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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. russia annexed crimea from ukraine and is occupying eastern ukraine and engaging against the ukrainian military. in the whistleblower report it's alleged trump suggested that zelensky making a deal with putin would result in american favor. this week zelensky signed a deal with putin
  2. if there's one thing politicians understand, it's elections. i think that's why the dems were able to muster votes for impeachment over ukraine almost immediately. it doesn't take any thinking to see the wrong doing. the GOP are also painfully aware of how this is a blatant and heavy-handed assault on american democracy, but they remain largely silent, or worse - combative. a huge faction of congress is siding against american democracy. the side that carved out their niche serving wealthy donors while tricking constituents with wedge issues.
  3. it's been weird watching the world react to the NK's journey toward attaining nuclear weapons. DOD was always dead-set against allowing it. in recent years they've successfully tested bombs, successfully tested missiles that could reach the US west coast, and now have successfully tested submarine-launched ballistic missiles. i'm not an expert but it seems like they are most of the way toward being a nuclear power. i think all that remains is for them to confirm that a mounted warhead in a missile will work. i'd guess they're getting help from putin and will be able to achieve this. somehow a deal alluded our great deal master. obama struck a deal to keep iran from getting nukes... i wonder if orange baby clown will have time to replace the "terrible" iran deal that he abandoned, now that election season is starting up and he's being impeached for abuse of power, obstruction of justice, contempt of congress, and self-enrichment. he doesn't seem to have made any progress with iran, regarding any such negotiations. if anything, the relationship between the two countries seems worse, now, with both sides skirting on a war footing. luckily he had the good sense to leave the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (with russia), which was inconveniently getting in the way of a nuclear arms race for newly dangerous nuclear weapons that can bypass early detection systems. the treaty was enacted in '87. he spoke of how awful NAFTA and TPP were... now there are 25% tariffs on French wine, Italian cheese, and Scotch whiskey. the US agricultural industry had to be bailed out by tax payers (28 billion) because of retaliatory tariffs resulting from trump's trade war. capping off his first term deal successes - leaving Paris Accord, allowing self-serving oil executives to fuck the planet for hundreds of years (or possibly all the way until when the sun goes red giant and envelopes the earth).
  4. significant press conference with Pelosi and Schiff, just now. they start with some policy stuff, then spend a long time talking about the current situation. pelosi is getting comfortable in her historic role. it's nice to see her so sober and reflective. it's nice seeing schiff get activated, too.
  5. if i were 16 i would feel the same way.
  6. barr and trump have reached out to italy, britain, australia, and ukraine, trying to undermine the mueller report. i am wondering if barr is a little dumb and is one of these trumpers who has been drinking the cool aid ... and if he might realize. imagine barr flipping on trump. if he is going around to foreign intel groups, asking about the mueller investigation, i expect they will tell him stuff that corroborates mueller. so the question is: is barr actually worried about a "deep state" conspiracy? or does he know that he is shopping for foreign accomplices to bust out USA? about the posture... he's hiding his mushroom boner
  7. that would be cool. want lists too. https://www.discogs.com/developers
  8. np, of course. i was just wondering if the integration you described would include any workflow that would result in new watmm users from there. like, somehow it would introduce watmm to some discoggers.
  9. if we did an integration, like you described, is there a way it would bring in users from discogs?
  10. now we wait to see if americans are ok with democracy being overthrown. people should not shirk from jumping into the information fray. the confusion is deliberate. this is the weakness that bad actors are exploiting. the log is on fire and there's a wedge in it. the holistic approach is to tend to your local community. that can include online places. if someone says something wrong and you don't correct it, you can be seen as lending credence to it. discussing lineages of information is a social norm that helps the information disparity. discussing validity and soundness of arguments is another. this assault by trump is an evil, desperate move aimed at maintaining power in order to avoid prosecution, using the weapon of confusion, and at the expense of american democracy itself. am i going too far? does that sound too extreme? why would trump do that? trump didn't want to win in 2016. he knew he would end up in trouble like this. he overtly tried to lose. he just wanted to get close. cohen testified that trump pursued the trump moscow project because he never expected to win the presidency. we've got a raccoon in the basement and it thinks it's only chance of survival is to become king of the house. and that's how it happens.
  11. betting markets expect impeachment in the house in the first term, now. if there are 218+ votes for impeachment proceedings then those members in vulnerable seats have already chosen to put their asses on the line and i would think are most of the way toward voting for articles. the recent news that trump told kislyak and lavrov that he didn't mind the election interference... 0_0 ... then there's the fact that now we know they have been squirreling away politically damaging stuff in a place where they can't delete it and all access is logged... tax returns and deutsche bank documents will see daylight in the next 6 months, it sounds like. then there are the mueller report hearings and evidence, which should be happening, following court orders, in the next couple months... i bet trump gets more articles of impeachment than nixon did (including the same articles that nixon got), gets impeached in the house, and then the vote in the senate is going to be very interesting. either the reds will shield him and that will be used to destroy them. or they will turn on him for lesser damage. there are indications that GOP senators are prepared to feed racist grandpa to the alligators.
