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Everything posted by kaini

  1. very interesting, considering they've stated that they regard it as the 'centre' of the album.
  2. None on Campfire Headphase.Almost no voices at all on that album, maybe just a tiny blip on chromakey dreamcoat. I'm actually really pleased to see the voices are back someone counts '1 2 3 4' on pontiac dream.
  3. best thing he's done in aaages. if i had an album of this, i'd need a change of pants. I guess you haven't heard this then? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wu9bm-RJMWM[/size]
  4. it's a bit of a nod to the studio idents of the 70s and 80s, and probably a little nod to ghost box records, who use this a lot and are pretty boc influenced. they previously made a fake ident for 84 pontiac dream as well...
  5. going by the quietus review, i'm going to bet that the detroit track is 'cold earth'
  6. uncut review: http://www.uncut.co.uk/blog/wild-mercury-sound/boards-of-canada-tomorrows-harvest-first-listen#QjV8PresOYFb6CIK.99 'more like geogaddi than TCH'
  7. reference point #1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ml3NQ6Uef2g #2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_bHRQ55yUw #3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvBAu0PJ7A8
  8. you gotta hand it to em, the album has led to quite a bit of discussion. verse chorus verse http://humphreyplugg.kaen.org/aroundthelucky.mp3
  9. seriously, have you ever listened to a daft punk album before?
  10. so everyone who doesnt like this god damn album has autism? sorry we all dont like god damn retro-disco badly done. I like Daft Punk's first two album (and the Alive 2007 thing was great too). I think i'm more hostile towards the reaction from the media, its just too much. Normally when i dont like an album i either make one post saying i dont like it or i'll just dont post at all and forget about it but i think there is a lot to say about the reaction from so-called music experts. And again kaini, you just can't comprehend that people might not like the things you like. Maybe you are the autistic one. you are not lush. and you shouldn't care about the media. what do YOU think about it? why do you care what paul morley or $pitchfork_journalist$ or anyone, ANYONE but YOU think about it. i'm not a music expert, however if i like something and the weird version of 'popular opinion' on this site (not enough glitches, didn't sample enough broken elevators, someone's girlfriend might dance to it) goes against it, i might express my appreciation. most of the time i couldn't be bothered. but once again, it's about you, yo303. i didn't like it, omg kaini did. he hates me. you tool. you complete and utter tool. go outside once in a while. the resolution is excellent, but the AI is only comparable to yours.
  11. lose yourself to dance. i will concede that touch will probably be the worst track of 2013. i can see what they were going for but it's just... bad.
  12. see, fribas' opinion i can get, he's always lush as fuck. awe/erlich's too. but there sure is a lot of spergin for spergins sake in here. IT'S NOT AUTECHRE RABBLE RABBLE BAAAAAAAAAAAAAD. i wonder if some of you people can remember what a regular kick drum or hat sounds like.
  13. i didn't want to pull this card but i think that what you make of this album is incredibly dependent on how old you are. if you're of a similar age to thomas and guy-man, it makes a lot more sense.
  14. i don't think it's innovative. i do think it's fun and i enjoyed listening to it. and it's their money to spend however they want to. jesus wept, the butthurt. if you don't derive any pleasure from the arpeggio in giorgio by morodor, and instead spend all of your brain-processor-cycles analyzing what it's derivative of... damn, i feel sorry for you. music has become a purely cerebral exercise for you.
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