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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. So @toaoaoad asked if we have an ignore topics feature similar to the ignore user feature, and turns out there is an addon for doing just that - users would be able to select (and manage) topics they wish to ignore and would not show up in searches or in their Activity Stream. Topics would get an IGNORED badge, or we could have them hidden from view, only viewable from the user's Account settings.
  2. There is an ingore topics addon... anybody else interested? Maybe a poll? (to gauge interest)
  3. Yes, it's an excellent game - a shame the follow up Monster Boy game isn't as fun (from playing a demo)...
  4. You're welcome: https://weird-vintage.com/
  5. Do you mean like ignore a thread (like you can ignore a user)?
  6. The Resident Evil/Biohazard mod community on PC is amazing - I accidently saw "thicc Claire Redfield fishnet suit with jiggle physics" when I was looking up a RE2 video.
  7. Waiting for the price (drop) - want to play it bad but 70USD is steep - I liked it when Housemarque made 20 buck games
  8. Amazing! Great track - very TCH-era BOC stuff but with a unique Chaosmachine twist!
  9. New Ratchet and Clank looks like a playable Pixar movie:
  10. Interesting - it does list it, but out of stock: https://www.juno.co.uk/search/?q[all][0]=Melodies+from+Mars&hide_forthcoming=0&show_out_of_stock=1
  11. More likely because Tom, who ultimately has control over his work - WARP can ask an artist for additional material for a reissue, but ultimately that's the artist's discretion.
  12. Joyrex


    I got Wednesday, actually (aka Papa don't read and fukkin FACT mag article date is nowhere to be seen except URL)
  13. I kid you not - I wonder how many different things they can imply the "M" stands for?
  14. You know, when they showed actual music videos and not fucking cooking shows
  15. I don't think them speaking with him is sad, just seeing his life and the way he is makes me feel bad for him and sad...
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