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Everything posted by Joyrex

  2. I think they've moved past that - not in the sense of never using warbly synths of any sort again, but you can hear the evolution in their music - TH continued that evolution, and I am sure the stuff they've worked on since 2013 is far evolved beyond that. I don't think we'll get another MHTRTC in terms of style and themes.
  3. OK, I admit the 'Ariel Black' was some lazy pallet swapping and a redo on the 'do...
  4. I think that's the idea that will make Nintendo millions... Currently available for XBONE and PS4 with all the DLC for 20 bucks!
  5. The new Close Encounters of the Third Kind coffee table book has some amazing behind-the-scenes shots of how they did the miniatures for the mother ship, etc: https://www.amazon.com/Close-Encounters-Third-Kind-Ultimate/dp/0062692992
  6. The Cranberries is/was me and my wife's band... soo gutted.
  7. I wonder if Howard would have taken on the project if he felt it wasn't worth saving...
  8. Specifically the PS4 Wipeout collection remastered in 4K
  9. yeah you’re right, it feels as though he’s playing a caricature of an archetype of a parody. i literally wince at half the faces he makes. surprised kylo didn’t kill him in the throne room tbh. He needed someone to make him feel superior now that Snoke is gone.
  10. 30fps on Switch, which was to be expected. Kinda curious about 4K/60fps on PS4 Pro... throw in HDR (just imagine) and THAT would be a remaster in my book.
  11. Yeah, this was posted around the time of the Field Day concert.
  12. ...and exhale! Breathing is good for the seoul.
  13. I preferred the Dreadnaught Captain/Admiral/Whatever in terms of "Empire/New Order lackey"
  14. Wait - and STORY? Disputes with the Trade Federation? Are you fucking kidding me? Hell, even The Last Jedi flirted with that pseudo-political intrigue garbage with the weapons profiteers side story, and wasn't needed to be said at all.
  15. She certainly didn't have that "Star Wars" vibe beyond her name.
  16. It really is great on a second viewing - gives you an opportunity to appreciate all the little details.
  17. Nintendo Switch has eclipsed the Wii U's lifetime sales in less than a year (no big surprise there; Wii U only sold 12.3 million over 5-ish years). PS4 has sold 74 million units to date worldwide. Still playing Arkanoid vs Space Invaders on my phone. Great little game.
  18. Granted, there are some serviceable moments, but Lucas was really bad about it during the prequels. TFA didn't have any moments that I can recall that stood out, but The Last Jedi has a really egregious one: i hated that scene my first viewing but the 2nd time i actually grew rather fond of it Ah, I didn't think of that line like that - great interpretation (if that was not their intent) on your part! And yeah, he's the king of trolls in Star Wars only next to Vader and Obi Wan.
  19. In a case or shell I presume? I've fumbled mine a few times, but thankfully no damage (thin TPU case as I hate bulky cases despite their protectiveness)
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