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another social network debate thread


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I saw this a long time ago, but it came up on my head while reading this thread yesterday.


discuss the whole thing, I'm interested in reading some more of watmm's opinion on the matter.


(video is cheezy as all fuck, but it still makes a point I feel)

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i've always been kind of a detached individual, so it's hard for me to blame it on networks or any online community really.


i was able to keep up the appearance of being sociable by going to parties and drinking alcohol and doing drugs 'n shit, but i actually shun people outside of work/study or whatever. ever since i stopped getting high and drunk i've been living like a hermit outside of my obligations.

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I'm at the moment a very lonely person too, but in my case is completely my fault. I kept people away, kept myself for myself, and now after the years nobody wants to make an effort socializing with me, or I with them rather.


back to the social network thing: I find it scary, and try to not use it and ignore it, I do watmm tho, so iunno.

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oh right the topic. i always do this.


when i had social networks it kinda gave me the idea that i fulfilled my social obligations by interacting with people on the internet. when i was pretty heavy into that shit i commented on a lot of shit, did some likings and generally felt like i was connecting with other people (which i was, in a way, but it was never really real).


i'm tired as a dog so i wonder what this thread will spark

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It annoys me when people don't pay attention to their environment in general, but especially so when someone's staring into their phone. I've seen too many parents walking down the street with their eyes on a screen instead of on their children.

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I saw this a long time ago, but it came up on my head while reading this thread yesterday.


discuss the whole thing, I'm interested in reading some more of watmm's opinion on the matter.


(video is cheezy as all fuck, but it still makes a point I feel)

Sorry I just had to comment on the idea that this came out a long time ago. This was published on September 29, 2014. Less than half a year ago.

Is that really a long time ago? And is that a product of this social media?

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I saw this a long time ago, but it came up on my head while reading this thread yesterday.


discuss the whole thing, I'm interested in reading some more of watmm's opinion on the matter.


(video is cheezy as all fuck, but it still makes a point I feel)

Sorry I just had to comment on the idea that this came out a long time ago. This was published on September 29, 2014. Less than half a year ago.

Is that really a long time ago? And is that a product of this social media?

It came out in Facebook sometime during last summer I believe, before it was uploaded to YouTube.


edit: or maybe it didn't, feels like a while ago to me either way, maybe that's because I'm rather young.

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The ironic part about auto-correct is that it has a tendency to render words incorrect.

Also smartphones are safest to use while stationary. And we should paint smiley faces on our screens.

I say stupid shit right before my bedtime, apologies


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The ironic part about auto-correct is that it has a tendency to render words incorrect.


Also smartphones are safest to use while stationary. And we should paint smiley faces on our screens.



I say stupid shit right before my bedtime, apologies


this thread needs more insightful sleepy posts

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It sucks.

I used to be really anti-smartphone and I'd wish I was still that way, because I gave in on it and that got me dependent on it. Still I'm very good at forgetting the thing when going out to gigs or hanging out or whatever, only to watch others act like phone-zombies :) it's incredible how much a person can look at a screen for hours at a time and hardly interact with their environment, and I'll happily tell them they do so.

Last year I went to see Theo Parrish doing a 4 hour DJ set again, and at the end he (drunkenly) ranted about this development about people using phones during gigs. Has to be noted that I didn't saw a SINGLE phone the entire night (which is normal at those type of DJ nights). Anyway, he dared anyone to just turn their phone off for an entire week. Just any random week. I'm still waiting for a moment when I'll accept the challenge...


Not much later I went to see Black Sabbath, where I saw nothing but phone screens in the air blocking my entire view. I try to not get bothered by it but it still happens.

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I went over a week no laptop or phone recently, feels good man.


Lost my last smartphone 9 months ago and it takes a while to remember how to live without one but I definitely feel more accomplished when I manage to, like, totally live life and stuff without the internet in my pocket. No-one really calls or texts anymore so the dumbphone is just for emergencies. Like.

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