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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. Florida police organization offers to hire cops who were fired or resigned over police misconduct
  2. push a dump out pls
  3. you're right. replies here get into it. was a photoshop. apparently this is real:
  4. no idea but here's a good aerial edit: fake
  5. moving stuff going on. protests all over. germany, london, amsterdam. love this, which the DC mayor did, along with demanding that trump removes his troops: the road is directly in front of the white house and runs into lafayette square, and has been renamed Black Lives Matter Plaza
  6. graham chairs the senate judiciary committee and he has launched an inquiry into the origins (oranges) of the mueller investigation. this is a double-edged sword because the IG investigation found that the crossfire hurricane fbi investigation, which started as a counter intelligence investigation, and ultimately became the special counsel investigation (when comey was fired), was founded on appropriate predication, and the IG did not take issue with a single finding in the mueller report. congressional GOP and conservative media harp on findings in Inspector General Horowitz's report pertaining to the carter page FISA warrant and the steele dossier, but carter page was a bit player, of little significance, although a suspicious figure, and the steele dossier did not play in a role in the predication of the investigation, or in the ultimate findings and charges. so, this GOP noise is largely political rhetoric and misdirection. graham is chancing that his shrill theatrics can override careful reason with his gambit. the recent, public senate judiciary events (last week's rosenstein hearing and meeting about suboenas) featured graham exhibiting that he may have picked the wrong fight. democrats now have the IG report and familiarity with the case, with which to hose graham's lawyering. it seems that graham intends for a months-long proceeding, looking into the origins of the mueller investigation. i have to wonder if it could result in the GOP misdirection and disinformation campaign backfiring and causing them to lose ground on this front. feinstein, blumenthal, sheldon whitehouse, leahy, and hirono are all formidable opponents, and they used their time in last weeks hearing and meeting to land blows on lady d. rosenstein is a nuanced figure. he wrote the garbage, pretense memo that was pointed to by trump as rationale for comey's firing, and he wrote it at the behest of trump and sessions. long-time fbi special agent mccabe, in his book, details exchanges with rosenstein that he seemed to find suspicious, with regard to his handling of crossfire hurricane/the special counsel investigation. but rosenstein is a sharp dude. if he started out seeking political advancement through corrupt favors, he may have realized that he stumbled into the spotlight, and into the center of events of enormous scale, and decided to start playing things more cleanly. follow it now, rather than watching the hbo miniseries in 20 years. fascinating stuff.
  7. wiki lightning density page shows DC area with 10 - 15 strikes/km2/yr ?
  8. many worlds are possible. history is made of individual acts.
  9. obama's article on medium directs energy to political work, and i think he's right. vote. talk to people about who they're going to vote for, if they are registered, how they can register, and how to check if they are registered. the ground is incredibly fertile for organizers to establish themselves, to mobilize people for November 3, and to make specific demands of their local governments regarding police brutality and racism. and it will make a difference, and this is how change happens.
  10. great post, as always. at the end you seem to suggest that you're anticipating unrest to escalate nearer to a serious internal conflict. today the nyt reports that barr had to argue against invoking the insurrection act, while pence argued for it, and then ivanka told trump to walk over to the church. i still have hope that we can avert a more militarized scenario through a collective spread of reverence for peacefulness. peaceful protest is an american institution. the concept is spreading. when you see police taking a knee in solidarity with protestors, you see it working. put police between peaceful protestors and crazy trump, and they will side with the protestors. we see exceptions, with police moving on peaceful protests. i feel that, if the principle of peacefull protest reaches critical mass, then the protests can adopt a forcefield that will win the day. the potential is there, but people need to spread the message. absolute peacefulness alone may not be enough. we will also need practices of being watchful for agitators, using cameras and social networks, and general communication and discussion at a new level. i hope we take that path.
  11. so ready for these drops. elseq blew my ass off and nts migrated my consciousness to the ethernet wrap pls
  12. hehe i dont want to rip on either of them. lex is the man and i know people who like whitney a lot. i might actually check it out, lex is killing it with his podcast. i know that he has an interest in the question of whether an AI could be created that a human could "genuinely" fall in love with, like in the movie her.
  13. seemed more in annoyance at the trolling and close proximity of the unmasked person, as confirmed by the reporter's turning away, hand gesture, and signalling the segment's end. it's a shoulder mounted camera, there's likely a rationale the cameraman had, like it fogs the viewfinder, or could cause a problem he could not resolve on live tv with his hands holding the camera. also i would expect the cameraman would be mindful of keeping 6 feet of distance from others, as recommended by medical professionals, unlike the crowds they were covering.
  14. such evil on the horizon and present. the unlikely hope is that people will stop waiting for someone else to fix things and start addressing the dog shit arguments that their friends and families use to, very weakly, support their very wrong conclusions. the way people support conclusions in their minds is fucking pitiful. and those who know better stand by, wondering when someone will come fix it.
