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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. the collective dry spell of watmm is a million years
  2. just learned pence is a big time koch guy. they share staffers and everything. link
  3. dark matter effect could actually be caused by spheres of primordial black holes surrounding all galaxies interesting article. key point is that, apparently, the cosmic infrared background matches up with the cosmic xray background, and the only thing that radiates across that spectrum is black holes. cool simulation of merging black holes using the interstellar render code in there too
  4. well the idea of trump being president seemed ridiculous... i will vote for your cat, audioblysk
  5. the sport analogy gets at an interesting aspect of it. the vast majority of trump supporters are not very well informed, both on issues relevant to the presidency and on trump himself. but... try to point that out to them. they will not like it one bit. they want to have an opinion,and for others to take it seriously. even if it is based on baloney, they reject a challenge to it. it smacks of the hollow bravado of asserting the favorability of one's team. in sports, through the centuries, we've cultivated a mechanism for people to enact roles of asserting ideas, regardless of their merit. throughout history people have found it more important to act confident than to be right.
  6. the republican tactics of voter suppression and gerrymandering look like a nazi scout party sneaking into enemy territory. in the future we will look back and think we saw it coming. for decades they have been stealing control of the government, but we just wagged our fingers and said "oh, you, wascallay wepublicans..."
  7. enjoy the pinnacle of american history. we're fucked
  8. just looked into "Crosscheck" and Greg Palast... this is insane Crosscheck in action: Trump victory margin in Michigan: 13,107 Michigan Crosscheck purge list: 449,922 Trump victory margin in Arizona: 85,257 Arizona Crosscheck purge list: 270,824 Trump victory margin in North Carolina: 177,008 North Carolina Crosscheck purge list: 589,393 This is the vile republican tactic of voter suppression gone nuclear. I guess they don't know lots of people have the same name in this country. They even go so far as to assume that people with similar names are the same person, if they look like the names of minorities. Based on similar names they conclude voter fraud and the votes are purged! wherever the local government is republican! jesus christ people, i know democrats "spend a lot", but we need to wake up to the evilness of this republican party.
  9. dead kennedies singer reading a diatribe on trumps win happy thanksgiving
  10. experts pointing to mounting indications election was hacked, calling for audit ny mag gotta say, this thing has felt fishy to me
  11. we are entering into a different kind of phase, now. the thing to do is be armed with facts and deposit them wherever they will take. there is a lot of political discourse and it's packed full of op-ed type stuff. when it's emotional and flimsy, the transmission is as likely to transform into the opposite of the original message as it is to maintain it. when you drop facts, they spread.
  12. NASA Confirms: 'StarTrek' EM-Drive Propulsion System "Appears to Work --To Mars in 70 Days"exciting. the propellantless microwave propulsion theory seems to be surviving close scrutiny. next we need to demonstrate the theory works in practice. if that happens, that's nuts.
  13. ^ i am thinking the same thing about "bringing the jobs back to america" actually. all this talk about the terrible trade deals and the jobs... (as we are below 5% unemployment) what is the mechanism by which we keep the jobs here? is it artificially adding expense to getting cheap labor, materials and products from abroad? or just not allowing it? as an employer, how would you feel about donald trump preventing you from getting cheap resources for your business? call it a trade deal if you want, it seems like an infringement of freedom. the result will be the job creators having to spend more... therefor being less successful. so we will retrieve some mexican factories, and in exchange there will be less business growth and creation. those factory jobs that apparently we want so bad will be replaced by automation anyway. we want to be the ones programming the robots, not the ones getting replaced by the robots. this is the country of silicon valley, of google, facebook, amazon, etc, in the era since nafta. that will change if we implement trade rules aimed at locking out the resource market i don't see how we are not trading the good jobs for the bad jobs if we go that way, and offering up some of our freedom at the same time. but it made a good sound bite
  14. yeah, there will be a number of silver linings like this. we would have spent 4 years futiley fighting an ocean of anti-hillary propaganda if she won, and nothing noteworthy would have happened, unless the democrats took back a significant portion of congress. i'll still never like trump, or even think voting for him was a good idea. far too dangerous, far too much that can easily shift in ways most people couldn't imagine. given my disdain for bigots, and in light of people talking about good things trump might do, i've been wondering what it would take for me to like him. not only would he have to defeat aliens, it would have to be a brilliant victory, like against all odds he came up with some ingenious plan to save humanity from merciless invaders. then i think i would have to hand it to him, and say the racist really pulled it off.
  15. executive chairmain of (overtly racist "news" outlet) breitbart stephen bannon named chief strategist and senior counselor in trump administration.
  16. someone capable of waging war in the name of leftist philosophies. mental and physical. when it's time for a revolution, you'll know it. until then, that kind of rhetoric only serves to feed the same energy making rightist militias and crazy people dangerous. this is not an opportunity for a civil war, it is an opportunity for voters to educate each other
  17. the media could have destroyed trump a year ago. funny how after election day i'm seeing compilation reels of his heinous statements and positions. they didnt show those before, when it would have stopped him. they just had pundits banter about one issue at a time, week by week. the bread was buttered on the side of keeping him in the running and cashing in on high-viewership ad revenue. were they just trying to let him get close? coincidental that now, for the next 4 years, people will be glued to the news. obama was bad for the news. i remember news in the bush years, every week something insane and fucked up, modern civilization deteriorating a chunk at a time. the news was pretty boring during obama's presidency. of course it's not the news, it's the viewers. like it's not the politicians, it's the voters.
  18. why take responsibility for your life when you can blame a minority?
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