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Knob Twiddlers
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About schlucharski

  • Birthday 06/13/1978

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  1. umm like this release. i like the smell of it. wonder how he picks one track over another. there is some uncoziness to it, that melts into an addictive layer of hypnotising afx jizz.
  2. couple of weeks ago i found some afx like book picture in google cache, very unsure thou...
  3. how me order the japanese cd me asks ?
  4. dudes, recently I stumbled into a hipster store, and they were playing an 80ies like synth song (kinda com truise) with a deep vocoded voice, do you have an idea what song that might be ?
  5. 28 & +1 for every year I live (eh suffer)
  6. I love this one, I loved the past ones, I loved his myspace tracks and his youtube tracks, I touched myself multiple times, thanks jodey
  7. they have a new album out ? explains why the hipster idiots run around with sonic youth t-shirts here. pff posers
  8. I reprogrammed my sat receiver, so all that private owned garbage channels are all on the end of the list. wait this isnt a problem, this WAS a problem muahaha
  9. wow hardly a week away, cylob sf gone, ceephax sf up. Jesus can't I just leave you kids alone for a second, without drama happening ?
  10. aka direct marketing, my trolling attempts are taken too seriously here My point was that common methods (like marketing) could be interpreted as consipiracies, and I'm saying this with an tear in the eye, because often enough they have that conspirational morbidity when the human is seen as an 'wanting machine' that will be feed with useless thoughts (not his own) to make $ with useless shit, that surrogates his own unfulfillment, without him being aware of this, or even worse, with him being aware of this, but not being able to change it, not an original idea by itsself, expressed and thought throu by more qualified individuals (chumsky) who wanted to teach students methods of selfdefence against those corporate strategies.... ah well
  11. and I have just a supporting role in my own show, wtf
  12. Naomi Klein's No Logo (book) was quite interesting in this context...
  13. Some guy on the metro told me that clothing companies give away free shit to celebs, to make teens wanting their shit for cash. also that our identities were thought throu and constructed by guys living in houses belonging to the sky. also that a fastfood chain is getting paychecks from opec for inventing xxl menues, so the population burns more gasoline for transportation. He told me that in Africa (where he came from) his dad is a tribe king, I wanted to ask at what age he had his first ak-47 but had to go off...
  14. Haha, I'm such a goth. I prefer to work in the dark. With my gear lit up, of course! me too mostly, as I wank around in the night, but I love bright daylight rooms too, dark rooms with small windows make me want to hang myself instantly.
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