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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. his son and others said he was https://www.huckmag.com/art-and-culture/busting-myths-hunter-s-thompsons-son/ https://boingboing.net/2013/01/11/hunter-thompsons-daily-routi.html @auxien oh shit that was e jean carroll who wrote that book he had some good stints, most in the distant past.
  2. he was an alcoholic and a drug addict. the world could be a different place if he had sobered up.
  3. watm back. i almost went outside.

  4. yes but it's not that simple. you can't tell your audience you've been misleading them all day every day for years. fox has a whole forest of false narratives woven into each-other, buttressing the political party they've strategized their business around propping up, and the bread was buttered for that ecosystem to align with the president. it takes a tricky pivot. some form of pivot has been taking place. you see trump trashing fox over the last year or so, trying to battle it. some hosts call out some things in some ways. not that i think rupert's pushing it, more like producers are allowing it, because talk of injections of disinfectant is hair-raising, leveraging ukraine defense aid for a political hit is egregious, etc. scattered instances of hosts/producers just not wanting to stand by without calling specific things out. shep smith was pushed out for criticizing trump. chris wallace sides against trump maybe the most. in the last couple days i saw some fox people called out trump's touting of the unproven and dangerous malaria drug. the big boat will never turn in time, unless people start illuminating each other so that their bottom drops out. fox is the weakness of the end guy. we take down fox we win. pull the curtain for the admirers of oz. no one likes being misled.
  5. I can't make heads or tails of it i think the dates go with the image posts. the latest one is may 17, below the go plastic image. if you go to "older" from the may 17 one, it's a set of 4 images from may 10
  6. this guy was a republican until he converted, a couple years ago:
  7. he's pusing the narrative that america has more cases because we have more testing! because everything is fine and he did a great job on testing. it's not that we ended up needing to test more because we have the worst outbreak, because he let the virus spread for all of february and half of march, doing nothing and misleading people. of course, the federal testing effort has been abysmal, and he left it to the states to realize that they had to take care of testing themselves, rather than having fema do it, which is what fema is for. that's what that is. he's been pushing this idea strategically, in many places, and it's hard to even tell what he's trying to say, sometimes. it's a strange combination of deceptive messaging aimed at covering up his failings in testing and the response in general, as well as misleading people on the point that we still need a greatly improved federal test and trace system. and, to discount the death toll that is inconvenient for him (a third of the world's covid deaths), he's pushing the narrative that death numbers are deceptively inflated. i don't think inaccuracy in the presumed covid death count is so great that, if corrected, it would change the character of the total death count. and experts say the death toll is missing many covid deaths, such as from people dying at home. fauci testified on wednesday that he thinks the real death count is much higher than the official death count, due to such uncounted instances.
  8. sure. i just like to point out the distinct human phenomenon for profound suffering to result from generalizing groups negatively, and how it is something that people often enjoy participating in. the holocaust, slavery, all kinds of genocide and oppression entail this behavior of painting individuals with a derisive generality. in private friend groups it's commonly lauded as amusing. i know i don't need to tell you about that, dingformung, but you prompted me to post some thoughts on this thing that i find relevant, these days. it kind of seems like we evolved an instinct for this harmful behavior as warring tribes, and don't even realize when we are engaging in it. some people don't want to let go of using the word "faggot." it's not worth the trade-off, to them, to contribute to fighting against this strange tendency that, as many know, causes severe suffering. offenders enjoy it too much to let it go, or don't realize that they're contributing to a strange phenomenon that manifests insanely harmful consequences. this ties in with the rise of trump. he tapped into the pent-up energy of people who feel censored by increasing social norms of sensitivity. this crevice in society was targetted by cambridge analytica, it's a psychological attack vector to exploit. people are annoyed by political correctness. sometimes you have to walk them through the logic behind the social norms of sensitivity, and point out how generalizing groups negatively is the exact thing that the nazis used to rationalize their genocide, and that slave owners used to justify their offenses, and that contributed to african americans suffering profound racism in the 20th century. they don't get the cause for caution and sensitivity. the other piece that people miss is that it's about not setting the example for idiots. maybe you think its harmless to engage in amusing generalizations in a private friend group, but setting the example perpetuates the culture from which malignant instances of the behavior emerge. there are traceable lineages of influence branching out from observed example, that's just sociology. sounding pretty preachy, but i'm more coming from a place of finding it an interesting and signficant thing.
