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Canadian election 2015

Tricone RC

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I can't stand Trudeau, but am relieved that Harper's no longer in office.

It's not over yet. Half the polls in ontario aren't even counted, and BC is historically conservative.


Are you joking? BC's been NDP/Liberal since '91, and this year Green's not too far behind NDP. We're probably the least conservative province in the country. I don't even think I saw a Conservative sign post this year.

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I can't stand Trudeau, but am relieved that Harper's no longer in office.

It's not over yet. Half the polls in ontario aren't even counted, and BC is historically conservative.


Are you joking? BC's been NDP/Liberal since '91, and this year Green's not too far behind NDP. We're probably the least conservative province in the country. I don't even think I saw a Conservative sign post this year.


Sorry, are you saying I'm reading the 2011 federal election map with its big blue colors wrong? All that blue in the ridings with the most seats such as vancouver?


They won 21 seats compared to the liberals 2, in BC. Are you joking?


2008 federal election conservatives had 21 seats to liberals 5.


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What probably swung the vote was a ton of people around my age voting for the liberal party based on their stance on legalizing marijuana alone, instead of looking at all the facts.


And the conservatives fucked themselves over by taking a hardline "no" stance on legalization + regulation. If they were smart they would have changed their stance on that. I bet when the statistics come you you'll see a ton more younger voters compared to previous elections.

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I can't stand Trudeau, but am relieved that Harper's no longer in office.

It's not over yet. Half the polls in ontario aren't even counted, and BC is historically conservative.


Are you joking? BC's been NDP/Liberal since '91, and this year Green's not too far behind NDP. We're probably the least conservative province in the country. I don't even think I saw a Conservative sign post this year.


Sorry, are you saying I'm reading the 2011 federal election map with its big blue colors wrong? All that blue in the ridings with the most seats such as vancouver?


They won 21 seats compared to the liberals 2, in BC. Are you joking?


2008 federal election conservatives had 21 seats to liberals 5.


Aw shiiiit, I was getting federal mixed up with general elections... my bad. :facepalm: This is why I stay out of political discussions. I was talking about this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_British_Columbia_general_elections

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I can't stand Trudeau, but am relieved that Harper's no longer in office.

It's not over yet. Half the polls in ontario aren't even counted, and BC is historically conservative.


Are you joking? BC's been NDP/Liberal since '91, and this year Green's not too far behind NDP. We're probably the least conservative province in the country. I don't even think I saw a Conservative sign post this year.


Sorry, are you saying I'm reading the 2011 federal election map with its big blue colors wrong? All that blue in the ridings with the most seats such as vancouver?


They won 21 seats compared to the liberals 2, in BC. Are you joking?


2008 federal election conservatives had 21 seats to liberals 5.


Aw shiiiit, I was getting federal mixed up with general elections... my bad. :facepalm: This is why I stay out of political discussions. I was talking about this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_British_Columbia_general_elections


I figured.


Can we be friends? I feel like I was a bit dickish there, I'm sorry... :emb:

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I'm not totally against the liberal platform, other than their ridiculous spending policies which are absolutely ludicrous... but the leadership is just not there in Justin Dumdreau.


Time will tell all, I'm sure.


My favorite is when he said, in the public eye, that "the budget will balance itself". How... wtf?

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lol lets refer back to this thread in a year when our taxes are up to pay for their ridiculous spending promises, or Russia is bombing us due to our premier "telling him (putin) off to his face".


Or when the federal budget balances itself.

I'm glad so many people voted though, it's refreshing to see Canada mobilized.

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lol you live in BC it's already legal there

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Justin Dumdreau. Such original. Much smart.


Seriously, when did name calling become a part of the political discourse?


Political leadership is not just about the economy, although obviously that is important. The Harper govt was fundamentally changing what makes Canada such a wonderful place to live by creating policies that would exacerbate fear and divisiveness.

The proposed "hotline for reporting barbaric practices" was just the latest of many examples of policies very reminiscent to fascist states, where neighbours were encouraged to report on one another.


On the economy, the Harper govt did not exactly cover themselves in glory. When your economic policy is based on the price of one "scarce" resource remaining historically inflated, then people should be worried.

Canada's economic growth is essentially stagnant, and to counter that sim government spending is necessary.

Corporate taxes need to be raised to fall somewhere closer to the levels in the US (average corporate tax level in Canada is about 12% (on my phone so can't check that number right now) lower than in the US), and subsidies to non-efficient performers need to be ended. The liberals will probably do the former, but not the latter.


Someone asked about the TPP- essentially the liberals will ratify, but with amendments being a provision.

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Yee haw, deficit here we come! But at least people I know and love aren't going to have their civil liberties eroded. And we might get a slight improvement to enviro stuff.



Political leadership is not just about the economy, although obviously that is important. The Harper govt was fundamentally changing what makes Canada such a wonderful place to live by creating policies that would exacerbate fear and divisiveness.
The proposed "hotline for reporting barbaric practices" was just the latest of many examples of policies very reminiscent to fascist states, where neighbours were encouraged to report on one another.

