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Everything posted by Ifeelspace

  1. I think the main point is that honest people will have the opportunity to pay for and legitimately own a digital copy of the album. We get the goods, Richard gets some $, Rephlex gets some $ and a charity benefits. If it was just sold to a private collector, it would probably still leak but without the other good stuff. I think this is fabulous and I will buy the shit out of this when i can. Cheers Joyrex , Cheers Dicky James, Cheers Watmm ps. may i suggest an arbitrary minimum post count of, oh, say 500 posts, to qualify for one of the downloads?
  2. What in the heck! Aleksi is stealing all my money! Why are we at level 5 already! I'm levelling up too quickly! Thanks for the heads up! Exclamation point!
  3. Holy shitballs. GBBVT1337042 massages my ear drums in a circular pattern from left to right and back again. Feels more interactive and shiz. Love it
  4. The Albundy Sequence

    1. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      The Al-Gore Separateness

  5. Mine arrived today!. Just been importing the wav files so i can start listening the shit out of all this crazy AP goodness. I have played a few of the MU4 tracks whilst importing the music and I am already dead impressed. Japan and Thinking Of You are corkers! Cheers Aleksi (if you ever drop by here)
  6. Amsilem is gorgeous. Could have been a track off R Plus Seven. Did you have Oneohtrix in mind when creating this piece?
  7. Boooo. Mine didn't arrive yet. Felt certain it would be here ready to listen to this evening. How's the music folks?
  8. what this forum needs is more "Frenchman launches poo protest against banks" threads

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ambermonk


      There would be less violence if petrol bombs were substituted for poo during riots. Maybe.

    3. hello spiral

      hello spiral

      I ran out of tp halfway through wiping this morning :[

    4. Joyrex


      Ze depozit iz a bit runnee, eh monsouir?


      Ah, Iz a "leequid azzet", non?

  9. Bingeing on John Carpenter soundtracks

  10. This forum is seriously lacking a Universally adored music thread

    1. Ifeelspace


      This forum is seriously lacking a Universally adored music thread

    2. Ifeelspace


      This forum is seriously lacking a Universally adored music thread

    3. ambermonk


      That's cos IDM


      That's cos IDM

  11. Drowning not waving

  12. DJ allthegirlsandalltheboyswhistlepossemakesomenoisewoahyeahhhhh DJ one, two, move to the groove, three, four come again to the beat hardcore, five, six, with the mental bad boy tricks, my DJ with your hardcore fix DJ Clunge
  13. DJ Tiestical DJ Arseole van Buuren DJ Dooooougray scott DJ Carl's Cock
  14. Pink or brown?

    1. hello spiral

      hello spiral

      first one, then the other, then back to the first.

    2. triachus


      im more of a brown noise type of guy

    3. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      2 in the pink, one in the.. brown.

  15. DJ & Coke DJ Sports DJ Dave Lee Travis DJ & Duncan DJ Threepio
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