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Kim Dot Com


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are you saying you knew him personally or is that a quote from somewhere?


i don't know if you'd call knowing someone online knowing them personally.


No worries, inconsequential. I was just curious.


I'm not sure what side to take on this whole issue. I believe that our personal liberty and privacy is extremely important. But this guy basically provided a free service that allowed millions of people to steal or pirate or whatever you want to call it, and he got rich off it. That seems pretty sleazy.


And the defense that he didn't know that megaupload users were doing this is moot. As the provider of a service, even an online service, the company and it's administrators have a legal obligation to mitigate, in the sense that they had to ensure it was not being used for illegal activities.

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They killed magaupload because he had gotten the jump on the cloud server business before the big entrenched players had, kinda like they did with online gambling half a decade earlier. As for legal obligations, what about google, or countless other sites that haven't been attacked in this way, that have carried or linked to and generally enabled 'illegal' activity via the web. He's likely been targeted because he wouldn't play ball. Our power elites are continually making money through criminal enterprise, the gate keepers either look the other way or unleash their power in the form of punitive fines for non-admission of guilt. So i posit that it's naive to reason that this would be why he was targeted, it has amongst other things, more to do with judicial overreach fuelled by jealous actors at the top.

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You're probably right.


But google has basically been mandated to start removing links to illegal information.


Don't you get 100000000 of those "digital millenium act" piracy bs results when you search for something?


I do.

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heh, you're quick off the old post button.


I like the mega encrypted email idea and when i've listened to him in interviews he seems ok. I also don't like how the US leant on gabon to pull his me.ga domain when he was trying to set up his new business, kinda illustrates what these people are like, as does how they held all the legit data people had stored on the megaupload servers until they were deleted. True pricks.

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They killed magaupload because he had gotten the jump on the cloud server business before the big entrenched players had, kinda like they did with online gambling half a decade earlier. As for legal obligations, what about google, or countless other sites that haven't been attacked in this way, that have carried or linked to and generally enabled 'illegal' activity via the web. He's likely been targeted because he wouldn't play ball. Our power elites are continually making money through criminal enterprise, the gate keepers either look the other way or unleash their power in the form of punitive fines for non-admission of guilt. So i posit that it's naive to reason that this would be why he was targeted, it has amongst other things, more to do with judicial overreach fuelled by jealous actors at the top.

agree 100%.

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Never really did any research into the whole Kim Dotcom/MEGA case as it unfolded, I was aware of the service and the legal implications and all the rest but never knew how much of an intelligent person he is. Mucho repecto to him, although I could live without his bangin' choooons.

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