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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. yeah. asked later, nadler said it is a de facto impeachment inquiry. they may not need to initiate official impeachment proceedings, if the court filing works. pelosi gets into some coded language around 19:20 - 21:10, below. to me it suggests she's intending to allow a vote on articles of impeachment. OOJ charges are impeachable, they're listed in the constitution as an example of something to impeach for. earlier in the press conference her and nadler directly say trump committed multiple instances of obstruction of justice. later, pelosi says that if there is a case for impeachment then they will move forward with it. she says they're waiting until they have the strongest possible hand, but wont wait forever, and will move forward especially if they are further stonewalled by the admin. she basically disclosed their plan.
  2. at the timestamp linked here in the town hall interview comey did with anderson cooper, he discusses the choice. he describes as "catastrophic for the organizations of justice" the scenario in which they don't disclose the clinton investigation reopening, clinton wins, and then the right says that the fbi hid the information for political reasons, allowing clinton to win.
  3. putin's goal is to weaken america. the strategy has been to increase and exploit internal division. a contested election is not necessarily the one goal, but it would be a huge prize along the trajectory he's on, because it could precipitate the actual fall of america. him and the fsb, sitting around thinking about how to fuck america, are certainly aware of this potential. comey was apparently so concerned that he risked tipping the election trump's way.
  4. i was struck by the fact that 3 of the 4 states manafort gave kilimnik polling data on were WI, MI, and PA. those are 3 of the 4 states that went a different way than expected, and had similar, narrow margins of about 1 percent. dropping registration records may have occurred. mcconnell's stonewalling of election protection is evil. i'm not being hyperbolic, it is evil. the final checkmate putin is playing for is a contested election. that's why comey made the public announcement about reopening the hillary investigation 10 days before the election, which likely tipped it. he chose it as the better alternative to allowing the reds (and those who manipulate them) to claim a fixed election and blame the fbi. comey has said effectively this, when asked about that controversial decision he made
  5. while i disagree with the generalization at the beginning of your post, you put your finger on the main issue of the hearing in the second half of your post, which is that congress, the media, and the viewers were waiting for mueller to say "trump should be impeached." that unwarranted expectation shrouded the very significant hearings. mueller, as he said in his introductory remarks before the judiciary committee, insisted on absolute integrity within the special counsel investigation because it would be important for protecting the investigation. part of that is mueller not over-extending himself, because that would open the investigation up to attack. mueller views the situation like this: he did the investigation and found the evidence, and any presidential wrong doing would fall on someone else, like congress, to address. he says that in the report. it is up to congress to say that these are high crimes and the president should be impeached. that view is eminently sensible. it's historically tragic that the gop are falling for, perpetuating, and amplifying false conspiracy theories that seek to discredit the special counsel investigation. if the media were not fruit flies darting to the nearest lowest-common-denominator headline, the headlines would be about the conflicting narratives on display in this historic congressional hearing. who is right? if one narrative is wrong, why is it so prominent? and how dangerous is it for such a false narrative to rise to the level of being shouted by congress people at a special counsel in a public hearing? the gop are helping trump dismantle the country's justice system, and while they are doing it they are going all in on trying to paint the democrats as the ones who are dishonest. it looks like the gop assaulting the country itself.
  6. i'm incredibly pissed at most of the liberal media for focusing on how mueller was cagey. the hearings are good and people should watch them and really pay attention. the dems had a tough challenge. they knew mueller would be restricted in what he would say, and they had limitted time. the exact play that was the correct one is what the judiciary committee ran - just extracting the significant content of the report from mueller for the cameras. the judiciary committee largely followed a shared script meant to do this, highlighting the 5 most proven instances of OOJ, mixed in with various other points. the facts laid bare are entirely damning. the intelligence committee part of today's hearing did not have the same shared narrative script, but was more traditional q&a. here's the lawfare no-bull mueller hearings audio edit-down podcast i recommend watching, though. it's very dramatic stuff:
  7. when the melvins had the lineup with the big business guys, buzz and jared would do weird harmonies on every song, and all 4 of them would sing, sometimes. like a sludge, slayer beach boys.
  8. nadler's appearance on fox news, today, seems to suggest they will vote on impeachment proceedings the day after mueller testifies. he says they are planning to bring the mcgahn subpoena to court a couple days after mueller testifies. this would make sense if they were waiting to begin this important court case for the added leverage that impeachment proceedings will give them, but want to get it going before august recess. the right is hedging more. chris wallace of fox news nailed stephen miller to the wall, and seemed to not oppose impeachment on the grounds of obstruction of justice in his conversation with nadler. he seemed to be discussing with nadler the challenge of getting the public up to speed with the correct information.
