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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. No; he was using other aliases long before his WARP signing. I doubt Richard himself manages this... more likely someone at WARP is, and if he did put up unreleased stuff, he'd have to share royalties with WARP... It's why they weren't too happy with the Soundcloud dump
  2. No, more a case of "I'll release something under an alias that nobody will ever know it's actually me who did it". Unfortunately, Richard didn't anticipate the internet
  3. Yeah, the mobile URL is sometimes different (holdover from the mobile web early days), so unless the emed accounts for it, it no worky...
  4. Until there's an announcement (officially)... nothing is happening. BOC could have 10 albums (and probably do in some form or another, or the sheer number of unreleased tracks could be compiled into albums or EPs) waiting in the wings, but until released to the public, it's nothing.
  5. In all those examples, the embeds are showing as expected - what browser/OS/device are you seeing this on? Is it possibly your ad blocker (which you should have WATMM whitelisted for since you won't see ads since you're a subscribing member)?
  6. Boards of Canada have their entire digital catalogue on sale on Bandcamp - 25% off: https://boardsofcanada.bandcamp.com/album/the-campfire-headphase?from=fanpub_bfd#buyFullDiscography
  7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_unexplained_sounds
  8. A subscription will remove the ads. 3.00 USD per year is worth supporting the site, no?
  9. https://www.bandcampunited.org/ Bandcamp now being accused of union busting practices...
  10. Odd - do any other Knob Twidders have this issue as well?
  11. If I could have GPT4 as a Mod...
  12. Yeah, I guess what I should say is there is probably a way to do the embeds... but unless the forum software or an add-in provides that functionality (for example, we have an add-in that extends the forum's native oEmbed rich media embeds, and we did a special button for Bandcamp since this is a music forum), I don't really have the time or resources to do heavy programming like I used to.
  13. so far it's a great album, and some interesting choices made in terms of musical direction.
  14. Can't seem to find an endppoint URL to set it up and doesn't work with iFramely either...
  15. Unless Facebook uses Oembed, nope
  16. Unless Mastodon supports the Oembed format/protocol, we cannot support that.
  17. Oh... they ignored me (no emails). Let me ping them again. What comes with your mobile OS as default
  18. I did reply - nothing I can do to prevent YouTube embeds or other embeds from preloading (spoiler tags don't prevent the preload).
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