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Everything posted by Ifeelspace

  1. Thanks once again Feartherush, hadn't heard any of these before. At the moment I'm enjoying Dream 17 Kallax Mix 2
  2. https://soundcloud.com/caddybay/gucci-mane-v-boards-of-canada Not normally a fan of hip-hop/rap, but this is pretty sweet.
  3. Regarding the Crossdaddy Bonebags EPs. Are all the tracks around1-minute or is it a sampler that i downloaded?
  4. Yeah, cool. The other ???'s are albums that he's posted on xltronic (some of the links are in my original Google doc), but I haven't been able to find for download... links broken. He's posted stuff all over the place. Aha, sorry i kinda skimmed past that I'm enjoying 'The Serpent - Volume 2' atm, didn't realise that was Mattias until this thread. It's rather good. I have a whole lot more music to listen to tonight. Thanks Stephen for a grand idea for a thread. I won't blow more smoke up burglar's butt by thanking him again.
  5. Cool man thanks, I follow Trackermatte on FB, didn't know he had another page. The ??? is more to denote I don't know if still available or where.
  6. With the linkage (most of) Dirqual - Sonic S&M Meltdown (2002) - http://www.mikro12.com/ Neurophastic - Mi12Promo1 (2002) - http://www.mikro12.com/ Crossdaddy Bonebags - Crossdaddy Bonebags (2002) - http://www.svartalinden.se/katalog.html Dirqual - Farm Sluts Gone Wild (2003) - ??? Dirqual - Tolerable Cruelty (2003) - http://forum.watmm.com/topic/84040-trackermatte-completionist-thread/page-2 Cheers Fear! Dirqual - 18 track comp (2003) - ??? Neurowanker - Humming Closet (?) - ??? Neurowanker - Vol. 1 (2003) - http://www.mikro12.com/ Cagliostro - Compliation 04 (2004) - http://www.mikro12.com/ Dirqual - Lowing the Mellow (2004) - http://www.mikro12.com/ Dirqual - Single (2004) - http://www.mikro12.com/ Mattias - Suck My Baseline - Ride My Snare (2004) - http://www.mikro12.com/ Sid Quincy - Quirky Choons (2004) - http://www.mikro12.com/ Mattias and his extraordinary Robotic Orchestra - Escape from Allum Prime (200?) - http://www.mikro12.com/ Crossdaddy Bonebags - Acid EP 1 (2005) - http://www.mikro12.com/ Crossdaddy Bonebags - Acid EP 2 (2005) - http://www.mikro12.com/ Crossdaddy Bonebags - Acid EP 3 (2005) - http://www.mikro12.com/ Crossdaddy Bonebags - Acid EP 4 (2005) - http://www.mikro12.com/ Crossdaddy Bonebags - Acid EP 5 (2005) - http://www.mikro12.com/ Crossdaddy Bonebags - Acid EP 6 (2005) - http://www.mikro12.com/ Crossdaddy Bonebags - Acid EP 7 (2005) - http://www.mikro12.com/ Crossdaddy Bonebags - Shared on his Computer (2005) - http://www.mikro12.com/ Crossdaddy Bonebags - Crossfather Force (2006) - http://www.mikro12.com/ Mattias Östling - Spectoculon EP (2006) - ??? Mattias Östling - Stengatan Tracks (2006) - ??? Chromium Serpent - The Serpent Vol. 1 (2007) - http://www.svartalinden.se/katalog.html Chromium Serpent - The Serpent Vol. 2 (2007) - http://www.svartalinden.se/katalog.html Chromium Serpent - The Serpent Vol. 3 (2007) - http://www.svartalinden.se/katalog.html Mattias Ö - Dystopicus (2007) - http://forum.watmm.com/topic/80080-a-discussion-about-trackermattes-music/page-4 (revamped version with tracks missing from svaratalinden.se plus some extras) - Thanks Mr Burglar! Mattias Ö - Nintendohäxans Berg (2007) - http://www.svartalinden.se/katalog.html Mattias Ö - Naturkollektionen (2008) - http://www.svartalinden.se/katalog.html Trackermatte - Rave Partner (2008) - http://www.svartalinden.se/katalog.html Trackermatte - Hippie Express (2009) - http://www.svartalinden.se/katalog.html Trackermatte - Nollpunkt Terminator (2009) - http://www.svartalinden.se/katalog.html Mattias Östling & Simon Frank - Mattias Östling & Simon Frank (2010) - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mattias-%C3%96stling/192227657549231?fref=nf Trackermatte - The Splattered Blouse EP (2010) - http://www.neles.se/ Trackermatte - Lazers Unending (2011) - http://www.neles.se/ Trackermatte - Hologram 7 (2011) - http://www.neles.se/ Rolando Simmons - Volume 1 (2012) - http://www.svartalinden.se/rolandosimmons.html Rolando Simmons - Volume 2 (2012) - http://www.svartalinden.se/rolandosimmons.html Rolando Simmons - Volume 3 (2012) - http://www.svartalinden.se/rolandosimmons.html The Florist - Psinenk (2013)- https://soundcloud.com/rolando-simmons Trackermatte - Shadow Festival (2013) - http://trackermatte.bandcamp.com/album/shadow-festival Trackermatte - Dark Door (2014) - http://trackermatte.bandcamp.com/album/dark-door I also see an album named 'neurowanker - my famous jazz recordings vol 1' on an old xltronic thread, which should probably be added to the list (don't think it is still available). Although maybe it is just listed as vol 1 on the above list?
  7. That would be amazing. I like listening to your early tracks.. you can hear your different influences and see how you've really developed into what you're making now. I'll start by uploading the Dirqual - Tolerable Cruelty album. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2620795/WATMM/Tolerable%20Cruelty.zip Awesome! Cheers Fear for the upload and of course to Mattias for making this and allowing it to be resurrected! Many of the older releases on the list on front page are available here it seems:- http://www.mikro12.com/
  8. The potential for this thread genuinly gives me a bigger boner than the 'new Aphex Twin shizz is imminent' thread. Hadn't realised there was so much stuff I was missing. I eagerly await any and all Trackermatte goodness that could potentially be forthcoming. Mr Burgler, it is nice of you to interact with your fans. I am very appreciative of your talents and impressed by your attitude. So thanks!
  9. I believe in Barn Dance

    1. Joyrex



    2. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      Lol I've got a hilarious vision of an RDJ Autechre Squarepusher honkeytonk. Has anyone done banjo IDM?

    3. Ifeelspace


      Twas clearly a prophecy

  10. Brazil. Brazeeeeeeeeeeeeeel

  11. This was always going to leak. And no we are not all tarred with the same brush. The vast majority of us did the right thing and helped support a struggling artist ps. I'm editing the shit out of the track names. My OCD forces me to capitalize the first letter.
  12. Enjoying this more than I thought I would. Fingry is great! Cheers Joyboss!
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXz5PU42z9M http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRlpqSd7XU8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-NkWNq8H_c http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFjaDDokHA0
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