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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. Okay, don't know what exactly happened (too many things to detail here) but the site seems to have sorted itself out. Doing a post-event investigation with the software vendor to determine the root causes.
  2. https://saladfingersstore.com/
  3. LOL, this was actually fun - to the best of my recollection (because i'm an old fart) from top to bottom, left to right: Aphex Twin official WB site that I was supposed to run before Richard and WB fell out over Windowlicker advances Old Joyrex.com versions prior to 2003 when it became WATMM Pics I used for my (in)famous BOC hoax showing the brothers' bunker in the Pentland (Balerno) hills of Scotland
  4. Alco should do a blog on here...
  5. No truer words were ever spoken (bolded)
  6. Joyrex

    confield art

    Kinda hard to let you into a place that doesn't exist...
  7. https://www.etsy.com/listing/893346062/led-full-face-mask-new-larger
  8. Joyrex

    confield art

    Really? Can anyone else corroborate this or provide examples?
  9. Ah, that - yeah, unfortunately not possible at present.
  10. So is the issue WATMM going into fullscreen, or the (in)ability to bookmark specific URLs? Text formatting thingie? Please refer/explain...
  11. That's done... still researching the full screen or app mode on Android It's not a bug - how else would you quote only selected text (on any device)?
  12. The publisher behind the excellent Streets of Rage 4 is making a TMNT 4-player game for PC and consoles: Bonus: The theme song in the video is sung by Faith No More's Mike Patton!
  13. I thought I did... I turned all that stuff off.
  14. Joyrex

    confield art

    My responses to the bolded portions: I didn't "suddenly start responding to PMs again - you may have realized that I am not on here 24/7, nor do I have the time or bandwidth to reply to every PM. @mentions with the new forum help me keep up, but most likely if I didn't reply, it was because I hadn't the time to do so in a timely manner. Please show me where you were told, by anyone moderating this forum not to report or complain about users where it was justified. Please note the italics, as that is an important distinction, since like the PM you sent me about this thread falls into this category (more on that in a bit) My "position" is what it always has been - I would like everyone here to be treated with a modicum of mutual respect, and I fully acknowledge that what some find harmless ribbing or banter, others find offensive. it's the internet, and as I mentioned I am not on here 24/7 to play polite police nor do I think I should have to. I don't "allow" threads to go to shit - again, I am not omnipresent, so I cannot monitor everything and everyone at all times. Plus, some threads will invariably go that route due to differing personalities here - and as long as it doesn't get out of hand and ventures into real abuse or threats, I don't think being heavy-handed about it will solve anything. RE: Why are you in this thread, and who elected you defender of new members? I think the discussion was being handled fine until you came in and made it worse in my opinion. Not that it is anyone's business, but it has been some time since someone asked me to delete their account because they felt things were too toxic here or suffered any abusiveness. Lastly - I think you have some issues, and if this place is too toxic for you, perhaps you should consider leaving or taking a break for a bit and re-examine why you feel this way.
  15. I'm in it to the end - I'd say I'm getting near the endgame...
  16. Just realize that there will always be someone better than you at whatever, and just do your best that you're happy with - stop comparing your efforts against others. I bet this is why Richard is so prolific in his music making, because he's doing it the way he wants and what makes him happy - I highly doubt he ever listens to other artists' music and wishes he could do what they do.
  17. Remute has released his latest music, Electronic Lifestyle on a PC Engine Hu-Card: https://remute.bandcamp.com/album/electronic-lifestyle
  18. WATMMClassics Volume 28
  19. This is from a Japanese Sci-Fi movie from 1956...
  20. Via Waxy, GAN.STYLE is a "cursed generator [that] resynthesizes audio from YouTube using a neural net trained on choral and strings recordings." https://gan.style/gcE1avXFJb4
  21. Pokemon Diamond/Pearl remakes (as expected) for Switch, and a new Pokemon MMO that looks like it runs on the Breath of the Wild engine...
  22. Except you don't get the PS5 upgrade nor can you buy the DLC for it
  23. Sony's PlayStation Direct has some bomb "hold" music before the stream starts:
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