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John McAfee explains how to uninstall McAfee antivirus


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mcafee (the anti virus company, not the gangster anti hero) sent me a letter last week telling me to hurry because i needed to pay them some money for my subscription. This is a subscription for the two prior years, i have rung their helpline to complain that i didn't want their suite and yet they still billed me for the fucking thing. I suppose i should have told the bank to block them to not allow payment, but whatever i'm kinda of more lazy and just let things go, than a pussy. Anyway, this year they weren't able just to bilk me out of the 60 bucks or whatever it is, because i have a new credit card. So they send me this letter. Thank heavens they heven't got my phone number, i can only imagine the harassment that that would unleash.


they are criminal scum and have no shame, and you can bet that they'd be on a list of companies feeding the NSA.

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