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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. This guy beat Nintendo to the punch - it even has a mini control pad! http://www.daftmike.com/2016/07/NESPi.html The NFC carts are clever as well
  2. Woah, games as in plural - how the hell did you afford that ?! (People not knowing about NEO·GEO's prices will think I'm being sarcastic) I had (in 1990 until 1993, from age 17 to 20) a NEO·GEO gold system (650.00 USD), and 38 games (the lowest price I paid for a game was around 95.00 USD, for the smaller titles - brand new "big" games cost 240.00 USD each. Average was 150.00 USD). At the time, I worked for a veterinarian when I was in high school, and got 300.00 USD every two weeks (remember, 1990's wages), so it worked out well with the infrequency of when the games came out, I could buy 1-2 games every few months. Add to the fact I was still living at home, with little to no expenses. Some of the games I had now either still have held their retail value, some have easily tripled in value *cries* I sold them all to buy my first car after moving to Texas; back in California I never needed a car where I lived - rail and buses and my bike were easier. I loved the games, the box art, the whole presentation - best game console I ever owned. So much fun too taking my memory card to the arcades and loading up my saves on the same games and pwning people at Art of Fighting or Fatal Fury.
  3. Again, I think you are missing the point of this show. But there are too many movies and shows that do this. I kinda feel like we don't need any more remakes, tributes, homages, inspired-by's for a quite a long time, as there's been no shortage of those at all lol Hollywood has become a shadow of itself. Every now and then, an original idea comes out with a decent budget, but even then amongst those small occurances, it's very hard to find those kinds of productions that aren't compromised in some major way. Hollywood has been rehashing and reinventing itself since its inception - Star Wars was inspired by the Flash Gordon movies of the 40's and the Akira Kurosawa films, etc. If anything, I think when a truly original idea does come along, it stands out and is more special. The problem is, there just really isn't many original, GOOD ideas anymore.
  4. I am the DM of a group that plays once or twice a month :). Sweet. I would like a ALL RETRO GAMES in 1 solution. I remember thinking I'd use the ouya for that, but I never bought it and haven't heard of it since. I guess I could get a flash drive and just put everything on there, but I'd like a small console and a few controllers that I could just plug into a tv and play, and enough HD room to store pretty much all the retro games before ps1. look at the bottom of the last page. get a rasp pi 3 and you'll be emulating through ps1 and be able to use ps3/4, xbox controllers, etc. a whole rasp pi kit can be had for easily hold all of the games you could possibly want (unless you really go nuts downloading every ps1 game). the entire computer in a case is about the size of a deck of cards. it probably weighs less than the cables you'll be connecting it with and you can also use it as a media center. there's a handful of custom os's built for flashing that are dedicated to emulation: https://www.recalbox.com/ https://retropie.org.uk/ i'm using retropie on a pi2 with a ps2 controller+usb adapter and even that easily handles ps1 games. i would definitely have waited for pi3 if i knew it would have built in bluetooth/wireless (vs having to have dongles for the pi2). i've read that recalbox is a good bit easier to setup but harder to customize. both recalbox and retropie are about to have pretty major updates (ver 4.0) also so we might see better emulation of like, 64/dc stuff. gonna wait and see how pi3+ the 4.0 stuff pans out and see if i wanna gift my pi2 to someone else and build a pi3 so yeah. if you're intimidated by the rasp pi stuff? don't be. it's really easy (and constantly getting easier). there's loads of documentation on how to get shit running i did it and i'm an idiot I'm currently planning on a Pi3 and set up a nice little retro gaming station - I was looking at PS4's Arcade Archives series and remembering how fun Gradius II was, but then looking at the 7.99 PER GAME they charge for what is essentially a JAMMA emulator they wrote for PS4, I said fuck that. Plus, it will be nice to get back to my NEO·GEO games... still kicking myself for selling all those back in my early 20's.
  5. Again, I think you are missing the point of this show.
  6. Bluetooth adpator for your SNES - allows you to use any bluetooth wireless controller: http://d19cgyi5s8w5eh.cloudfront.net/eml/PHD2rKATSXmLqXMAb0ZVpA
  7. And, if you didn't already guess, Stranger Things will have a second season - the Duffer brothers, who are the series creators, had this to say about season two: Matt Duffer says season two will be “more of a sequel” than a second season: We don’t answer all the questions by the end of the season — there are definitely some dangling threads. The hope is that it feels satisfying but that we left room and that if people respond to it we can go back into this world. But if we do get to go back, it’s not a second season as much as a sequel. Ross Duffer chimed in: There’s a lot there we don’t know or understand. Even with ‘The Upside Down,’ we have a 30-page document that is pretty intricate in terms of what it all means, and where this monster actually came from, and why aren’t there more monsters — we have all this stuff that we just didn’t have time for, or we didn’t feel like we needed to get into in season one, because of the main tension of Will. We have that whole other world that we haven’t fully explored in this season, and that was very purposeful.
