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Guest No Pomo

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can a mod edit my post and make it say nothing please, im sorry i shouldnt have said anything. i did follow you though, if youre into that kind of thing

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Guest No Pomo

jesus joyrex who even judges a track on "how much time was spent on it" , and I'll have you know you're completely wrong.

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Guest No Pomo

In the focus of my praxis I start with the audience, the viewers reception is the most important factor in determining the larger cultural meaning of your work. It's important to me that I reach an audience with an intent that will be inferred by the viewer. Post-war art was the birth of modern abstraction, which was a fear of depiction and a fear of telling the viewer what to think or do. It was a nihilism birthed out of the sombre aftermath of fascism and it's use of language and the image. Slowly the art-world reconciled and slowly began to recuperate the use of narrative and realistic images but it was never the same. Fractured and dialectic works continue to be the most useful in making work that both states something without enforcing a violent intention to the viewer. This importance of the nihilistic conversation is the birth point of my aesthetics. George Bataille's theory of an "Icarian" I'll call telos, a realization that the more you learn and the more you can do, the more you burn yourself with this knowledge and render yourself useless unto the public who can not seize this information. This concept of too much thought being the same as too many cooks plays an important role in how I navigate the world of cultural production.

More and more I try to compress ballistic information into digestible radical pills. Compressing information creates a loss of nuance though I work towards developing my own codecs that allow for free roaming radicality. I reach for a Nick Landian acceleration which attempts to unhealthily collaborate with the exponentiational communication mega-system of advanced-capitalism to an anti-bodily stasis forcing a utopian conclusion, remapping the hyper-information dromosphere that dominates cultural influence. (Cyber-punk mytho-political jabberwocky) The utopian vision is always a tongue-in-cheek metaphor for religious subversion that functions to communicate information to the mostly christian minded western hemisphere. (All disaster films, dystopias, etc. are serviettes to the notion of rapture.) It is important to not be complicit to this absolving system to the viewer, but to take what's familiar and present a non-rapturous projection of our world. The average dark narrative or image is not dark at all, if any thing it is designed to make the viewer exempt from the issues of our world. I'd rather make a step to making the media consumer feeling complicit to a destructive system and potentially bring them a step closer to a stasis of an (post-marxist?, non-violent?) actualization.

In this case I use my experimentally ongoing development of an aesthetic praxis towards the cultural memeitc rhythm device that is Jersey Club.

fun. reminds me of pokemans. did you torrent vocaloid?

We do not discuss such things.

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Guest No Pomo

But I mean, basically it's designed to really fuck you up on the dance floor in the second half of a mix.

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jesus joyrex who even judges a track on "how much time was spent on it" , and I'll have you know you're completely wrong.

Sorry, but I found it uninspired, annoying, and repetitive. I think you trying to be "clever" in using characters in the title tainted my expectations for the track.


And I wasn't judging the track on how long you took - more to the point, I think you spent more effort on the "clever" naming than the track itself, based on my opinion above.

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Guest ffightus

interesting... I think you should focus less on the vocal loops as, in my opinion, they get a bit exhausting to listing too and repeat without adding to the track over all. Perhaps focus more on the synth melody that comes in around 1:05. When the vocal loop drops out and it is a relief. In regard to the vocals, maybe if you cut them up a bit and used them more rhythmically in the tune they would gel better. IMO

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Not bad. I found it a little repetitive by the end. I think it would have worked a bit better if it broke into some amen fuckery around 1:45 (keeping the vocal loops and bass there though)...

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Guest No Pomo

I just tried listening to this on laptop speakers and could literally not hear the bass at all and this track is useless without the floor killing bass.

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