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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. whistleblower report declassified and released congressional hearing, now live. intel cmte vs the DNI.
  2. pelosi holding a meeting with all house dems at 4. looks like dems are preparing a statement demanding the whistleblower report. i'm guessing it will heavily suggest impeachment proceedings will result from continued stonewalling on that. number of dems in support of impeachment is on the move... since this story broke it's gone from around 130 to around 150 or 160.
  3. the juno project was interesting in how they handled image processing. there are like 3 cameras that do different colors, and an image would be broken up into a bunch of smaller pieces that need to be assembled. the juno team provided the raw data for anyone to use their own processing techniques to compile or whatever it's called. so yeah, looking through the gallery, you see different aesthetics resulting from different approaches to compiling. some compilers do a better job than others, and they probably apply small touches to taste. i don't see any real artistic flourishes in that image, though. the clouds really do have depth. i think that shit is mostly liquids, it's like you can see through the clear "gases" at the top, and you can see the tops of vortex storms that stir up dirt or whatever from down near the core. and you can kind of see down into the depths a little in a few spots, through the clear liquid. it's called a gas giant but on jupiter its liquid.
  4. daniel 8 has something about a goat-stubborn king of the west who will attack persia (iran) before the end times, making his country "very great"
  5. lol. trump's presidency is dramatic and fascinating for those interested in following current events and politics. it's also shedding a lot of light on some social, psychological, and political issues that are interesting, current and significant. at the same time, for those knowledgable about how major historical breakpoints take the people of the time by surprise and spiral out of control, it is horrifying to hear things like... trump had to be talked out of tweeting an announcement that americans in south korea should evacuate...... or that he left the iran deal, which dramatically improved stability in the middle east, and has been provoking iran since then... or that he insulted kim jong un as overweight... or that he is declining to counter ongoing attacks on our elections by putin then there's the greenhouse gas situation, the paris accord, the partisan pandering on that whole set of issues... an additional way trump threatens armaggeddon, aside form ww3
  6. this trump thing is look a good book (that is threatening life on earth)
  7. i just finished woodward's audiobook and there's a part toward the end where trump is arguing for tarrifs and trump says "and fuck the soybean farmers. it will be fine. i'll buy some soybeans myself if i have to." that was a couple years ago. he had to bail out the soybean industry because of a crisis he caused, to the tune of 28 Billion. obama would be GONE. nobody even heard about it. the soybean thing is a chinese tarrif. oddly specific and coincidentally fucking up trump's and the republican's hold on the midwest. kind of like a sly way for china to handle the trump problem.
  8. they can now give him the 3 articles of impeachment nixon got. obstruction of justice, contempt of congress, and abuse of power.
  9. the agricultural industry has been hit hard by the trade war. trump gave them 28 Billion to make up for it. i could note that obama's auto bail out was loans that were entirely paid back, and quickly. this AG bailout is apparently a set of "packages," not "loans."
  10. you guys are both right, in a way. at times, a voter should decide their vote to record their preference, even if they they know it will not result in that person's election. and, at other times, a voter should pay attention to the moment, and should consider voting for a lower preference with a higher chance, in order to prevent a worse choice from winning. you've got to smell the wind at the time and decide. the spoiler effect resulted in president george w bush and his random, disastrous war with iraq (ralph nader). if i present you with two options, and you say you want a third, you are not participating in the choice. by election day in america, it's usually a choice between two people. the idea of write-ins by themselves contributing to a movement that will change elections in the future, i am skeptical of. if you want a third party candidate to have a good chance, the way is ground work and support starting early in the campaign season. i think that a significantly sizable movement of write-ins would only happen as a byproduct of a very strong 3rd party campaign, or campaigns.
  11. at least the house judiciary had an attorney do a prolonged cross-examination, after the members had their time. lewandowski quickly melted as he was easily nailed to the wall for 30 minutes. it starts at 5:04:10
  12. this was a significant hearing. this dude was right in the center of one of the solid accounts of obstruction of justice detailed by mueller. in the hearing he squirms and acts like a chump, along with these gop dudes, but he confirms the damning facts of the crime. here are a few good cross examinations. and here is jim jordan. think about what jim jordan and lewandowski are saying to each-other, out in the open, on the floor of the capital. these dudes are angrily saying that they need to root out the public servants of justice that were behind this appropriate and important investigation. they're slinging lies because maybe they believe that "it's all lies. all politicians are liars." or maybe they know that they are on the wrong side of this and they're muddying the waters to cover up. and because they are already on the wrong side, they are getting themselves in deeper and are willing to dismantle load-bearing portions of the country to get away with their parts. to clean your brain of the above, you can enjoy mueller's telling jim jordan "i'm not certain i agree with your characterizations" at 3:13, here: we are witnessing half of congress participate in an amazingly shitty cover-up and 40% of americans are falling for it. america may die of its stupidity.
  13. whats the earliest you think life could have achieved technological civilization?
  14. Saudi Oil Attack Photos Implicate Iran, U.S. Says; Trump Hints at Military Action excerpt:
  15. hm yeah i thought maybe i remembered something like that. that's a relavent factor, the elements. but i still think technological civilizations could have risen billions of years ago. plenty of time for ai to be out there.
  16. the sun is a second generation star. civilizations could have risen and fallen countless times before our sun was even born, 5 billion years ago. or, risen and not fallen, and deployed self-replicating AI to explore and study the galaxy.
  17. good lawfare podcast episode on the minutiae of these impeachment things. https://www.lawfareblog.com/lawfare-podcast-congress-congress-and-more-congress
  18. good interview with chancellor here: https://www.ernieball.com/strikingachord/justin-chancellor he talks about how a lot of really cool sounding material didn't make it onto the album... and he has books of CDs of tool practices that contain a lot of that...
  19. when pelosi said she doesn't want trump impeached, she wants him in prison, i think she meant that she is trying to do this right, and she didn't want to let people get away with things by rushing into impeachment proceedings just because that's the idea in everyone's minds because they're remembering stuff about nixon. house dems seem to be doing things when they need to, and the strategic time for the floor impeachment proceedings vote is not yet. the hand will be the strongest when they have evidence that is being withheld and they can get people to testify about trump's obstruction of justice. i'm sure they wouldn't mind having the tax returns and other financial history, too. the climate is very divided. the information environment is a big part of that. during nixon, americans got their news from 5 news channels and 5 newspapers. now there are thousands (or millions) of information channels, and bad actors are taking advantage of their access to them. we are learning how bad public confusion can be, and how much of a problem it can be, as we are new to the internet era.
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