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Danny O Flannagin

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Everything posted by Danny O Flannagin

  1. wait, you guys have nudes in non-porn magazines?
  2. Do you still wear earplugs at shows? Do you try to avoid loosing more hearing?
  3. are you anti pirating software? Maybe im unethical but like 99% of the software I used is pirated. Only stuff i've bought is from indie developers like Aalto. Max/msp newest full version is not cracked for Mac afaik but to run Max4live you don't have to have a legit copy of Max, you only need one to create Max4live patches. Annoyingly Ableton made it so that to edit Max4Live patches you need to actually open Ableton, you cannot save/edit/load Max4live patches into a legit fully paid for MaxMSP since they obviously want you to buy both... assholes So let me get this straight. If I just bought ableton without buying max, I can use max4live devices but i just can't change them or make my own?
  4. i tried to watch this the other day, because i liked the UK version of the show, but holy fucking shit the music gets on your nerves. why ..just, why? just constant orch stabs and cymbals and percussions throughout the entire episode, i had to stop 2/3 in. It's kind of like a cue for the audience to react to something on screen. A cymbal roll is like the dramatic equivalent of a laugh track.
  5. The best part about daytime tv is all the musical stabs, like the cymbal rolls and suspenseful strings.
  6. GAAAAAHHHH, this video is fucking with my head. What are they really saying? We have gay friends that don't deserve the same rights that heterosexuals have? Who is not alone? Also lol @ "I happen to know what marriage is"
  7. I feel like this album was a bit of a sleeper hit. Love the transition from the noise track into the super smooth lush synth. Also the title track is 10/10
  8. have you had a listen to replica, stephen? Negative but it sounds like maybe I should give it a try? You might not like it at first but the album grows on you so hard. tempted to put it in my personal top 10
  9. It's really hot right now, even at night so I'm not getting any sleep
  10. This is one of the greatest things to happen to mankind
  11. First watched it when i was 18, recently watched it again and I'm 21 Saw the Final Cut
  12. Watched Bladerunner for the second time last night, and I have to say, I'm not that impressed. Can someone explain why they like this movie? I just felt like the pacing was dragging and the characters flat. I'm interested in the themes but I felt like an average film like Ex Machina explored them more thoroughly than this. Of course set design was spectacular but I don't feel like the story deserved to exist in a world so beautifully crafted. Not trying to troll, just looking for honest positive interpretation on this film.
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