On the economy, the Harper govt did not exactly cover themselves in glory. When your economic policy is based on the price of one "scarce" resource remaining historically inflated, then people should be worried.

These x1000


There's no way in hell they came up with those niqab and hotline policies without realising that they were going to attract votes from the kind of people who post shit like this and this on facebook (one of them says UK which is lol). Ergo they did it willingly. That Hotline thing is straight outta Moscow. I will forever despise Harper for that shit. And from where I was standing, this was one of the biggest deciding factors in people's voting habits. Not the economy or weed


Being so gung-ho on oil was obviously going to hurt eventually. But IMO their economic record was still fairly good, they brought in a lot of tax incentives for small business and did (just-about) balance the budget, which I do genuinely respect them for. That's partly why I voted NDP - their economic platform was actually quite similar in all the main areas


Did not expect a Lib majority tho. My money's on the Tories getting back in after one Trudeau term, but it won't be with Harper so I'll probably be happy



Must be off, I have to sit in a truck for 10 hours with two die-hard conservatives, wish me luck lawl

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Justin Dumdreau. Such original. Much smart.


Seriously, when did name calling become a part of the political discourse?



I'm on an internet music forum having a non-serious discussion about politics. Not exactly required to treat this like a serious discussion.



On the economy, the Harper govt did not exactly cover themselves in glory.

Wait, what? Are you saying he didn't carefully manage spending during this completely shit global recession to have, by the numbers, the most success out of the major industrialized countries in the world in terms of layoffs, etc?


Like I said, revisit this thread in a year and we can go over that 125B infrastructure plan he's got that every one of us will be financing directly out of our pockets.


I've been very clear that I don't exactly like Harper or the conservatives, but having a school teacher (really, so talented he was never even promoted out of that? 40 years old and still a school teacher? You'd think a leader would maybe be promoted to a leadership role like principal, or be on the board of education or something?) with 2 years experience as an MP leading one of the richest and best countries in the world simply doesn't make any sense. Fiscal policy etc aside, he simply doesn't have what it takes to be a leader. How can you back someone that says oh "the budget will just balance itself". How does that not concern you? lol


Conservatives were the least shitty of the choices at least for another 4 years.


Edit: everyone's concerns seem to be "feelings" this time around. Maybe that's why I'm not "getting it" because mine are subdued from years of substance abuse, who knows.

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Yee haw, deficit here we come! But at least people I know and love aren't going to have their civil liberties eroded. And we might get a slight improvement to enviro stuff.



Political leadership is not just about the economy, although obviously that is important. The Harper govt was fundamentally changing what makes Canada such a wonderful place to live by creating policies that would exacerbate fear and divisiveness.

The proposed "hotline for reporting barbaric practices" was just the latest of many examples of policies very reminiscent to fascist states, where neighbours were encouraged to report on one another.


On the economy, the Harper govt did not exactly cover themselves in glory. When your economic policy is based on the price of one "scarce" resource remaining historically inflated, then people should be worried.

Not the economy or weed



If we ever get the stats on the number of young voters that came out this year compared to previous, you'll see that this is true, I'm confident. Not everyone was emotionally invested in the Niqab business.


Actually, most of the people I hear when asked who they voted for, they said "not harper". When asked why, they respond "because it's not harper". So there's that.


Really educated way to vote.

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I've been very clear that I don't exactly like Harper or the conservatives, but having a school teacher (really, so talented he was never even promoted out of that? 40 years old and still a school teacher? You'd think a leader would maybe be promoted to a leadership role like principal, or be on the board of education or something?) with 2 years experience as an MP leading one of the richest and best countries in the world simply doesn't make any sense.

Being a school teacher is a noble and a very caring profession.

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I've been very clear that I don't exactly like Harper or the conservatives, but having a school teacher (really, so talented he was never even promoted out of that? 40 years old and still a school teacher? You'd think a leader would maybe be promoted to a leadership role like principal, or be on the board of education or something?) with 2 years experience as an MP leading one of the richest and best countries in the world simply doesn't make any sense.

Being a school teacher is a noble and a very caring profession.


Yes, I agree. What are you getting at? I'm not attempting to minimize the importance of teaching?

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Can you go into more detail on this?

The Harper govt was fundamentally changing what makes Canada such a wonderful place to live by creating policies that would exacerbate fear and divisiveness.

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The Harper govt was fundamentally changing what makes Canada such a wonderful place to live by creating policies that would exacerbate fear and divisiveness.

The proposed "hotline for reporting barbaric practices" was just the latest of many examples of policies very reminiscent to fascist states, where neighbours were encouraged to report on one another.




I wasn't subject to any of this and know nothing about it. Can you fill me in or give me the gist of it?


I read into some stuff and he was being a real douche. I stand corrected (at least on the social aspects of the conservatives approach). Some of the fear mongering is ridiculous.

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