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Nightmares that stuck with you


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Guest Pennywise

I had a weird period where I would dream about scream a lot. I kept imagining him standing in the hallway looking at me when I was in bed. Scream was a scary mother fucker to my younger self



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This one wasn't a nightmare, and I know I've posted it before, but the dream was so plot-oriented that I wish I could write the story instead of give a detailed summary:


A woman and a man tried to have a child. The woman finally gave birth to a girl, but was furious she didn't have a boy. She demanded the husband kill the baby girl and cut the body into pieces only large enough to choke the crows they would feed the pieces to, so he did, and a murder of crows died. Another couple that lived in the same village had a baby boy not long after, and the jealous and evil wife set fire to their home, killing the unsuspecting couple and rescuing the baby from the blaze, but not soon enough, and the baby was badly burned. The woman raised the boy as her own until his teenage years, and the townspeople discovered what she had done so many years before to the innocent couple. The town held a Death parade, and the children were clothed in Sunday garb smothered in ashes, and walked through the main road wearing horse's heads with human faces strapped over the horse mouths. The town collectively killed the woman for her wicked acts, and her husband killed himself out of guilt.


The boy, now nearly a man, never left the house, his face was contorted with scars, and he was ashamed. He had one friend, an artist, who would go buy food and necessities, and tell stories of the goings-on in the town. One day the artist noticed a wax dripping from the side of the house that the evil woman had left behind for her son, and he took some, dipped his brush in it, wrote a single word, and it happened.




I don't remember a lot of other details, like what the word the artist wrote was, or how he came to the conclusion that he could only write one word at a time, but the imagery of the children has really stuck with me.

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I keep getting a dream that I'm at a circus and a clown kills my dad...










































...it's probably down to that time when I was a kid and went to the circus...

































































...and a clown killed my dad.

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the only thing close to a nightmare i get now is a repeating dream that i'm failing grade 12.


i get that all the time!


! i had one last night, i had to write an essay but i couldn't concentrate nor put sentences together...

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My nightmares aren't usually visually horrifying, but they leave me feeling full of dread during them and for a short time after waking.


When I was really young I had a recurring dream about holding a balloon and letting go and just watching it fly away. Watching balloons fly away is something that for some unknown reason makes me feel uneasy, even in real life.


Had a nightmare once where I was being kidnapped. The guy grabbed my hand and started to twist it. In the nightmare my hand snapped off. I woke up and I had been sleeping on that hand and cut off the circulation. Felt odd about that one for most of the day.


A couple of occasions I was in a building which was being attacked by some armed people. I would pretend in the dream to be dead and just lay there hoping they wouldn't see I was alive.


Lately, It's been Tsunami dreams. Dreams where I'm stood in a glass house, near the ocean, looking at a massive wall of water approaching me. Before this I am viewing the ocean from the air and seeing massve waves spreading in all directions.


I do love to dream. The environments my mind creates are so realistic. I'm probably mental though :emotawesomepm9:

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  • 4 weeks later...

I had one where I dream that I've just climbed out of the canal boat onto a flat mud layer which then sections off and drifts away from the boat so that my family can't reach me, I'm crying and reaching and then when it's far enough away from the boat it slowly starts to submerge and I am going to drown.


Another one was having my quilt stolen by an evil mannequin with no expression.


Not a nightmare but as a kid I has a recurring dream that I floated down the stairs and into the lounge - I had that one dozens of times and for a long time really believed I could float in the air at night.

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worst one i ever had was a little over 10yrs ago after my great-grandfather died. he lived in this little house not much more than a shack but i was out there a lot as a kid seeing all my cousins. anyway, his daughter (my grandma) was a little into stuff like tarot cards and things like that. not a whole lot but some.


so there i was, being guided by my grandmother, across the road from his house into the house across the street, which belongs to my great uncle. i think she had my hand like actually guiding me. so we go up the porch steps and inside, and everything was accurate. she sits on the couch and i stand against the opposite wall and between us, sitting in a perpendicularly oriented recliner but leaning forward, is my great grandad.


he leans forward, and grabs a handful of something from somewhere, and tosses it into this little like, i think thered be some kind of word for this thing but i dont know what it is. it had a small fire under it and then like a metal bowl on top of some legs, over the fire. i think its for doing voodoo hexes. or maybe cooking chicken on. anyway this powder hits this thing and a big bright flash and poof of smoke and appropriate sound happens. then he looks at me with 100% blacked out eyes and starts kind of yelling at me with this hideously devilish effect on his voice and the scariest of all time look on his face. i never saw him pissed in real life but he was pissed about something to do with me.


i don't know what he said but it sounded scarey as fuck. so my grams is just sitting there watching him chew me out. i woke up in a cold sweat and was scared shitless to go back to sleep and didn't, and it was sometime in the middle of the night. i was suspicious of my granny after that... i swear i don't believe in spooks, specters, or ghosts, but that totally unnerved me. i don't know how my brain concocted that setup. only thing i can think of is that i must have got the firepan thing and flash powder out of some voodoo movie but i don't recall anything specific. i felt like it also might have had something to do with my subconsciousness being pissed at myself for some shitty decisions i made and some shitty things i had done. or my dead gramps coming back from hell to warn me. something.


edit- oh and i think he threw that stuff in the fire a couple, 2, 3 times while yelling at me. it was fucked

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when i was 6: i was on a collapsing pier. i fell through a hole and whilst i hanging there all my family turned up and were stomping on my fingers, trying to make me fall in to the sea


when i was a teenager: i was drifting off, staring at the shadows cast on the ceiling by the trees behind the streetlight over the road. the shadows morphed in to people dancing around a bonfire, their chanting slowly morphed in to a very loud ringing sound. then i had sleep paralysis and started sinking in to my bed. when i tried to relax, i floated towards the ceiling.


more recent: after fucking a girl i know,in the middle of a street, my dad showed up and revealed that he produced and stared in very violent porn (in reality he was a photographer). it was similar to A Serbian Film but i hadn't seen that (no, i didn't end up with a bloody arse or anything close).

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hah the one with the fam stomping on your fingers is fucked


i had one when i was maybe around 6, at the beach by the ocean, there was a shark sitting on some crates by a shed. i went up and petted it on the head and it bit off my hand. then my other. finally im standing there hoping on one foot with a bloody stump where the other was. only dream i remember before the age of ~16

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