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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. i see your point but in the military the chain of command is not an abstract concept, it is very concrete. one of the most significant roles the president plays is as the military commander.
  2. if what would happen? you're referencing some unspecified hypothetical scenario, i'm guessing it's a very obviously wrong war that trump would initiate. for one thing, wars are almost always laden with complexities and propaganda so the notion that it would be clear to everyone that it was wrong seems like an unlikely situation. second of all, we got onto this thread of the discussion because you said: which is a much more broad statement than the narrow and unrealistic hypothetical you are talking about now.
  3. show me a rule requiring the president to defer to anybody (regarding the current topic). there most certainly are rules to take care of defense officials disobeying orders from the commander in chief.
  4. the established norm is to consult with others but there is no rule necessitating a group decision. the president has sole authority to initiate hostilities.
  5. i think it will reveal how little the president can actually do, though I imagine there are backup plans in case he goes off the rails and tries to commit dangerous executive orders. the bush to obama transition is a good example - once obama came in power it was not a big change at all in foreign and military policy. Iraq war was very much pushed not by W alone but by advisers, complacent cabinet members, congress through majority votes, etc. it was an exension of the war on terror which even Gore would of implemented without hesitation. i hear a lot about the dangers of the power that's been consolidated to the executive. we'd all like to think that an unfortunately elected mad man couldn't do too much harm, but i have to wonder. an abrupt withdrawal from iraq would have been very much not ideal, which is why the process was staged. also i agree that obama was obliged to show some degree of deference to his military advisors. a strong case can be made for the suggestion that bush's administration allowed 9/11 to happen. this relatively recent politico article, in which new information about the warnings that were ignored was released, paints a rather damning picture, and it comes right from the mouths of the high level intel guys who were involved. i wouldn't say that any president would have allowed the known plot to be carried out. regarding entry into the iraq war, i entirely disagree. you must not have seen maddow's documentary hubris in which she interviews the intelligence advisors to the bush administration who say on camera that they informed the administration that the "intel" regarding wmds was garbage, and presents other very concerning information about the lead-up to the iraq war. powell knew there were no wmds before they went in. it's not even refuted that sadam had no ties to al qaeda. she did a follow up to that called why we did it which continues the same thread. she assembles a lot of direct, important, and exclusive information in those. its hard to say why we really went into iraq. it seems like a combination of personal gains by individuals in the administration, vengeance for the assassination attempt on bush sr, an old-world mentality about being able to smudge the reasons for war, and knowing that the m.i.c. was already half mobilized for a broader mideast war anyway. if i'm not mistaken, the president can undertake military action unfettered for a period of time, 30 days or 90 days. the only thing to stop him or her might be the military's unwillingness to carry it out, which would be a historically big deal and have massive ramifications of its own. if there was some semblence of a rationale, though, the military would be obliged to follow orders. people like to think that things wont go wrong, but they do.
  6. you got me thinking about the possibility of trump trying to take over if he wins. hard to imagine the military and various other mechanisms allowing it to happen, but it brought me to another thought. trump exhibits clear signs of being a crazy dude, and you shouldn't underestimate what a crazy dude is capable of. tough to know if he's consciously trying to throw the race because it's a shit job, or subconsciously trying to throw the race because he senses he's in over his head, or if he really is bat-shit. shouldn't discount the latter.
  7. pretty sure its not cheetah3 teac. noticed some new things and differences
  8. Shoutouts to Terminal 11. Dude makes good tunes. whoa yeah thanks for mentioning, great stuff
  9. awesome really looking forward to that. if the thing breaks, at least we will have a new aphex album.
  10. i'm listening to my unfinished and unreleased stuff atm as theres a LOT to come out. of the TM tracks that are out there already i like wasteland boutique very much. since then there's been a kind of bifurcation in my production methods between TM and RS where TM is mostly all laptop+tracker and a lot more brutal/naíve/instinctive and RS is studio stuff, more human and closer to life - all while battling bad cables, hiss and, most of all, time (especially trying to make my mc4 do what i want). i don't have much time to listen to other music right now so i'm having trouble keeping up with current releases, and i conciously avoid music that's close to what i make. theres some music playing in my home occasionally; Eno (another day on earth/ green world), NYZ, Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith, Sophie, Krzysztof Oktalski (what little i've been able to find- such a treasure), Jandek, Sibylle Baier, Martial Canterel, some PC Music, Górecki, Paul Lansky, Mimaroglu, Pierre Bastien, Mike Dreds recent stuff... interesting. thanks for the insight into your approach. i'm unfamiliar with most of those musicians you listed so i'm psyched to check them out, thanks for the list! what's nyz? google's not helping
  11. is there a chance we will get an application or plugin with this? that's what i thought when i saw the flier, but it's just a joke about old manuals?
  12. you're doing good. just the two eps he just put out, and the upcoming lp, i think Rolando Simmons - Bridgeland Part 1 (2016) Rolando Simmons - Human Touch (2016) Trackermatte - Ná (2016)
  13. burglar, what are some of your favorite tracks of yours right now? what music by other people do you think is great right now, that maybe people aren't familiar with?
  14. may be rude

