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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. I felt the same way until I put the filter on. Oh there's an option for that? HOPE Don't hope for much - it makes it look worse, IMO - instead of semi-anti-aliased edges, you get even more semi anti-aliased edges. If you're gonna do pixel art, at least do it right (see: Rogue Legacy or Shovel Knight).
  2. I'm playing it too since it was free on PS+ for PS4. Not sure yet if the hype surrounding this game is warranted or not... fun, but hasn't 'grabbed' me yet, and the toilet humour (I know, coming from me this is rather hypocritical) is a bit much at times.
  3. Remastered edition or PS3 original? Either way, congrats!
  4. Star Wars Battlefield? I expect Battlefield skinned with stormtroopers and Wookies.
  5. http://www.coverbrowser.com/covers/worst-album-covers And that's only from the FIRST PAGE!
  6. Still on my PS3 waiting to be played like 100s of others. Dracula X can be played on PS3 or PSP...
  7. How's the sound? I heard mention the sound design was some of the best ever for creating tension...
  8. Nice to see you enjoying:) Below is my pointless opinion on game.. Skyward Sword is a weird one. For me it's really good, really fun. but i also find the pacing really slow, drawn out, padded with a lot of nothing and even gets a little painfully repetitive at times.. The game takes its sweet time to introduce new ideas / mechanics.. Too long , even .. But the moments of the game that are good are really good. The swordplay, as you mentioned, is great! And when it starts introducing the other items and then mixing the items up a bit it gets REALLY fun. The bow and arrow, throwing bombs, etc. all have their own unique controller input and the game finds fun ways to implement that into the gameplay.. Its a shame the game is so drawn out and uneven.. If you can look past it .. The gameplay is great.. But i cant think/talk about the game without pointing out how flawed i think it is. The game gets better as you get into it. Yeah, I noticed how it takes FOREVER to just get into dungeons, etc. - I had taken a peek at a strategy guide years ago, and noticed there is quite a bit of boss recycling as well... it will be interesting if the Wii U Zelda uses motion controls or not...
  9. Got Skyward Sword (with golden Wiimote, natch) and have been playing it with my daughter - very different than previous Zelda games, and the watercolour style artwork actually does a lot to counter the non-HD resolution. Swinging the sword is actually fun with the Wiimote, and fairly accurate.
  10. Utterly ridiculous what some will pay for a fucking scarf - Wii U game Hyrule Warriors Ltd Editions going for 800USD on Ebay... for an average game on an average system and a shitty little scarf. Might as well been a plastic box with a grinning face and a paper record...
  11. Da fuk... what is that? Good lord! In Soviet Russia...
  12. A Salute To Those Who Say Fuck You is one of my favourite tracks, ever - and was the absolute best way to end the WAP100 album. Another favourite - Freak - ranks up there with Windowlicker as another all-time favourite:
  13. There is a memorial thread over on xlt-- so if you ever had an account there, you can pay respects at the place where he seemed very much at home: http://xltronic.com/mb/121317/mark-bell-lfo-rip R.I.P. jivver-- ... R.I.P. Wait - Mark Bell was Jivver????
  14. I think the best way we can remember Mark is through his musical contributions - for those not in the know, Mark did do some stuff in the early 90's under an alias of Clark (not to be confused with the current Clark, also on WARP):
  15. So sad... the electronic music world has lost of its best.
  16. 0 Wife/Kids Yeah, maybe I'll pass on Driveclub or at least wait til it's cheap, seems despite it's pretty looks the game is bland and the AI is frustratingly stubborn. Gamespot gave it a 5/10. I thought it was free on PS+ right now...?
  17. I read reviews for what they are - opinions, sometimes by informed people who know more about something than I do. I find their reviews tend to jive with my sensibilities when it comes to games, so while I don't put 100% stock in everything they say, I do use it when gauging whether a game is worth my ever-decreasing time. Yeah, it's a bit sad, because the idea behind it seemed intriguing, and I liked the first few Motorstorm games - you'd think Evolution Studios would still have the magic...
  18. Leans more towards arcade, but with the visual flair more traditionally found in simulation titles. Leans more towards arcade, but with the visual flair more traditionally found in simulation titles. Awesome, may have to look into it, been needing a good driving game for a while... Need For Speed Rivals was terrible. Eurogamer gave it a 6/10 - shocking considered it was delayed to supposedly make it better...
  19. Dark Souls II DLC, Crown of the Ivory King is amazing - great way to cap off an amazing game. Still getting my ass handed to me by the Ivory King though...
  20. I hope it has lots of yummy toppings on it - chives, sour cream, shredded cheese, butter, salt, pepper, fresh ground bacon bits... Damn, now I want a baked potato!
  21. I wasn't surprised - as good as it looked, the gameplay is what will make or break an Alien game. Super Smash Bros 3DS is out today - I can't help but feel for Nintendo, as only the hardcore and those not planning on buying a Wii U will buy the 3DS version - they really should have released the 3DS version AFTER the Wii U version, as folks who bought the 3DS version may not be willing to buy the console version...
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