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Broke for Christmas


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My wife got a parking ticket and I was thinking about paying it for her as a Christmas present.

I figure that is a big expense for either of us this year, so it might be nice... or is that just a total dick thing to do?


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Gifts are not always about buying stuff, you can make her something nice.


If your partent understands the financial situation she'll not expect an expensive gift, dont worry about it too much.

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pay for the ticket, and buy her something sexy. she's your wife, she's worth it, and yes, it will last longer, way more rewarding.


i bought my girl some lace and stuff like that. i'm also slowly buying her every Tom Waits LP/studio album, in order, starting from the first one. right now, i am on "Foreign Affairs'.


i'm not doing many gifts this year. i'm giving a few framed prints of various works, but my lady is the only one i'm actually buying for. she's worth it. :)

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I was completely broke one year so I wrote everyone in my immediate family a track and compiled it into an EP.



If you're interested, you can hear it here: http://williamsbraintree.bandcamp.com/album/a-very-abbrev-xmas


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