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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. I have both, so I am good in that regard - just need to find time to actually start playing!
  2. Fixed now - some settings had to be adjusted.
  3. Yeah, I'm seeing that as well - I think the forum upgrade might have changed a setting. I'll look into it.
  4. These are my personal favourite covers: https://www.redbubble.com/shop/aphex+twin+blankets
  5. Then why in the fuck I can't find a decent seafood restaurant these days...?
  6. Also, I would prefer an instrumental - the vocals aren't bad... just not my cup of tea shall we say...
  7. You can sign up for Squarepusher's mailing list to get a chance of owning a FMWT white label test pressing from the original 1996 release: http://squarepusher.net/fmwt-1996
  8. Just because the remix came out now, doesn't mean it was made recently - this could have been made ages ago, and just now Nevermen and BOC have decided to release it...
  9. Maybe this topic title should be changed to Regional or Indigenous Music? Ethnic Music? I dunno?
  10. I have yet to play through the first one (glad I waited and got all the PS5 enhancements), so hence why I haven't played Miles Morales (yet).
  11. GameCenter CX (Japanese) - currently plowing through all 25 seasons of it to catch up. Way ahead of its time, considering how many people watch people play games these days...
  12. So I assume it's worth playing? (Miles) SoR 4 is great - keep trying! Bah, who cares - who wants a 720P OLED? If the chip shortages continue (which is likely why this "upgrade" came now so they would have something for this holiday season to compete with the non-existant PS5 and Series X/S shortages. Not even a screen upgrade, really - a bit larger, but still 720P. I think it's more a case of "why?" than anything else...
  13. LOL, he's gonna drown in birdshit
  14. So you could say the well is indeed a... Hell Interface?
  15. Jackal is available on Meast, A Kid Spatula compilation (and very, very good)
  16. No... just a new feature the vendor added to the forum software. They're getting mixed reactions there too, so who knows how they will evolve. It's really nothing to stress about - just ignore them; has no bearing on your standing on the site. To anyone else getting loads of emails from the past - the vendor and I are looking into the issue, and hopefully we can get to to the root cause, which at this point we are suspecting a backlog of emails never sent out way back when (I switched mail delivery from PHP-sent mail to SendGrid since people weren't getting validation email, etc. reliably back around this time).
  17. Ranks had always been there (the little dots indicating post count levels); they have evolved into the icon that now shows by the user avatar.
  18. They will remain private - this only affects how you log into the system. If anyone is wondering "why?", it's recommended as being more secure than using a Display Name (which everyone can see, obviously and could try and attempt to log into your account by guessing your password. I also recommend using the two-factor authentication if you want to be absolutely sure only you can log in, but that might be too inconvenient for some, and I appreciate that.
  19. Yeah, sorry about that - I'm opening a support ticket, but most likely it is a backlog that is getting cleared out and will eventually end.
  20. Holy fuck LOL these are great - we may need to have a vote... Or it could email you a picture of poo...
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