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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. yeah, i could believe it. wtflol and ftp are some of the best releases of recent times. made a playlist where i trimmed it down to just the brutal stuff and it's ridiculous. possibly my favorite jodey releases.
  2. the american people fall for the "look over there" trick every time
  3. wapo breaking a big story on DHS profiling and targetting specific american journalists. CBP passing around baseball cards like they're terrorists DHS compiled ‘intelligence reports’ on journalists who published leaked documents
  4. florida man... https://www.orlandosentinel.com/coronavirus/os-ne-florida-coronavirus-thursday-july-30-20200730-w7q22rfsbrh7vlfgajawyprxbi-story.html florida's bad right now. 250 dead in a day, they're approaching ny at its peak, when it's estimated around 1 in 5 people had it in a month or two in the city. 6000+ dead so far in FL.
  5. Herman Cain, GOP candidate for president in 2012, died from COVID-19, today. He came down with the virus after attending Trump's indoor Tulsa rally, which took place at a time while the coronavirus was prevalent in that area, and which was at odds with public health recommendations.
  6. you mean succeeds with his tweet suggestion that he had someone type for him?
  7. russia paying to kill US troops is a "fake issue" "i comprehend extraordinarily well" good stuff from hennessey on the elections here:
  8. cicilline suggests that the purpose of the secret police is actually image? like it being one of the identifiers of fascism is just a coincidence? it's just about being seen as cracking down on the <1% of protests that fox news covers in which violence occurs (the majority of which comes from white supremecist infiltrators)? i guess that's the generous view. at 6:00
  9. i also like talking feds. government professionals offering their insight and analysis of current events. here's the secret police episode: https://www.talkingfeds.com/talkingfeds/00-00-2019/template-g4f54-3w9jc-bcegs-bnw7f-36chf-52zlr-3re5n-9t2xd-bet2d-cx43g-3lg99-8wxyf-67a59-9kf65-kmjj4-tatbk-9rt79-2h44c-ancp8-shzhh-p35aw-2lx2d-kjzb2
  10. we can all agree that trump's nipples lactate
  11. that article is gone, now ? was just hearing some interesting things about harry reid. was watching jeremy corbell and george knapp on rogan, then that got me going back and watching corbell and commander fravor and i think that's the one where corbell was saying a bunch of stuff about harry reid. got to admit what diatoms quoted above sounds like the lazar story. also i noticed the timeline of the senate briefing being october, 2019, follows the bob lazar doc and rogan appearance which was like june 2019 was never able to decide if i find the lazar story authentic or not. his descriptions of the tech are pretty cool. fravor and the other military sightings are the really interesting thing.
  12. was just playing baklava, enantiodromia, and bazilleon while weeding with my mom and it served the purpose surprisingly well. more please
  13. on topic of paintings, here is the obama presidential portrait that trump is breaking tradition by not putting up
  14. Man these guys are soooo beltway uppity wasp. Less tight ass than Lawfare but nearly there - occasionally informative nonetheless. hennessey is a nat sec legal professional, and wittes has been covering nat sec legal nuances for decades. all very insightful analysts. maybe white, not sure how anglo saxon or protestant. beltway? yeah, lawfare is brookings dc thinktank. uppity? they are uppity about real issues.
  15. for those not steeped in trumpalia the price has now been changed actress is british so idk if this is related but coincidentally at the time of his posting the 88 release, this was in the news.
  16. the initial bleepstore dump was immense. since then, there have been great updates. soundlab20, flngchrods, zt01, no stillson. not a firehose but definitely a nice addition to the continuing output through other channels like soundcloud, albums and youtube
  17. good podcast episode on the portland secret police: Rational Security: The 'Not-So-Secret Police' Edition
  18. turns out networking the world means a lot of group therapy
  19. putin and much of the oligarchy he keeps loyal to him are dependent on oil money. so, to them, 2017 - 2021 with trump instead of hillary probably delayed a lot movement on the necessary, overdue and inevitable green energy revolution that stands to wipe them out. but to answer your question, putin wants to weaken the US, along with other various military strategic goals, like the ones trump gave him.
  20. This we have cohen testifying that trump had him lie to congress about the timeframe of moscow tower negotiations. this IS trump breaking US law to cover up personal dealings with the russians. other suspicious things from volume 1 of the mueller report that make it appropriate to remain skeptical.. manafort continuously feeding polling data to russian spy kilimnik trump lying to mueller about info received about wikileaks through stone stone intimidating witnesses to cover up the russian/wikileaks communication channel trump jr telling veselnitskaya "i love it" about russian gov providing hillary dirt, and veselnitskaya's response being to talk about the russian adoption policy enacted in response to US sanctions (hinting at sanction relief) trump campaign did not report communications about election interference from russian government, including info given to papadopulous, stone, and jr i see no reason to give trump the benefit of the doubt on this matter. the question is not whether or not trump is doing shady dealing with putin. we already know he is (the cohen negotiations example is very solid). so we know that he WOULD do this kind of thing, the question is what is the extent.
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