  9. conan without borders and ugly delicious are good shows
  10. mueller's testifying this wednesday. 2 separate public hearings in one day, one to the intelligence committee and one to the judiciary committee. the obstruction of justice that mueller documented is incredibly damaging to the integrity of the country and for them to get away with it furthers the damage. if the house dems have their heads on then they are not going into this in an inquisitive way, this is a deliberate act. they are doing this to have a public conversation with mueller, to precede a vote on holding official impeachment proceedings. but there are other logistics that they are considering, like winning court battles in order to attain testimony and documents. once they begin official impeachment proceedings, it's better to have public hearings ready to go. they know disinfo will be deployed against them. they need to move public opinion, to inform the public enough that they feel they aren't risking 2020 with a move for impeachment. and so that republican senators will be pressured by constituents to not shield trumpo from removal. the house has a long break starting after this coming week. they don't come back until september. i hate to say it, but, before knowing how the mueller testimony goes, it seems more likely they will wait until after, to vote on impeachment proceedings. it would be cool to see it happen next week, though. they get more leverage in compelling testimony, once they are in impeachment proceedings, so maybe they will do it next week, in order to get things moving? i don't put anything past house repubs, in terms of how they will behave toward robert mueller. i am holding out hope that an american sense of liberty and justice shows through. i root for the red ties to do the right thing, but i should know that they will shamefully disgrace truth and fairness, viciously attacking people of the utmost integrity and honor, because they are corrupt and use manipulation and lies to have power. disinfo will be rife. trump will do something to displace headlines. the media will bat pointless banter around.
  11. sorry zeff, she's the best candidate running. in the senate you always see her taking the right side and calling things for exactly what they are.
  12. seeing barr burrow around in the doj is hair-raising. i've seen people say that anyone else would be in jail for the obstruction crimes in the mueller report, and mueller himself said obstruction of justice is a serious crime that strikes at the core of the government's effort to attain the truth and hold wrong-doers accountable, and there was the petition of a thousand federal prosecutors who said trump's obstruction crimes were prosecutable, but it actually took a while for it to sink in how serious of a crime it is. it's an attack on the justice system. if it's allowed to occur without consequence then that invites a tangible shift in norms that are important for the longevity of a free country. trump and barr will run rampant.
  13. at least we have the video from the reddit thread. would love to see these released: 0:00:00-0:03:30 [Unreleased AFX 1, "Brooklyn trk1"] 0:03:26-0:07:00 [Unreleased AFX 2, "Brooklyn trk2"] 0:06:55-0:10:21 [Unreleased AFX 3, alt. mix of Turin trk1] 0:26:13-0:32:20 [bass/heavy ???] 0:42:13-0:45:47 [Unreleased AFX 5, chord stabs] 1:06:41-1:10:15 [Unreleased AFX 6, "Brooklyn Track"] 1:36:48-END [modular/efx ending]
  14. waren and harris are both better on their feet. harris' impalement of biden showed how comfortable she is at effectively taking down opponents.
  15. There's an ongoing attack on US elections that the president seems to not want to counter. The Russian Active Measures campaign undertook a massive operation to manipulate US opinion. Trump hired Cambridge Analytica to extensively engineer public opinion. Chris Wiley said he had reason to suspect the firm was secretly doing US election work for payment by Kremlin-linked entities. The Trump administration has exhibited that they like the approach of just turning the disinfo dial to 11. Trump has good reason to think that, when he leaves office, himself and his family members may face criminal charges. Trump says he would like to be president for more than 2 terms. Trump says he would contest election results if he lost. Cohen said he fears Trump would not allow a peaceful transition of power. Pelosi herself said that the Dems need to win in 2020 by a healthy margin because of the threat of Trump contesting the results. Trump is attracted to and friendly with authoritarian leaders, while he is rude and damaging to US allies. The GOP, since about 2008, has widely embraced a broad disinfo strategy. Russian state hackers probed state voter registration databases ahead of Trump's unlikely 2016 win, which turned on 3 states with narrow margins. McConnell has refused to a allow a vote on HR1 (which had the votes to pass), which would have instituted a number of safeguards on election security. ?
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