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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. Amazing! Great track - very TCH-era BOC stuff but with a unique Chaosmachine twist!
  2. New Ratchet and Clank looks like a playable Pixar movie:
  3. Interesting - it does list it, but out of stock: https://www.juno.co.uk/search/?q[all][0]=Melodies+from+Mars&hide_forthcoming=0&show_out_of_stock=1
  4. More likely because Tom, who ultimately has control over his work - WARP can ask an artist for additional material for a reissue, but ultimately that's the artist's discretion.
  5. Joyrex


    I got Wednesday, actually (aka Papa don't read and fukkin FACT mag article date is nowhere to be seen except URL)
  6. I kid you not - I wonder how many different things they can imply the "M" stands for?
  7. You know, when they showed actual music videos and not fucking cooking shows
  8. I don't think them speaking with him is sad, just seeing his life and the way he is makes me feel bad for him and sad...
  9. I just tried on Safari (iOS 14.5, iPhone X) and had no issues clicking "continue" for Safari.
  10. This is great stuff - hadn't heard any Schneider TM in ages...
  11. WARp/Richard wouldn't capitalize off the pandemic. They have more respect than that!
  12. The CDr doesn't have a back insert (only the stretched color laser copy insert on the front) - tracks are handwritten on the CDr in permanent ink.
  13. Agreed - I was thinking the same thing last week
  14. BOC are never going to say anything like that - I honestly think it's not on their list of priorities to keep the fans appraised of their activities... WARP isn't going to say anything like that as it might impact record sales, which from a business perspective isn't good business.
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