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Fuck Addictive Drums (demo)


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I definitely dig it, but I think it will require some work to be full-on bitchin'.


The tune has the potential to kick ass, but right now the drum track sounds (timbre-wise) like every other Additive/Slate/BFD track I've ever heard. I would filter them a bit and do some panning with the snares so the different kits/parts can be differentiated. Maybe LPF the hi-hat so there isn't so much 'air.'


And I can't tell if it's just Soundcloud but compression (or limiting) has choked some of the life out of the track. The snare sounds a bit congested, and probably closer to St. Anger than "When the Levee Breaks."



I think my problem with Additive and Slate and Superior Drummer and BFD is by default they sound like

. It takes a bit of work to get them to sound like
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  • 2 weeks later...

i dont know how to describe it but the synth line was just choking to drop its deepest note by one semitone to create a complex major chord. basically try dropping the lowest note of the synth line by a semitone after 32 or 64 bars or whatever.

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  • 2 weeks later...



nothing new added as far as notes and stuff, but I'm trying out the EQ I made/modded again. The most work went into the drums though tbh. Also compression/saturation. Maybe the queasy/chewed up synth is a little too loud


also the breaks are sourced from an mp3 so it might be obvious or not

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pretty cool track, definately reminded me on clarks work, too
the drums are sick
the only negtaive point i can mention is that it's somehow all of the time at the same 'level' or however, maybe some turning point would be quite nice but that's going to be hard work too ^^

anyway, i like it :)

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