  12. ^ yep. that's why he leaves positions vacant all over the place. at 1:44:02 in the pbs full hearing, below, carson finishes his questiosn and yields the balance of his time to schiff. the clock was broken throughout the hearing. schiff checks with the person who was manually keeping track of time to ask how much time is remaining and can be heard saying "20 seconds," which is consistent with the amount of time carson consumed. schiff asks whether maguire used his discretion to withhold the complaint from the committee. maguire squirms and hides behind claiming that it was delayed, not withheld, and that he was waiting for the white house counsel to finish determining if it was executive privilege or not, which he admits was taking a long time. the olc didn't say he couldn't hand it over to congress, just that he wasn't required to. the wh hadn't yet claimed executive privilege, but maguire chose not to provide it to congress. maguire rambles about his excuses for chosing not to hand it over - as the law required and as was clearly appropriate and as had always been done - for 2 and a half minutes with no republcians objecting to schiff blowing past his 20 seconds by 2 minutes. he said the reason this case was different was because "every previous whistleblower complaint that was forwarded to the intelligence committees involved a member of the intelligence community, and an organization under which the [dni] had authority and responsibility" ... a head-scratcher of a purported reason. this is what a bad faith argument looks like.
  13. i think for a lot of tool fans fear inoculum is a great gem. long songs, crammed into CD, downtempo and reflective while intricate and heavy, with a 16 minute butt-rock tool song. culling voices is interesting and different. cc trip and all the drumming are maximum carey. good mix - i think they chose some clipping as a trade-off. good lyrical theme. excellent flourishes and achievements by all. listenably cohesive as a whole, and with a good flow. of course i understand if it's not everyone's cup of tea.
  14. wow i'm reading this report and it's blowing my mind. that it's ukraine is not a coincidence. this is like a plot aimed at trump and putin forging a new corrupt world alliance. the intel community caught on and carefully prepared this report to blow it open. this is precisely how authoritarians overthrow democracies. https://www.washingtonpost.com/context/read-the-whistleblower-complaint-regarding-president-trump-s-communications-with-ukrainian-president-volodymyr-zelensky/4b9e0ca5-3824-467f-b1a3-77f2d4ee16aa/
  15. 64 tracks in analord digital 64 hexagrams in the I Ching coincidence?
  16. thanks for bearing with me. he didn't stick to his story. from 5:41 in that video of the schiff questioning: schiff: and my question is, did you go to the whitehouse first maguire: i went to the office of legal counsel for advise, yes sir schiff: well, i'm asking which you went to first. did you go to the department of justice office of legal counsel first or did you go to the whitehouse first maguire: i went to the, excuse me, my team, my office, went to the office of legal counsel first to receive whether or not the matter in the letter and in the complaint might meet the executive privilege. [...] schiff: well director i'm still trying to understand the chronology. so you first went to the office of legal counsel and then you went to the whitehouse counsel? maguire: we went to the, excuse me, would you repeat that, sir? schiff: i'm just trying to understand the chronology. you first went to the office of legal counsel and you then went to the whitehouse counsel? maquire: no sir. no sir. no. we went to the whitehouse first. here's the schiff preliminary questioning video again: maybe it's not a big deal. my original point was that the jury should be out on this dude.
  17. @goDel i appreciate that you're lending the navy seal the benefit of the doubt. please humor me. so you think that, from 4:21 until 6:50, maguire was failing to understand that schiff was asking if the first consultation his office sought was from the white house? and after 2 and a half minutes of schiff asking the same question repeatedly, he finally understood? (he finally admitted that he went to the white house counsel first). if i am correct that maguire was trying to avoid clearly saying so, why was he trying to hide that?
  18. the warren campaign doesn't accept corporate donations. but yeah, wall street is trying to dissuade the party from getting behind her. because they see that it might be close.
  19. so why was maguire dodging the question of whether he went to the whitehouse first? and isn't it disturbing that he was so clearly trying to mislead viewers? you can watch him pretend to not understand the question for 2 and a half minutes. see my post above. he looks like a good liar, to me. anyway, maguire's complicity is beside the point. the whistle blower report is damning.
  20. Wall Street Democratic donors warn the party: We’ll sit out, or back Trump, if you nominate Elizabeth Warren wall street is afraid of warren.
  21. look how maguire tries to hide that he went to the whitehouse first. schiff first tried getting the simple yes/no answer at 4:21, below, and spent the next two and a half minutes clarifying and repeating the simple question. at 6:54, because schiff doesn't let him get out of answering, maguire finally lets out "ohhh, yeah i went to the white house first, of course." swalwell's line of questioning at 3:06:42 (timestamped below) about whether maguire is responsible for preventing election interference as Director of National Intelligence is rather glaring. again, maguire tries to wriggle out of answering. swalwell gets in his face with "are you responsible for preventing election interference. i hope you know this answer to this" and you see maguire shrink. swalwell yields to schiff as maguire makes the claim that the president's call was not about election interference. schiff follows up and again you see maguire's tale between his legs. the dude puts on a good show but schiff gives him too much credit when saying he thinks maguire has been acting in good faith. it's not thanks to maguire that the report got out, it's despite maguire. if the IG had not told schiff that there was a whistleblower report, the public and congress may never have learned of it.
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