  15. i don't recall the times using the term insurgents to refer to palestinians, but maybe you can prove me wrong. it's true that israel has used harsh measures on the palestinians numerous times, and i'm not hear to defend that. it's also true that palestinians have engaged in attacks deliberately intended for random israeli civilians many times, and i don't agree with people who support such attacks. i like the times, and i think it's filled with noble, careful, incisive people, many of whom are at the top of the field of journalism, and who have internalized the practices of skepticism and accuracy, like cross-referencing information, fact-checking, vetting sources, stating source attribution in articles, and chosing words carefully.
  16. Roughly half the Twitter accounts pushing to 'reopen America' are bots, researchers found https://www.businessinsider.com/nearly-half-of-reopen-america-twitter-accounts-are-bots-report-2020-5 so fucked up. meanwhile, the bottom-line US chart, which towers above those of other countries, looks like this: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/us/coronavirus-us-cases.html barely declining, overall. but the thing about this US plateau that people need to understand is this: https://www.businessinsider.com/states-easing-lockdown-restrictions-premature-us-cases-rising-2020-5 NY, New Jersey and Connecticut all coordinated on aggressive distancing measures starting in late march, and they constituted most of the US cases. as they were getting it under control, the rest of the US was conistently getting seeded. so right now most of the US is actually on an up-swing, as they are reopening. and all of this, our actions now, bears consequence on the stage that is to come in the fall and the winter, when experts warn we are likely to encounter a more difficult time, because of the seasonality of respiratory infections. this dopey, corrupt GOP and conservative media may not only be fucking us royally by having contributed to letting the US epidemic be this bad up to the present, they may actually be setting us up for an even worse cataclysm, on the horizon. and no, elon musk, the death numbers are not fictitious. excess death tracking confirms what epidemiologists say: the true US death toll is likely higher than the reported one. the real death toll could be tens of thousands of deaths more, and you can go further if you include non-covid deaths caused by not being able to receive treatment for something else.
  17. it really pays to spend a lot of time digging into the history. it is such a complex and dynamic series of events, over the last 100 years, over there. and this is a prime case for exercising the eminently important practice of cross-referencing information. read how both sides view the same events. it is one of the most pronounced instances of conflicting information in the modern world. cross-referencing information is how you learn spins, learn to recognize language patterns that enable misleading propaganda, and learn journalistic practices that evince proper skepticism. you look at two articles that cover the same story, side by side, and wonder how they can be so different, and that draws you into the mechanics of information, propaganda, and journalism.
  18. maybe. now that i think of it, i think grant said something to that effect, that it's all jodey. if true then he has become far too powerful.
  19. jodey is a powerhouse. he is at the top of people putting out lots of solid material that does not stale. his facebook dumps are not sub-release level. i think the title "wtflol" comes from jodey knowing that he is giving away some of his best stuff for free. quite the gift. the timing corresponds with the wave of dumps and releases intended to help keep people home, distant and sane. very cool and much appreciated. avro prat is dark industrial, kind of ftp and wtflol is a bunch of dank af stuff, and i'd wager richard is present. gave AD a listen and thoroughly enjoyed. nice 20 minute acid jam on there.
  20. a lot of that content is disinfo from fraudulent accounts. twitter was suspending a million inauthentic accounts per day in 2018. that story cites twitter estimating as much as 5 percent of users are fraudulent and 8.5 percent use automation tools. think about how many twitter accounts must be inactive - half? two thirds? so 5% trolls and 8.5% bots may be like a third of active users. that estimate is not hard to believe, when you watch the content feeding in real time for a hashtag on tweetdeck.twitter.com. you see a lot of copied text from multiple accounts. they push qanon, obamagate, pro-trump shit. all the worst right-wing nonsense, they love. they keyboard-mash cheap, easy, juvenile crap that doesn't seem like something a real person would post, while pushing political messaging. they chip away at democrat support and inject confusion. information warfare means disrupting the enemy's information supply and it is effective. you look at the accounts and you see overtly american, christian, patriot, veteran, trump-loving account usernames and descriptions. they want to create an appearance of a demographic believing certain ideas, as well as get things trending. they want to prop up counter-narratives. you can neutralize facts by denying them consensus and providing a counter-narrative, especially when you have right-wing media, GOP congress members, and who-knows-what kinds of foreign operations all in alignment, reinforcing each-others' plausibility vectors. you look at the tweet history of these accounts and you find they tweet during asia daytime hours and just hammer out artifical-sounding replies all day. early morning, US time, all the disinfo shit is trending. and they come to each-other's aid, if you battle them. they try to swarm and flood those who challenge them so they give up, and to prevent an appearance of having been corrected. they always want the last reply because that is what shows when twitter folds a long back-and-forth. of course many posting the shit are real people. but many are not. looking at their account history can often give you a sense of whether they are likely authentic or likely inauthentic.
  21. he worked at exposing the bushes and nixon. certainly was gifted. he seemed to flirt with greatness journalistically but not really participate as many more commonplace journalists do.
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