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Playstation Omni & E3 rumors

Rubin Farr

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Take this with a grain, but from the sounds of it, Sony and MS are heavily betting on VR being the next big leap in gaming. Some cool predictions here for E3 2013, but how much is speculation is anyone's guess.


I am confused about MS strategy, 2 new Xboxes, one casual and one for more hardcores, but how would you utilize both a headset that blocks your view, and a 2nd screen app at the same time? Plus Kinect is thrown in there as well, I could see the "Wall" graphics being manipulated by hand and body gestures, but it all sounds very disorienting, and how much of this new tech, not to mention the probable astronomical price points will be accepted by a mass market?


Also development costs are expected to almost double on the next gen, meaning all but the largest mega publishers will have to limit the number of games they develop, and we'll see even more cross platform titles as they try to recoup their development costs. This article even questions the consoles' power, is a move from Unreal 3 to 4, and Cry 3 really a next gen leap? Time will tell.



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on the Omni:




The key is the Omniviewer, a thin, lite and slick head mounted autosteroptic display that can track the users head and presents a 360 image view with semi transparent AMOLED screens. This can turn any TV into a 3D TV, as well as add extra augmented reality information outside of the TV screen. One application from an entertainment perspective seeing movies in 2k, 4k or IMAX resolutions as their original size where you have to move your head to look at the full picture being displayed.


sounds wicked

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I think I'm gonna play it safe and wait for the next gen consoles to be out for a while before I purchase whichever one fits me. I have less money than I did when I bought the PS3 on day 1. So some careful planning is needed. Can't wait to see some footage of next gen games. This whole AR/VR thing will hopefully be great. Time will tell.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

I think I'm gonna play it safe and wait for the next gen consoles to be out for a while before I purchase whichever one fits me. I have less money than I did when I bought the PS3 on day 1. So some careful planning is needed. Can't wait to see some footage of next gen games. This whole AR/VR thing will hopefully be great. Time will tell.

same. i usually jump when a new system comes out. but i dont care one bit for VR gaming. its just not my thing. im an oldschool kinda guy, as in just give me a plain controller and ill be happy. though i kinda blame Nintendo for pushing me this way. cause the Wii was a huge disappointment for me. i just ended up using my Gamecube controller for all the games (how few that i bought) i played on it. so i think ill hang tight just to see where each company goes with their systems.

but maybe this new VR thing could be cool and Sony/Microsoft could make some really great games. only time will tell

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*Double of the beginning of last generation. Production values have increased since the X360 was launched.


Sure, to deliver something like the dense cinematic quality of that Unreal Engine 3 tech demo is very expensive. But to go that far in special effects is a choice every developer can make. Tim Sweeney is crazy visuals by default. That's what he's selling. If you look at some of the great looking multi-platform titles on the PC these days, they are coming from the same production pipeline as the consoles and just by increasing resolution, filtering, asset resolutions, using more advanced shaders and tweaking the LOD they already have amazing fidelity.


The next generation of consoles will hopefully match that visual quality and I hope we'll see an increase in framerate. But let's not forget all that hardware power should still be affordable. Most of those "rumors" in the article are completely ludicrous. If you just think a minute about the technical implications of playing 2 different games on 1 console it should be pretty obvious what kind of mind came up with these. The PS3 can't even play an MP3 while playing a game.

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If the next Xbox isn't backwards compatible I'll stay away. So many arcade games and DLC bought, and if I can't carry it over to the new console... well screw them then.


I'm 100% sure it will be. It would be completely idiotic if told you to create a new Xboxlive Account.

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This could also be a new PS3 or Omni controller, as patented by Sony:




That picture must be 3-4 years old. It's a fake Move illustration, that came out before it was announced.

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