  8. Here's a neat video showing all the references and comparisons Stranger Things gives nods to from famous movies and tv shows of the era:
  9. I never noticed that - I guess being evil means you get evil boob jobs.
  10. Are you saying this having watched it completely, or are you assuming as such?
  11. hardly playing anything unless you count go. going on 3+mile runs hatching eggs. going on walks w/a neighborhood friend to catch shit occasionally (have one good friend who lives nearby who is actually into it). running into mobs in the park on the way home from work and mooching their lures for a few minutes. swiping stops as a passenger in the car. and the occasional sfv still. went 1-2 in tournament on saturday. was happy to get a single win when i hadn't played since ibuki dropped a few weeks ago. And Juri is out tomorrow - although I hate her new outfit (prefer her SFIV one)
  12. I really, really, enjoyed this - considering my age where most of these tropes and references I experienced first-hand in the decades they were created, this was a pleasure-filled nostalgia trip. If you can't see this show is an homage and love letter to all these things, then you're missing the point of the show. I'm curious if the story in the second season will continue with the first, or a new story will be told (the series strikes me more of something along the lines of American Horror Story, where there is a new story each season). Hoping for a new story, although I wouldn't mind a continuation of the first season.
  13. Well, those are now the current-gen consoles (and PC), so why would you expect to see it anywhere else? Not sure if a 3DS could handle what they have planned for it... I've been playing a LOT of Song of the Deep - really enjoying the exploring and building up the ability set. Forgot how satisfying it was in these kinds of games to go back to an area where a part was previously unpassable and now you can with a new item/ability...
  14. I'm also two episodes in and about ready to quit. I don't get it. Lot of the sci-fi horror plot seems heavily influenced by anime / Japanese VG but transplanted into a Twin Peaks/Donnie Darko/[insert small forested American town here]-esque setting. I fucking love it. btw: started watching this last night. it's pretty good but not as great as i thought considering the rave reviews it has been getting. it's kinda like a mixture of ET, amazing stories, tales from the darkside and goonies. i think the casting of the cops is probably the biggest letdown- the parents and kids all sell the story, but the cops kinda don't fit who they're supposed to be. neither do the scientist/conspiracy people. production design is really good and i like the d&d gaming (although i noticed, for jr high kids, they have only posters of films and none of saturday morning cartoons or atari?) Nice cassette j-card art. I like how you found one gripe about them not having some other staples of a kid of that that year. But holy fuck huge kudos to the production and prop crew. EVERYTHING looks like it's from 1983. They even toned down the color editing to make it look like a HD 80s film and not some modern tv or film show with too much orange/blue color saturation (like Hot Tub Time Machine) and didn't go the rout of loud lazy, stereotypical props from the era. Every piece of furniture, every car, and every single item of clothing looks very accurate. It actually reminded me a lot of my grandparents house when I was a kid in the very early 90s - they hadn't bought anything new so it looked exactly as it did 10 years before that. Just started watching this with my daughter - totally agree about nailing the 80's vibe and aesthetic. Fantastic show, too. Up to Chapter 5 so far... Here's SURVIVE's BandCamp and SoundCloud page: https://survive.bandcamp.com/ https://soundcloud.com/s-u-r-v-i-v-e They have an LP coming out in September, and are from Austin, Texas!
  15. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get the skin off children's thighs? Takes forever, I tell you...
  16. *sigh* When will these companies wake up and realize that putting their media in as many hands as possible (rather than force users to use yet another streaming platform) will ultimately make MORE money in the long run, and reduce the incentive of piracy?
  17. Damn, EVO Street Fighter V finals were real nail-biters!
  18. In this interview with Song Exploder, Grimes talks about how she made Kill V. Maim, from Art Angels: https://soundcloud.com/hrishihirway/song-exploder-grimes
  19. You're supposed to be the man in the know. We should be asking you questions Just wondering out loud... the Cheetah EP might be the start of other hardware-influenced EPs Richard has in mind. Probably not though.
  20. Honestly I think this is just to undercut the potential money they lose to the emulator scene, although they could have stemmed that by making the Virtual Console something people actually wanted to use with the right price points. Fun fact - these games, if bought via the Virtual Console, would cost around 150 USD, so you're getting a bargain at 60 USD for the console AND the games.
  21. They could have made it like the NEO GEO X and offered collections of games on SD card format.
  22. Well, what do you expect them to do with the 81 million pairs of those connectors left from the 100 million Wii U's they said they would sell? As a slight plus, this means you will be able to use the NES controller with the Wii U rather than that horrible Wii Remote held sideways for VC games... And, you can get a 3D printed NES shell for the Raspberry Pi easily online as well.
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