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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. produk 29 should be at the beginning of a jackie chan movie.
  2. i always enjoy charlie rose interviews with mike morell (former deputy director and acting director of the cia). apparently he retired so that he could devote his time to making sure clinton wins. heres the recent cr interview he talks about his take on trump and putin, his concerns about a trump presidency, and his (rather extensive) experience working with clinton, along with some syria, china and russia stuff.
  3. the "frequently referenced video, shown below" is a an edited gif. the second half is the first half played backwards
  4. yeah really wish i could give zvld money
  5. all these tapes coming out lately. im going to regret not riding the limited tape train
  6. how is this even close... how many things does trump have to say... he's for nuclear proliferation, he's against porn, he thinks american pows shouldnt be considered war heros, he makes a prejudiced insult about the mother of a killed american soldier, he makes fun of a female politician's face, he says mexicans are rapists, he says he is going to ban muslims from entering the country, women who seek abortion should be punished, america should torture more, a judge of mexican descent makes poor rulings because of his ethnicity, he boasts about the size of his penis on tv, says obama would have gone to scalia's funeral if he were muslim, does a mean-spirited impersonation of a disabled person, talks about a debate moderator being on her period, incites violence at his rallies, chooses a notoriously anti-gay guy for his vp... honestly i am not trying to talk politics here this is just deeply disconcerting. it shouldn't have got this far. you know what people like about trump? that he's a bigot. a repulsive, contemptible, wretched, disgusting, abominable, grotesque, repugnant, detestable, reprehensible, deplorable, apalling state of affairs
  7. i think its really great. cheetah 7 and a circlon 3 i cant get enough of.
  8. and Trump & Putin. Yes, It's Really a Thing (Talking Points Memo)
  9. there's a lot more to the trump-putin connection than people realize. Is Trump Obsessed With Putin and Russia? (NYT) from putin's point of view, hillary looks like a hard ass and trump looks like an easy adversary. plus trump would weaken america somewhere from a lot to catastrophically a lot, and putin would see that as good for russia.
  10. bernie, who is not a democrat, called for obama to be primaried in 2012. maybe its not the bildebergers behind the dnc bias. also, it's us intelligence that is saying the russians were behind the hack and leak. i read they can attribute it to russia beyond a reasonable doubt. quite interesting.
  11. i was talking about how bernie was making fun of her getting cucked on national television, with her standing there. you have to watch it for like a minute, i picked the time to give it some set-up. especially glaring in the context of it coming out of his frustration in realizing (in february 2016, as the primaries were moving into southern states and he was trailing due to superdelegates) that his behavior toward obama would likely cost him the election. seemed like he snapped and just had a very ugly moment of cruelty at the end of that debate there. merciful that the press let him get away with it. osobjornemedved, i watched the 3am ad and im not sure what you find problematic about it. regarding the picture of obama in muslim garb, from what i gather the clinton campaign denied putting it out. regarding the assassination comment, i'm not sure what your problem is with that either. i dont even know what to say about how you're trying to hold it against hillary that she ran against obama in 2008.
  12. psyched, the original is a really unique and great album. is there word about if these tracks are from the same sessions or era?
  13. timestamp in link not working in some browsers or something. 1:36:27
  14. its pretty clear which of the two major parties is hollowed out with rot and utterly decrepit. the way to a 3 party system is to hasten its demise. low taxes sounds good to everyone. its funny when they try to explain it like it's an intellectual thing. i get it, low taxes. its inevitable that two leading parties would polarize around that lowest common denominator. the simplest of simplifications. its inevitable that the party standing for low taxes would become puppets for the rich and utterly corrupt. all they can do is shout about how the others are corrupt too, and feed the parrots with plausible politimemes to perpetuate through the 98% of society who won't break things down to the originating evidence, and just go with consensus. its inevitable that the mega-amplified information channels will be weaponized by those on the side of the more corrupt. like the guilty party shouts louder, and the honest are at a disadvantage against the dishonest.
  15. cirklon1 kind of sneaks up on you and on the 4th listen you are like "oh. fuck."
  16. awesome sci fi minus the fi: China Could Legally Seize Moon's 'Peaks of Eternal Light' --"Will Earth's 1st Space War Start There?
  17. she's been cleared on the bengazi deal. odd how there was such commotion before all inquiries found nothing. amazing that people think her using a private email server is a big deal. powell did it. she probably thought it was more secure and was probably right. see: cablegate, in which hundreds of thousands of diplomatic cables were leaked to wikileaks. there's an unmistakable animus underlying anti-hillary rhetoric and the way it's unaccounted for is quite suspect. we're still contending with the backlash of red staters who felt victimized by bush hate. just like the nazis couldnt handle that their side fucked things up in world war 1.
  18. carnival acid is my favorite aphex song at the moment. in the maze park is one of those like flim medieval rave 2 is great bodmin 3 is a classic
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