    elseq 1-5

    you're supposed to play all 5 elseqs at once
  15. the 'well regulated' bit in there doesn't refer to federal regulation AFAIK, it just means 'disciplined', 'organised'. it seems you're right. carry on The meaning of the phrase "well-regulated" in the 2nd amendment
  16. correct, and this is why i said it's more to do with the mentality of the community. in the 60s there were television ads for toy guns. can you imagine that happening today, or the amount of warnings that would be included at the end to please certain groups that they're not promoting gun violence? and this is considering that america has been becoming less religious. at some point guns went from being tools to weapons, and then subsequently to perpetuate their ease of access and availability, they became coupled not as a privileged necessary to some but a god-given right to all. kids with guns in the 50s and 60s were seen as espousing the ability to hunt and carry the responsibility of handling such a powerful tool which in decades past was a necessity for those living off the land. in the 20th century it went hand in hand with driving back when cars were more dangerous and harder to drive and probably seen to many as an extension of driving a tractor or handing a horse. that's why the NRA went from a pro-regulation gun sporting and gun education association to a gun manufacturing lobby after the 70s. they've distorted the 2nd amendment to become an 11th moral commandment instead of an outdated and vague part of the bill or rights because that's the only way to argue for the status quo. It used to not be that way. George H Bush literally resigned from the NRA publicly in 1995 but now even some Democrats are afraid to challenge the group. Some equivalent of nuclear disarmament with gun ownership will happen. It will have to anyway. I just don't know when but I can only say it will have to be after the GOP loses majority votes. Right now they can't even vote to ban people on terrorist watch lists from buying guns nor agree to focus on mental health...because the latter would involve expanding budget spending. The problem is that the NRAs current position is actually perfectly in line with both the spirit and the letter of the law regarding the 2nd amendment, it needs to be repealed. In fact, to really align with the spirit of the 2nd amendment private citizens should be legally allowed, and in a sense morally obligated, to own and maintain tanks, stealth bombers, nuclear weapons, aircraft carriers, etc. The spirit of the 2nd amendment is completely unworkable in the modern world, there was no way they could have predicted that of course, their reasoning was perfectly sound at the time. i like your broader point but i could take the opportunity to point out that the second amendment specifies good regulation, which the nra vehemently opposes
  17. it is dangerous for people to perpetuate the myth that any encroachment on limitless firearm access is an encroachment of tyranny. rome fell apart because of political disputes and political violence. the main thing we need is background checks. misrepresenting that kind of gun control with strawmen and slippery slope arguments is incredibly more wreckless than people realize
  18. anti-islam bigots share the quality with terrorists of being unwilling to discern into things and instead painting the world in grotesque, cartoonish swaths
  19. some people are worried about the possibility of trump winning. i think he will be crushed in november. actually i see his candidacy as a positive thing, it's an opportunity to initiate conversations with people about these topics. people who actually agree with him on these awful points he makes, after november, when will we have the opportunity to broach these subjects with them?
  20. waiting for other people to make cool things rather than making cool things

  21. i didnt listen to the previews, is cheetah 7 sped up? any other differences?
  22. may be rude

    elseq 1-5

    since elseq came out ive been listening to ae_live a bunch. digging elseq plenty, its like i dont want to get behind or something. theres so much to still unlock or whatever. krakow makes me suspect owdegger snuck in an hour long composition, standing behind their gear watching the crowd listen to it for the first time. the beginning section, the first 10 minutes or something, i dont see how any of that could be improv, it's so intricate, layered, perfect, and demonstrative of masterful composition.
  23. what the fuck is the matter with you. thats a sick and reprehensible comment. you should be fucking ashamed of yourself.
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