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Band promotion stuff

Guest angelaC

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Guest angelaC

Who can advise some site where newly created band can promote its music? I’d like to make my band more popular. Somebody gave me a link on artistecard on my facebook page. Does anybody know these services? Maybe someone knows other sites, something affordable?

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1) Make amazing music


2) casually expose people to it in





There is nothing more annoying than bands that spend all their time spamming. Shitty bands too. If they spent all that time networking on their lyrics and their performance and their arrangements instead they'd be the greatest band in the universe.



Anyway, sorry I just had to blurt this out. My point is, don't overestimate exposure. If you wanna be a mediocre Brooklyn-ish Pitchfork-y band then by all means, or a band like Pompalamoose who spammed their way to cheap stardom. but if your music is amazing and original then it will do alot of the work for you.



/annoyed rant

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Guest Ron Manager

it's true. i hate being band-spammed. like on last.fm, when people post or message you and say 'hey! i see you listen to X! why not check out my band, Y? we sound exactly fucking the same as X!' none of these bands has ever been decent.

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Guest Lucy Faringold

I see that artistecard utilises 'powerful Facebook-integrated geo-targeting functionality,' so I think any advice WATMM can offer would be superfluous at this point.


We can probably knock you up an amusing album cover in MS paint if that would help?


But yeah, Limpy is basically right. Make sure you're Absolutely Shit-Fucking-Hot before you decide to geo-target the tits off the general populace.

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They've got 12 hours and counting before they're fired into Cyberspace.


Is there anyway to setup a 24-esque countdown clock in this thread?


...and then when it reaches zero AngelaC's avatar explodes in comical fashion...

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I'd like to fill her inbox with spam....




































(I'm just kidding I'm in a committed relationship)





















(and I totally wouldn't say that if I thought she was an actual person)

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