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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. all across the heartland people shared scared looks about how a terrorist has become president
  2. the way people are primed to believe hillary smears, i think the republicans have an easy shot at 2020. if the democrats can take both the senate and the house, which is starting to appear possible, then she could actually do some things to run on in 2020.
  3. friday morning: access hollywood tape released friday: pence cancels campaign event in wisconsin saturday: rumors pence is considering removing himself from the ticket, says: sunday: as chelsea peretti put it, then:
  4. athletes offended by trump's use of term "locker room talk"
  5. when people say "the free markets will regulate themselves," i hear "let the massive problems happen so that we will figure out how to deal with them, which may be a regulatory body but we'll handle that later."
  6. this scene from a kindergarten story plays into the the harmful, dangerous and totally inaccurate narrative that it is not worth participating in the current system. it is not actually "them" who is doing this to us. it is us.
  7. may be rude

    elseq 1-5

    chimer is the good stuff
  8. World War II in Colour (the 13 part one) is by far the best documentary i've seen.
  9. november 8. we need extra time because we're a little slow.
  10. yeah, anyone interested in real reform should be interested in making sure the currently empty 9th seat of the supreme court is filled by hillary and not trump, plus other seats which are not unlikely to be open in the next 4 years. throwing a vote away on a third party is not so much principalled and idealistic as it is lazy and ignorant.
  11. bernie is keenly aware of the power he has and is playing it out skillfully, and will continue to even after hillary has taken office, if she wins. his whole campaign, while he clearly wanted to win, was largely about moving the dialogue further left. i can't be bothered to pull up the interviews right now but from the way he has talked about it, it is clear that he extracted concessions from clinton relating to her positions on liberal issues in exchange for his support. did you think she threatened to kill him?
  12. http://www.orangefreesounds.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Wrong-answer-sound-effect.mp3
  13. sorry if i led you guys to believe this is the proof of self-driving car consciousness thread, but it's not
  14. The last 3rd part candidate that stood a chance in Hell was Ross Perot. That says a lot about Merica. you say "chance in hell," which alludes to the fact that he didn't have a chance. when it is the day before election day and the polls are showing that the third party candidate will not win a single state, he or she does not have a chance. the important thing to note here is that if perot didn't run then bush would not have won in 2000. that is why people speak out against voting for 3rd party candidates. i get that you don't like that it's a two party system, but that doesn't change the fact that on election day we are choosing between two people for president. if you want to support 3rd parties, there are a lot of ways you can do that. participating in the political system is the life-blood of america. helping candidates run is not out of the realm of possibility. you can be a politician, it's actually not that difficult. here is how, it's like a 5 step process. keep on eye on your local legislature. periodically there will be an opening for a seat. that's the biggest part, just knowing when there is a seat opening up. then you run and you will have a decent shot, or maybe a really good shot! then you are off and running, repeat again from the beginning with higher seats. throwing away your vote on election day is a very very poor and ineffective way of supporting a third party, and it may just result in us having another george W. you need to build from the ground up. get the third party strong enough to the point where they are polling well before the election, and then go ahead and vote for them. sorry, i know you don't want to think that polls matter, but that is actually the reality we are dealing with.
  15. crow instigating a cat fight for its amusement https://www.instagram.com/p/BKt3cW5AsFU/
  16. support a third party candidate while they have a chance, but when its election day and its clear they dont have a chance, it is a choice between two people.
  17. You don't need our votes remember? After the whole rigging the Democratic primary against Bernie scandal? Cheating hag. in colorado this year the republicans blatantly disregarded the votes in deciding their delegate decisions. votes weren't even counted. this is not how colorado normally does it, it was an extreme measure taken to as an effort to stop trump. there was a unanimous vote of the board of the colorado gop to get rid of the citizen votes and choose "unbound delegates." both parties used to have a system where the voters were just decoration and the candidates were openly decided by party leadership. over time it has evolved to be more voter-based, but it's a pretty recent evolution, like over the last 50 years. the rules behind how primaries and caucuses work are very loose, subject to change, and decided by party leadership. the notion that there is supposed to be utter impartiality is kind of just something imagined by people who are uninformed on the matter. expecting no bias between a non-democrat running on the party ticket and an actual democrat is absurd. calling hillary a cheating hag over some bias in the democratic party is preposterous. it's well outside of reality. from CNBC - We choose the nominee, not the voters: Senior GOP official
  18. rational people need to stop sitting it out. the reds are being vicious without having facts on their side, we should be vicious with the facts on our side. trump is for nuclear proliferation. there's no excuse for this race to be close. it's the result of some nightmarish storm of sociological dynamics. it's all symptomatic of the deeper problem of people having poor information vetting abilities. people accuse me of believing the mainstream media while they believe a fool on youtube. you cant execute someone because maybe he's guilty. if you don't know it then you don't fucking know it. stop enjoying saying that you do.
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