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little track


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quite cool, but somehow this lacks of beat variation i think, i'd love to hear some more progression regarding the beat, maybe to let arise some kind of peak, because in my opinion this lacks a little bit of some kind of tensioncurve, all the synths etc. are cool and give it lots of variation but for me this hasn't got enough development somehow
anyway, cool track and nice AFX style


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really enjoying both of these. you're definitely nailing the analord sound. i actually think the first one has plenty of variation. it's easy just to build up a bunch of different patterns and cycle through them- the hard part is connecting everything so that the composition sounds like a little story and not just pieces. i suppose that's not part of everyone's plan but that's how i like it. if there was any room for improvement i'd say it's in the leads. a hook with some variation can be killer.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest ebbandflourish

These are some nice acid grooves. I personally feel that they could benefit from some FX sweeps on the drums or maybe even the master track here and there ;).

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You.d Know

Yeah ooh those kinda detuned pad/lead things give me shivers, proper afx

That awesome sample and hold kinda thing seems to take over the acid a little, I think with maybe a little EQ/Stereo work you could get them sitting really nicely side by side, or maybe even switch them so one plays and then the other.

Either way, solid acid track, dug that


hahaha yeah 909

Haha that other sound is so harsh, love it

Again, something about the notes that you use is so afx, that's awesome

Some really nice sounds going on again here

I was going to say that I think this could benefit from a nice hook or something, but I dunno, I'm not sure it would, really.

Sounds inhuman and I think that probably suits it


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