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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. i dont really get a richard sense from it, even though bwe has a couple songs of alternate versions of richard's sc songs that came out at roughly the same time, and the two accounts seemed to be coordinating in terms of timing and with some references to each other. if it's richard then it's a project that very successfully achieves a unique and different sound. this would be consistent with the name brain waltz era, like he's trying to deliberately create a new genre of chill electronic music. despite that, it's hard for me to believe it's him. not because of quality, just because of personality. i wonder if it's a friend of his, though
  2. even if your state is definitely going to one candidate or another, and even if there are no contested congress seats in your state and district, there are also local seats on the ballot. local legislators draw the districts, which, as we know from all the salamander-shaped districts, is important.
  3. there were 1 or 2 other radiohead songs in this one, too i liked this episode, too. starting to like the wild west robot prostitute character now that she's a self-prorgamming neo.
  4. autechre have patches that can resonate anything. shouldn't have posted the model of the recorder
  5. this show is pretty cool. jon nolan says he has 5 seasons ready to go, but hbo didnt renew it? fucking lame. hard to believe, actually. this is the best hbo show yet, as far as i'm concerned. i'd rather watch this than sopranos.
  6. it wasn't american intervention. it was the UN. splitting hairs is fun. actually it was NATO, the UN has no power to "intervene" on the ground. guess which is the most powerful and influential state in the NATO coalition. obama actually insisted that the united states not lead the effort. france and britain were very vocal about intervening ahead of the vote. a number of middle eastern countries were demanding that the un act to intervene.
  7. bothered me too. and qadafi was basically used because they didn't want to mix it up w/syria. gaddafi was on a campaign of massacring his own people when the united nations voted to impose a no-fly zone. arab spring protests threatened gaddafi's rule so he responded by having his men machine-gun protesters and bomb them from the air. he had begun a sweep of the entire country to enforce submission by literally scouring all inhabited areas and killing anyone showing a hint of opposition. take a look at some news stories from the first quarter of 2011.
  8. 240 years is old for a country this is what it looks like poor information vetting is part of the problem the founding fathers dreaded the inevitability of political parties people take for granted that things tend to work themselves out, but if you look at history, sooner or later it all goes to shit, everywhere.
  9. call this supposition, but it would be hard to dispute that, from putin's point of view, it is not in russia's interest for the united states to be stronger. he sees that we could take the senate and thereby appoint another 1-3 supreme court justices who might overturn citizens united. does putin not see that removing much of the money from politics would make the functioning of government better, and the country stronger?
  10. so the fbi, including comey, said they have no reason to think there is anything significant in these new emails. they just... found... some... emails. the news is pushing this because people will watch, and people are watching because the news is pushing this.
  11. anyone's think putin's game is not even really about trump, but about keeping democrats away from the voting booths on election day so they don't take back congress? nice way to weaken the country, and prevent it from rejuvenating. it's really gotta be both.
  12. there's still two weeks. anything could happen between now and then, and americans are dumb as fuck. plus the democrats need to take back the congress.
  13. alright you make a good point. it remains true that things like contested conventions and states deciding to not let people vote for nominees punch a pretty big hole in the idea that primaries are supposed to be purely democratic. i didn't say concern over this issue is hysteria, i said it feeds the hysteria. hillary hysteria is palpable, and is largely a product of republican propaganda consisting of plausible nonsense. those guys profit off the destruction of humanity's earth habitat, they're like bad guys from inspector gadget. they take three times more money from wallstreet than democrats, and fight to cripple the consumer financial protection bureau, but they've got everyone fighting against hillary as though she is the wall street stooge.
  14. i've gone over this before but it bears repeating because apparently everybody is under the wrong impression, and it's feeding the hillary hysteria. the parties pick the nominees. the colorado gop didn't even count votes this year. the parties reserve the right to utterly disregard votes. the process was never supposed to be free from bias.
  15. people should vote even if their state is solid blue or solid red. the democrats have a chance at taking back both houses. if you believe in the causes that democrats fight for, or are opposed to what the republicans do with their congressional power, this is very important. we could actually see some rational legislation, written to benefit the people, get passed. the country needs it. the republicans have a 15% advantage because of gerrymandering districting tactics, so taking control away from them is not something that will happen easily. the following states have senate seats that could go either way: Florida Illinois Indiana Missouri New Hampshire Nevada North Carolina Pennsylvania Wisconsin Arizona Ohio and the following have contested seats in the house of representatives: Arizona California Colorado Florida Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Maine Michigan Minnesota Nebraska New Hampshire New Jersey New York Pennsylvania Texas Utah Virginia Wisconsin for people into politics, this is the important thing now.
  16. because of the lens you only get good resolution at the perijove. sometime this week is the third perijove. for the first one the camera wasn't talking pictures because it was doing a rocket maneuver to enter orbit. the second perijove gave us like 6 pictures. this one i don't think they're doing pictures because they're doing a rocket maneuver to shorten the orbit. after this, orbits will be 14 days instead of 70 something days.
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