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Some lady's husband comes out as transgender while she's pregnant.


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"I'm already feeling awkward if I should say her or him."


Just ask - "How would you prefer to be referred to?" Simple. Your friend will appreciate it - it's a damn sight more consideration than they'll get from most people.

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"Transsexual" is sort of a term on it's way out, reserved more for the Jerry Springer stage. "Transgender" it the term that's been taking it's place, even though it can mean all of these things. I guess in reality everybody's knowledge about defining these things is different so there is no solid unchanging definition. But yeah a transsexual is transgender but a transgender person is not necessarily transsexual but can be if they have SRS (sexual reassignment surgery) or intend to.


disparaissent, i think a lot of what you're saying about the meaning of sex being defined by gender is informative but possibly unnecessarily academic at least in terms of this thread and people that are just learning about it. I mean simply put this is basically true:


in other words,



sex=biological/scientific term

gender= societal term


There are probably exceptions, but this is a good base. And then there's this.



fuck man, you disparaissant nailed it - I'm really learning a lot from this thread


much appreciated


"I'm already feeling awkward if I should say her or him."


Just ask - "How would you prefer to be referred to?" Simple. Your friend will appreciate it - it's a damn sight more consideration than they'll get from most people.


^good advice

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both the xx-wife and xy-wife seem like crazy bitches imo. they deserve each other. real talk.


i only feel bad for the kid.

Oh great, and I'm sure they're going to say that they'll will raise their kid with complete gender ambiguity, but in reality they'll subconsciously push them to be the opposite sex they were born with. Kid's going to have some fucking issues.


Not that they will, but I see it happen and it's a good idea that doesn't work off the whiteboard. How about you just don't push them either way? Introducing them to this whole complicated world of genderqueer and transsexual bullshit will fuck them up if they aren't old enough to understand it. Just let them grow up for fuck's sake, and if they start exhibiting these signs, then slowly introduce them to it, if anything.

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Meh, it's none of our business really. It's interesting that the wife shared the story, but her tone doesn't really suggest anger, just a reflective and interesting experience, and they're clearly still in love. I say let them be and if this sort of thing really angers up your blood, maybe stop reading voyeuristic journalism like this.

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both the xx-wife and xy-wife seem like crazy bitches imo. they deserve each other. real talk.


i only feel bad for the kid.

Oh great, and I'm sure they're going to say that they'll will raise their kid with complete gender ambiguity, but in reality they'll subconsciously push them to be the opposite sex they were born with. Kid's going to have some fucking issues.


Not that they will, but I see it happen and it's a good idea that doesn't work off the whiteboard. How about you just don't push them either way? Introducing them to this whole complicated world of genderqueer and transsexual bullshit will fuck them up if they aren't old enough to understand it. Just let them grow up for fuck's sake, and if they start exhibiting these signs, then slowly introduce them to it, if anything.

If you want to get angry at parents, why don't you save your energy and get angry at parents that, for example:

- Beat their kids

- Molest their kids

- Leave lethal weapons accessible to kids

- Are regularly (usually?) intoxicated in front of their kids



I'm not saying that greater evil excuses lesser evils, but you're not making much of a case for this being an evil at all.

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Guest Lucy Faringold

Oh great, and I'm sure they're going to say that they'll will raise their kid with complete gender ambiguity, but in reality they'll subconsciously push them to be the opposite sex they were born with. Kid's going to have some fucking issues.


hopefully less issues than you obviously have!

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