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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. good episode of The Lawfare Podcast this week. detailed insight into patterns of authoritarian shifts and overlap with trump actions.
  2. i've always found warren to recognize the nature of the moment quickly, where others lag for weeks. she's good when put on the spot. she's thoughtful and present. if by ferocity you mean trump's bulging eyes while shouting at a rally, i disagree that it is needed. warren fights tenaciously, she's a hard worker and knows when to fight for something. warren has the kind of intellectual ferocity on the level of a mature, modern activist. that's the kind of ferocity the country needs. i don't put it past the populace to recognize it.
  3. i think warren has creativity and charisma, and i actually think she does demand respect, even across the aisle. no one is going to command respect from 100% of voters. if she is more substance and less front and the voters fall for front and don't look for substance, i think that's an issue with the voters and not the candidate. i think it's correct to aim to put good public servants in positions. i see your point though what do you think about yanger?
  4. pneuma is so good, man. that, invincible, descending, and fear inoculum are my favorites so far. the others are clearly stunning though.
  5. it was bewildering when people were appalled by the DNC showing preference for a democrat. i like bernie quite a bit, but he's not perfect. by March 2016, Hillary had a 320 delegate lead and it was mathematically impossible for him to win the nomination. 5 months later, at the convention, when it was time to gracefully step down and rally behind clinton, he dropped the ball. he gave a pained speech that did not direct his followers to get behind the democratic nominee, and instead conveyed a grievance against the DNC. nice job, bern warren is clearly the best. the country would be lucky to have her as president
  6. bill maher just said "fuck him, i'm glad he's dead" and "at least he lived long enough to see the amazon burn"
  7. the percentage of things that enter human awareness is minuscule
  8. was surprised by this million year chart of co2 concentration
  9. warren has been talking to voters and presenting a thoughtful campaign in media and has only been moving in one direction. she has been steadily gaining ground and is currently in the process of overtaking biden. polls show her winning iowa and new hampshire. betting markets favor warren, now, for the nomination.
  10. i like to hype warren because i love her so much but i have to admit that bernie is still very solid
  11. words fail me. maybe, in the future, "trumpian" will mean a kind of rule that is astoundingly heinous
  12. anyway... i like that trump gutted the Endangered Species Act in order to displace headlines about his association with a child sex trafficker, and about his looming impeachment for criminal obstruction of justice, and because it would make his son happy. at least he's not getting paid for speeches, like hillary.
  13. it's hard to cut through the noise, with this president. i even lament people focusing on the russian conspiracy part too much, regarding the mueller report (as clearly nefarious as it is). the obstruction counts revealed in the mueller report are rock-solid, and obstruction of justice is an incredibly serious offence. obstruction of justice is an earnest assault on the core of the country, it strikes at the load-bearing supports the country depends on for our entire way of life. it's illegal for a reason and was listed as an impeachable offence for a president in the constitution for a reason. 1000 federal prosecutors said they would prosecute for the obstruction of justice evidence described in the mueller report because obstruction of justice is not something that they let people get away with. this video highlights some of the more significant points.
  14. some reviews are out. https://loudwire.com/tool-fear-inoculum-full-album-what-to-expect/ https://metalinjection.net/reviews/tool-fear-inoculum-review
  15. Episode 4 of The Report is really good. A lot of interesting Cohen/Moscow stuff.
  16. i like that one of the few songs they put up on youtube is useful idiot
  17. they could have tried to bury it. they never needed to release even a summary of the principle findings. maybe you're right that they knew that that wouldn't fly. i just find myself conflicted about barr, because he released the report. even his misleading summary letter set the appetites of the congress and public by revealing the tantalizing fact that mueller declined to make a traditional prosecutorial decision on obstruction of justice. revealing that fact is really the thing that ensured that the report would get out. the rest of the misleading summary letter may have worked to reassure trump that releasing the report would be ok. again, though, i'm wondering out loud. there are good odds that barr represents a historic, existential threat to the country. in his confirmation hearings he was pressed on transparency regarding the results of the special counsel investigation, so he probably released the report because he didn't think he could get away with burying it.
  18. interesting insight from palmer report. the IG, Horowitz, is no trump obstructor, and he is investigating the death. https://www.palmerreport.com/analysis/gave-something-away-barr-epstein-death/19948/ foul play should be investigated, but it's not unlikely that he killed himself, or was simply killed for being a child rapist. nice to see the IG position is still intact. barr seems like a weapon that history books will record as being largely responsible for the demise of america. he used to be CIA. i sometimes wonder if he is kind of working as a double agent against trump. i dont know what the truth is, but him and rosenstein are enigmatic figures. mccabe clearly sounded an alarm about rosenstein in his book. barr mislead the public about the mueller report. but the thing that makes me wonder if either or both of these individuals are more complex than simply corrupt shit-heads is this: they got the mueller report out. they may have found the way to get it out, and it kind of involved playing trump. but i'm not sure. they may simply be sinister. if the IG position ever gets trumpered, we will know we're squarely in third reich territory.
  19. you just bumped it, man. and i almost had a cardiac event. honestly though, people should be allowed to discuss the 20 hours of music recently released. i grabbed about half of the NA stuff and now i need to check out the other half. stand-outs for me so far are Asheville and Seattle
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