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disease processing facility experience


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thx @ all...


today my flatmate came to the facility, to do a TBC test just to be sure, and they immediately / automatically wanted to drag her into the hospital system, keep her here for at least 3 days... lol.. she was able to talk them out of it in the end though.....



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That's great! I had TBC when I was a kid, rough stuff.


how old were you if i may ask, and did you have strong symptoms?

i can feel my chest healing, and the dizziness/malaise/fatigue also seems to lessen already... it doesn't feel like being seriously ill anymore...


also, did you have to take that full program of long term medication as a kid? i've just read up about it, seems kinda tough to stay motivated taking those pills regularly for such a long period of time....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Congrats get well. I started reading this thread and thought it was going to end with you having a horrible life ending ailment and im glad it ended so well.

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thanks, it really does suck. Can only imagine what he's really thinking/feeling. I'm sure we've all run the thought experiment, but there's no way to simulate getting a weight like that dropped on you...


Plus he's a really cool guy and would be IDM and fit in well here, if he was a couple decades younger.

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That's a pretty short amount of time to be given, I can't imagine what it must have been like to be delivered such news. Can't stress how important it is to make sure you are aggressive with health check ups and whatnot even at a young age. I put off getting a check up on a mole that was a little itchy and turned out to be a pretty aggressive melanoma that luckily so far (knock on wood) shows no signs of spread. But was given a 30% chance of it spreading to Sentinel Lymph Node last year to which would have been pretty bad news had it. So my thoughts definitely drifted into those areas before I heard the good news... and the weird thing is that now I can't even relate that well to that kind of state of mind... its really impossible to know how it feels unless you genuinely are faced with death around the corner.

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How old is he and is he a healthy type of person? Sorry, about that man. As I get older every moment with family and friends starts to seem so important. I worry about something like this happening to me or the thought of losing someone to a random occurrence.

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dang compson, that's scary stuff, how old are you? I'm 39 and have a ton of moles, have always wondered about the possibility of cancer and used to get my moles "mapped" once a year or so, but I haven't had insurance for a long time so have let that slide. I should probably just go in and get all of my moles (like, 300 of them) removed as a preventative measure...I think my aunt did...


AdieuErsatzEnnui, he's 65 or so...in good health mostly...sad thing is he has been getting seizures all his life (grand mal) due to exposure to paint fumes at his first job when he was a young man...so he's had to struggle with seizure med side-effects (living in a mental fog), falling down in public, he crashed a few cars before losing his license, etc. So he's a bit of a modern-day Job. Mostly healthy, has a wife and 25 yr old son, but his body/mind has been playing tricks on him his whole life.


don't mean to derail phling's thread btw.


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I'm 23, def get a check up soon. I've had many removed since then as I have lots of weird looking ones, no other bad ones so even if you have many or suspicious ones its 99% of the time nothing, but better be safe than sorry as melanoma is 100% curable if caught before it spreads into blood stream/nodes.

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Oh hey, I didn't notice your post. I was about 11, I was on those pills for about two months I think, but I can't really remember it's so long ago. I had to go in and have my lungs x-rayed about once or twice a year for several years afterwards though.

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