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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. frontline is really under-appreciated. for those who dont know, they do hour long documentaries once a month on important and current issues and don't really pull any punches. it's not half-assed tv news specials like you might think, there's impressive journalism and quality production going on. i don't know how many years back the online archive goes, but they put them all up to watch on their site here
  2. cosmos (the new one) - completely stunned by how great it is. being an astronomy geek i thought i would find it boring as i figured it must be a bunch of introductory level stuff but it's really an outstanding show. apparently season 2 is being determined right now. i could see how it's an expensive show, they bring neil around the world, do a ton of actually good cgi, a bunch of long animation bits from history. the talks for renewing it and what it would involve have been dragging on for a while now... i hope neil is in it and they have the same resources as they did for the first
  3. looks like afx accepted xf's pro unlimited year gift jan 27th last year. looking at this page, it doesnt let me gift him a month, and i cant afford the whole year myself.
  4. if his account gets downgraded, then someone gets him pro unlimited after it lapsed, will soundcloud have deleted most of the songs?
  5. spent some time looking into the news about compelling evidence of a large, distant planet in the solar system. the indications do seem quite strong. look at this picture: the purple orbits are the larger objects that are beyond neptune at their closest approach. see how they are all on one side, and seem to wrap around a ring (the gold ring that's the hypothesized planet's orbit)? seems like something is clearing the way and thats why you dont see the purple orbits elsewhere. but that's not even the most compelling thing, those purple orbits are going against the plane of the solar system! apparently orbits can be twisted that way by the orbits of larger bodies. plus there are other indications, like deviations of kuiper belt objects, this article goes into some detail on the set of evidence. they're saying its between 1 and 10 time's earth's mass, and the periodicity is something like 10 or 20 thousand years. video other video
  6. dont feel sad deer you're probably not really from the reptile dimension
  7. xf bought him a year of sc pro unlimited almost a year ago. someone should make a kickstarter for a renewal. costs $135, that's nothing. we raised like 80 grand for a dozen songs by richard. looks like there's no way to disable overfunding on kickstarter. so, even if joyrex did it and sent the overfunding to richard, would that be a legal concern for him, in terms of warp? i mean clearly it's a gift, but the law is often fucked.
  8. the 2nd amendment is 27 words and 2 of them are "well regulated"
  9. adam has autechre playing in this instagram video https://www.instagram.com/p/bxogqGq3EK/?taken-by=adamjones_tv danny said in some interview he likes squarepusher and aphex twin
  10. pro tip: mustard on a bagel

    1. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      Is the tip to try that, or avoid? lol

    2. Bechuga


      I hate bagels and mustard. This is the sum of all my fears in a donut shape

  11. amazing new shot from hst. newborn star with jets, surrounded by a cloud that will likely collapse into a disc and ball up into planets
  12. britain makes it illegal to check significant other's facebook
  13. they've already got a bunch of stuff in varying stages of completion, with some lengthy pieces nearly done. i can't imagine it won't come out at this point. they're not gonna make another undertow or another aenima, or any kind of imagined equivalent. i'll be happy with whatever they do, i like those guys.
  14. OR maybe they are waiting until they upload the north american tour stuff, because it seems like it would be better to invest in the advertising when you have 30 hours there ready to buy!
  15. maybe they are trying to be more autonomous, less coordinating with warp, and trying to do without those things (promo, editions), and making up for it profit-wise with more product (9 hours so far) and less overhead (no manufacturing, advertising). they can put an article out when they feel the need to (this dickfork thing) there was a comment about how much time they had to spend debugging their system to make it reliable in the live setting. i wonder if they have been dedicating their time over the last couple years to this stuff, and so don't really have a lot of "studio album" stuff on hand?
  16. i need to get good at discussing disagreements in a totally agreeable way. i know it's possible, i've seen it done. if we could all help each other to improve each other's ways of seeing things, what's wrong with that? the problems come when things get contentious. i guess if you're in a trench in world war 1 maybe it's justified to yell at someone. basically outside of that, though, anything you want to convey can be conveyed in a friendly way. anyway, linmiri is awesome
  17. does he think the debate is over taking peoples guns away? the debate is primarily over implementing background checks for purchases. nobody would even consider bringing up taking peoples guns way. terrorists can get guns as easily as candy. mentally insane criminals can get guns as easily as t-shirts. thats what the republicans wont budge on. most gun owners support these background checks. republicans have their position staked out to appease their voter base, the crazy southerners
  18. the yt track audio is different. it sounds like letters and 1 word maybe oaessexrichard[day]jaymes? or is it oaessexrichard[date]aaymes? 0aeffe hex? https://soundcloud.com/user18081971/uchoob-links
  19. Not yet, no. there's a lot you can do after getting monitors to make them sound a lot better. at the very least you should get isolator pads if you didnt already.
  20. have you tested the room response yet?
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