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Everything posted by Ifeelspace

  1. He's getting $ for an album he was never going to release, as is rephlex, as is a charity. That cannot be a bad thing in any way, shape, size or form. No need to apologise, we are all entitled to our opinions. Yours is just in conflict with mine is all.
  2. What a very strange way of looking at things. Why do you even care?
  3. It's a bit weird wondering why money is going to charity imo
  4. I believe the money for the charity is coming from the sale of the vinyl not the money from the kickstarter. Everyone's a winner.
  5. What on Earth gave you the idea that Richard is getting nothing from this?
  6. He released a compilation of 8 tracks from the series. http://boomkat.com/vinyl/1019795-leyland-kirby-presents-v-vm-the-death-of-rave-a-partial-flashback I wasn't aware of his music when V/vm test records existed so I'm probably missing many many hours of his work. I find it a bit annoying, but love the music he makes and his eccentricity so he can be forgiven :P
  7. Probably means that Rephlex isn't coming back though, doesn't it?
  8. Digital physical digitals are the way forward. Download 3d print template, physically print the usb card, punch out the jobber and then connect to USB (avoiding the superposition)
  9. i wasn't even at that stage I couldn't work out how to open the damn thing and i thought, no way is this thick enough to fit into usb drive. I now realise it slots in anyhows. Thanks Jason Donervan, it was the superposition thing that foxed me :P
  10. At the risk of sounding like a complete imbecile, what do i need to buy to connect this little card to my laptop?
  11. Mine still hasn't arrived. Never mind, the Reachy Prints cd i ordered from Blerp before work yesterday morning arrived, so i been able to blast that
  12. my father is very unwell. please send positive vibes his way

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. PhylumZunami


      good vibes sent

    3. YangYing


      *Instant vibe*

    4. Ifeelspace


      Thanks guys, he was diagnosed with cancer of the pancreas yesterday. Horrible, horrible news to hear :/

  13. I just like the music, I don't really read too much into the theory. Aleksi has released some amazing music in the past couple of years. The 'is Aleksi lusher than Aphex' thread was laughable to me when I saw it. But TBH it feels like he has mastered his craft now. And I kinda think he is.
  14. Indeed, think it is my favourite cd of the bunch. Dynamic Light Scattering is stunning.
  15. I've neglected the Ovuca bonus a bit, but have been playing it tonight. It's pretty friggin' sick. Was expecting something a bit more playful maybe, but certainly not disappointed. Kinetic Theory
  16. You cannae beat a bit 'o Plaid.
  17. I need to know if it's safe to switch up and down between the colundilevels
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