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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. the disarray is largely caused by people not paying close enough attention maybe you mean the media and people in general should pay attention to more substantial topics than trump's click-bait fodder?
  2. trump's epa chief scott pruit rapidly disassembling environmental protections getting big government out of people's lives... clearing up red tape gridlock... letting the free markets regulate themselves... when methane leaks have accelerated climate destabilization, the people will make gas companies rectify the situation themselves it's a matter of principle, of freedom. it has nothing to do with pruitt's close-knit monetary relationship with the oil industry
  3. Do you wanna elaborate? Here's my understanding: It takes 6 minutes and 40 seconds (400 seconds) for the "minute" field to do one cycle, instead of 60 seconds. This gives the time factor 400/60=6.666. Multiplying the fields with this factor: 5 days * 6.666 = 33.3 days 19 hours * 6.666 = 106.565 hours / 24 = 4.44 days 23 minutes * 6.666 = 153.18 minutes / 60 = 2.553 hours / 24 = 0.1 days. Adding all the days: 33.3 + 4.44 + 0.1 = 37.84 days. ~38 days from now is August 8th. Someone else work out the hours and minutes? the variable "distance" (the value of the timer) is the sum of the return values of 3 functions: a(), f() and x(). the timer's rate is not constant. i think its meant to slow to a crawl then speed up again you can hit f12 on your browser to open the inspector, then go to the console tab. the return values of a(), f() and x() are printed to the console. part of the code is the variable "now," i plugged in future dates to arrive at july 20 through trial and error. or you can just change the date/time on your computer like brionic did
  4. Jul 20, 16:05, i think the distance var is now the sum of a(), f() and x(). code: the old code if anyone's curious:
  5. realized sicario and arrival were by the same guy so i watched his other two, enemy and prisoners. both good.
  6. information has always been weaponized, but now the technique is taking quantum leaps of optimization this can only be an evolutionary-scale challenge to be surpassed with a major adaptation, though i'm not sure what form the solution could take that would actually be possible i think the course that will have to be taken is a transformation in societal norms relating to skepticism and scientific thinking. how people will be able to get there is hard to imagine. people like to learn the hard way, so a change like this may happen by way of long eras of unthinkably terrible events and virulent surroundings. maybe we can stall cataclysms long enough for the tide of art and education to congeal a semblance of the atmosphere that's needed, at which point there will be a new threat people will deal with and the old ways hopefully won't be able to gain a foothold and will die off
  7. thought i read the thread, sorry. difficult to hear, but i expect watmmers got into the audio and would have spoken up if that's incorrect. that's big news.
  8. this is in 2 weeks. do we know nothing? album kind of seems unlikely in that they would want to market it... no? the period of time immediately following release is huge for sales, it's hard to believe there could be a full aphex warp album coming in two weeks and warp is not marketing it except for a perfectly vague timer. reportedly aphex said "bleep store" at a recent show over the system. not sure if that's a collective delusion or what, but, between bleep store and album, im thinking bleep store looks more likely.
  9. is no one discussing the ending? you know there were an extra 10 minutes after the first hour, right?
  10. I was just wondering about this since it is indeed an older release and there wouldn't be need of going through all the hassle. But it would actually be a nice way to finally be able to hear the album as intended with a proper sound quality. if i'm not mistaken, theres a copy of the old test vinyl out there, i believe just waiting for watmm to realize we should crowdfund the acquisition of. that one i think is closer in era to the leaked mfm tape, but there's no reason to think they are the same. it ought to be mastered though
  11. looks like he's riding out a stroke induced by the Russia/GOP handler demanding a 20th take
  12. yes, someone please tell me what the correct truth is the smoke is overwhelming...the connections are FACT...just no smoking gun in relation to the orange choad himself.... here's a great politico article going over the smoking guns that are in plain sight. impeachment depends on congress deciding to impeach. and the majority are choads
  13. yes, someone please tell me what the correct truth is
  14. Nothing in that document really shocks me... I was hoping for more insane shit. interesting read. i was surprised by comey tossing the election, because i listened to this lawfare pocast with him talking about the may '16 decision to not press charges against clinton, and he seemed pretty honest and careful. others say that about him, too. it makes these meetings between him and trump even more dramatic.
  15. pence is a biggoted koch stooge and ryan is a party puppet cunt weasel but i would be relieved.
  16. The reason fossil fuels are so cheap is that it's subsidized by trillions of dollars globally. Move that subsidizing to renewables and that would help bigly in cutting carbon emissions. Coal use is already declining due to the markets, so Trump's pledge to save coal country is DOA, the market has spoken! And besides none of the top industries would be profitable if they actually paid for their environmental and social impact. I always wondered why oil companies raking in billions in profits needed subsidies. But I guess that's what an army of lobbyists gets you. Yeah of course the cheap price in $$$ is also an issue, but the point of that book was rather that in terms of kilowatts of energy, how is it even possible to replace today's energy needs with renewables. And the result was basically that with current usage trends, renewables won't be able to replace everything, you'd have to build nuclear also to be good for the next 1000 years or so. But of course the efficiency of solar has grown loads during the last 10 years, and since the author has sadly passed away, there's no update on the calculations I'm aware of. So basically even if we replace everything with renewables, we probably have to cut down on usage heavily as well, which will influence lifestyles a lot. we don't need to eliminate fossil fuel use. that would be nice, but if we just halved our carbon output it would an insanely successful achievement. bloomberg did an interesting piece on energy trends recently, showing strength in renewables
  17. https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/871078575423856640
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