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School Shooting in Connecticut

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of course it is, and i have thought this for a long time by seeing it with my own eyes. A perfectly reasonable group or small movement will spring up around a particular focus like 9/11 or a nuclear power plant, etc. The story has repeated itself ever since 'activist' movements have sprung up all over the country. Someone joins the movement or group, becomes higher up in rank and then out of the blue starts to espouse totally insane bullshit effectively discrediting the entire movement or group to people seeing it from the outside. The US government has already explicitly said in documents (that you can find on the net) that they are spending NSA and Pentagon money on trying to infiltrate conspiracy culture on the internet. We can only speculate to how it's being done but they've admitted it.

what you're talking about specifically is of a different flavor, what i've seen evolve is that the Coast to Coast AM style conspiracy theory culture (people who believe everything from UFOs to hologram weapons to the government secretly chipping you, HAARP, NWO=satanist practitioners) has effectively overshadowed the sort of middle of the road more rational more conspiracy minded political culture (9/11, JFK, Bush family assassinations, CIA drug smuggling, rigged electronic voting machines, the intentional erosion of our civil liberties to control us etc) completely. It could just be a natural evolution of the internet and our increasingly paranoid population but all it would take is just a team of people working to poison the well everyday by announcing any time a major disaster happens that it's an inside job. I could see even just 100 people all trying to do this could cause a significant amount of damage.

check out the thread on Alex Jones, i for one think he is doing more damage to the public exposure of genuine conspiracies than any single person in the US right now.

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I have nothing against 'conspiracy theories' in general, but i do find it really troubling the 'boy who cried wolf' culture that seems to be very prevalent in conspiracy culture these days. It used to be that really absurd events like 9/11 and JFK were seized upon and for totally valid reasons... now every fucking major disaster is espoused as some sort of inside job. It needs to stop, otherwise when a real blatant 'conspiracy' happens people aren't going to want to look into it because of people who've poisoned the well by claiming EVERYTHING is staged.


Perhaps it's less about the culture that's changed and more about you seeing things through different glasses? I'm not trying to be a dick or anything, but the conspiracy-thing is of all ages and i don't see a development taking place where there's more of it now than there used to.

Also, the events in Benghazi might be a good example of why action is still being taken to dismantle governmental conspiracies. At least, as far as the us government can still function these days. But that's a different issue and hasn't got anything to do with a supposed: "there's too many false positives, so that makes it more difficult for a real positive to get noticed"-development. And the extent to which a government deals with dismantling conspiracies is also not new.


I dunno, i can still look at the current events from the perspective that not hing much has changed. But that could be a european thing.

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Not to mention the recent attempted shooting in San Antonio where a man was taken down with 0 fatalites because of an armed guard and the home invasion where a woman defended her two children by shooting a man. I linked them on the last page.

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Not to mention the recent attempted shooting in San Antonio where a man was taken down with 0 fatalites because of an armed guard and the home invasion where a woman defended her two children by shooting a man. I linked them on the last page.


thank the lord for giving us guns then.

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It's definitely not okay though... payday isn't till the end of the month and I got no more bullets. Stocked up with food and set up some tagets in my backyard. But see I lost most of my bullets, thought I left em in the shed. Damn kids...


edit: Was getting really sharp too, good accuracey. But before I knew it I had used them all up. Bullets aren't expensive but I been stocking up food, beer, going down to the strip clubs... shoot I can't even drive a block down the road now. All out of gas.

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I have nothing against 'conspiracy theories' in general, but i do find it really troubling the 'boy who cried wolf' culture that seems to be very prevalent in conspiracy culture these days. It used to be that really absurd events like 9/11 and JFK were seized upon and for totally valid reasons... now every fucking major disaster is espoused as some sort of inside job. It needs to stop, otherwise when a real blatant 'conspiracy' happens people aren't going to want to look into it because of people who've poisoned the well by claiming EVERYTHING is staged.

Perhaps it's less about the culture that's changed and more about you seeing things through different glasses?


possibly the case, but i do think some of the more kooky 'boy who cried wolf' type of conspiracies have risen in volume significantly over the last 4-5 years. It's hard to run into a fellow 9/11 truther these days who doesn't also believe in HAARP or chem trails, before it was a lot easier to just find a normal person who questioned 9/11.

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just biking in to say i deleted a bunch of idiots i was friends with on facebook just because they post ridiculous gun things.


i can't believe how far people are willing to go to avoid legitimate conversation on how to proceed regarding guns in america.



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man it's really infuriating to watch such flimsy non existent evidence of something being 'staged' spread like wild fire on the internet.



er...yeah... why is he laughing exactly?



When bad shit happens around me I still crack jokes/smile/laugh.


just biking in to say i deleted a bunch of idiots i was friends with on facebook just because they post ridiculous gun things.


i can't believe how far people are willing to go to avoid legitimate conversation on how to proceed regarding guns in america.





Can you really blame them for not trusting our government? Can you REALLY? If anything distrusting our government should be the one thing that everyone can agree on.

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man it's really infuriating to watch such flimsy non existent evidence of something being 'staged' spread like wild fire on the internet.



er...yeah... why is he laughing exactly?


Cause he was in shock and jacked full of adrenaline.



He probably didn't feel a normal emotional reaction until 4 or 5 days later.

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