediaroots podcasts are even worse. but this one was so blunt that it should cost her any credibility.

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Guest RadarJammer

bro, you can't really start your item with "in israel every citizen of military age is forced to serve time in the idf" and claim sufficient knowledge of the topic of israel in general, because it is common knowledge that a significant percentage of citizens of israel of military age are not forced to serve time in the idf, as simple as that.

i can pick at countless of factual errors in her reporting about israel, and the mediaroots podcasts are even worse. but this one was so blunt that it should cost her any credibility.


don't throw the baby out with the bathwater

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loans from the dutch and french. yes exactly. thanks for proving me right. everyone knows usury is a nono for christians and muslim and that it was always jewish bankers who sorted out loans for christian kings. i guess you never heard of the royal dutch shell company or the fact that the funding for the english revolution came from dutch jews who were close with the dutch monarchy. before the english revolution in england jews were banned from entering. england was quite poor then but with jewish financial genius behind us we had the british empire until the jews decided they didnt need a british empire any more. portugese/spanish/british etc a lot of these great empires are thanks to them moving their gold around and trading. the cleverest and most amazing people ever really

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bro, you can't really start your item with "in israel every citizen of military age is forced to serve time in the idf" and claim sufficient knowledge of the topic of israel in general, because it is common knowledge that a significant percentage of citizens of israel of military age are not forced to serve time in the idf, as simple as that.

i can pick at countless of factual errors in her reporting about israel, and the mediaroots podcasts are even worse. but this one was so blunt that it should cost her any credibility.


don't throw the baby out with the bathwater


while still not providing even an iota of convincing evidence that she committed a factual error, as other members said 'splitting hairs'. But i'm amused that Eugene even bothered listening to one of my podcasts, pretty cool even if he's face palming for the whole 1 hour and 30 minutes .


but watch out bros, She's interviewing Jimmy Carter this weekend, hopefully with ample Israel/Palestine questions

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loans from the dutch and french. yes exactly. thanks for proving me right. everyone knows usury is a nono for christians and muslim and that it was always jewish bankers who sorted out loans for christian kings. i guess you never heard of the royal dutch shell company or the fact that the funding for the english revolution came from dutch jews who were close with the dutch monarchy. before the english revolution in england jews were banned from entering. england was quite poor then but with jewish financial genius behind us we had the british empire until the jews decided they didnt need a british empire any more. portugese/spanish/british etc a lot of these great empires are thanks to them moving their gold around and trading. the cleverest and most amazing people ever really




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