  9. you can generalize any group negatively and people will love it
  10. he's one of these soulless dudes who is beyond the pale, yes. mcgrath is polling competitively, and closing the gap. graham is also up in 2020, and feeling some heat from opponent jaime harrison, in south carolina.
  11. btw, November 3, 2020 will be the last chance for Kentucky to do something about mcconnell for 6 years. running against him is amy mcgrath. she's a former fighter pilot and she is dope af.
  12. there's always going to be a right. it's hard to imagine the metric of more vs less taxes not being the dominant dimension, because it is the simplest psychological concept, the lowest common denominator. i don't take issue with the concept of the right, and generally just seek to show rightists how they have been misled by those they follow. i think the establishment gop, in its current iteration, is quite deceptive. i think it's a result of that tendency for the party catering to the rich to slide toward corruption. the pbs documentary the divided states of america illustrates how the gop under obama decided on a game plan of identity politics and stonewalling, because they were on the ropes in 2008, after wallstreet deregulation precipitated a global economic collapse and bush sat on his hands for months as markets were in freefall, waiting for his term to be up. they lost both chambers and the white house. the iraq war was a horrible disaster. '09 is when mcconnell became GOP leader in the senate, and he has gleefully quarterbacked this deceptive practice ever since.
  13. the democrats are just politicians that don't focus on catering to the rich at the expense of doing things to help the country. this is the fault line that forms the parties. "low taxes" is dog whistle for "hey rich people." sure, lower income people like the idea of low taxes too, and therein lies the rub. double whammy: you get a constituency base, AND you attract the big donors. all you need to do is placate the base while pandering to the donors. the rich are magnetized toward the right. they're folks like us all, mostly casual observers without an appetite to sort out all minutae. because of this gravitation of big funding, there's a natural tendency for the party that inhabits that niche to creep toward corruption and disingenuousness. the other partisan issues are more happenstance, shit sliding downward into puddles from the ridge formed at the fault line. i.e., the wedge issues of the needed consituency to exploit. some generalization brain droppings for you guys. but it can be strange to try to understand the nature of the parties and i've found that concept helpful.
  14. i'm missing a bunch from user901489418 spotted dude's head in one video. guess 4rd isn't tom. all the better.
  15. i was thinking of user901489418. thought that account used "t0m" as the name, and user901489418 as the handle, back in 2015. but now there is "t0m-2" on sc which is someone else (you?). and, to add to the confusion, i think someone else took the user901489418 handle. looks like it's some other dude, now. songs i ripped from user901489418, many ended up on bewwip releases:
  16. 4rd armpit skin (hands and some arm): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjcQAwCsbQ4 for watmm analysis: spectral charts forthcoming should be noted that i think 4rd used to be named t0m on soundcloud. it was user901489418 with tj in plastic shades for profile pic iirc. then one day 3rd armpit became bum trumpet and t0m became 4rd armpit.
  17. he also admitted to violating the logan act (negotiation by unauthorized American citizens with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States), for his calls with kislyak that he lied about, and the Foreign Agent Registration Act, for his crazy scheme to kidnap a turkish cleric in pennsylvannia and render him to turkey for money. he made those admissions in his statement of offense. as part of the deal, they only pressed charges for lying to the FBI, which is the kind of charge that is almost never dropped.
  18. a week after the administration claims victory over the pandemic, they start wearing masks because trump is freaked out about numerous cases in the white house. only a thousand deaths today. that seems to be going down, for now, at least. the supreme court thing tomorrow is being broadcasted. the trump lawyers are set up to fail but who knows. the banks and the firm holding the records indicated they would hand them over. if that happens, i will be interested to see if deutsche bank loans were guaranteed by russian state bank VTB, as reported. also tomorrow, senate committee hearing with fauci, redfield, and others on the covid response. should be some good stuff there. also, barr dropping the flynn case earned him significant blowback, despite his PR interview saying history is written by the winners. 2,000 former federal officials, so far, signed another letter saying he's attacking the rule of law, and that he should resign, and that Congress should do something. also, one of the people barr quoted in the DOJ filing about dropping the Flynn case put out an article saying he distorted her words.
  19. A whistleblower paints a shocking picture of the White House bungling the covid-19 response https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/the-trump-administration-fumbled-while-the-virus-spread/2020/05/08/d4bf8686-9078-11ea-a9c0-73b93422d691_story.html
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