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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. From Engadget: https://www.engadget.com/blast-radio-disappearing-music-streams-140038155.html?src=rss_b2c
  2. Did you ever run into any narco-related activities (bodies or hideouts)?
  3. It's something I wish the forum software did have, but until they see it in their infinite wisdom to do so, you can send me a PM and I can address that for you.
  4. If @Icct could kindly do so, they can upload it to the Downloads section (or get in touch with me if you cannot).
  5. Depends on which rules you are referring to...
  6. There's a needed update for the add-in but the developer won't be applying that until version 4.6 of the forum is out, which is due soon.
  7. World on Fire... WWII drama originally aired on ITV and PBS/Masterpiece
  8. Biggest LEGO set (pieces) ever: https://www.lego.com/en-us/aboutus/news/2021/may/lego-art-world-map $250 USD and over 11K pieces
  9. https://www.joshuaweissman.com You're welcome.
  10. I had pasted and carried over the styling from the originating page instead of pasting as plain text
  11. You... don't wear these already? I thought everybody wore these...?
  12. Depends - HI's main focus was covers, so unless it was an album of cover songs...
  13. The previous volume (released way back in 2004!) was voted on by the community, so a similar approach would likely be taken if we ever do this...
  14. From Engadget: https://www.engadget.com/quantum-entangled-drums-201154881.html
  15. If there was ever an animal that could be the face of electronic music...
  16. Oh, holy LOL - serves me right for just trusting the headline I read elsewhere and not following through...
  17. So what headline did I read?
  18. Goddamn! James Woods, dead at 67. RIP
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