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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. damn man, time flies. I thought that was like a week or two ago you mentioned that. =/ Enjoy while you can
  2. at work?? lol I thought you were on that night shift for awhile? Or is that over already...
  3. careful darreich even though you're prob joking that can be a quick route to the banhammer
  4. Road Redemption on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/300380/Road_Redemption/ Rating: 9/10 - ‎4,203 reviews - ‎US$19.99 9/10 based on 4203 steam reviews. Lots of people seem to like it? Not saying you're wrong I just rarely see almost unanimously liked games lol.
  5. Is there a chance with the change in house that the renegotiated NAFTA can be repealed? Not sure how that works. Not the sweeping change many wanted but I think most people expected the senate to remain repub majority..
  6. Very sorry to hear this... something I'm facing in relatively short measure as well... Work through it however you need to, we're so sorry to hear this Braintree. =( Nothing in life can prepare you for such shititude... =(
  7. Quite turkey-y yeah. You could do it with chicken if you don't like turkey I spose. I had some leftover frozen from our fall feast last month so I figured what the heck.
  8. spicy turkey curry with pineapple and rice. Sounds strange but it's really good. Sweet, spicy, and salty all at once.
  9. Nice. I will have to keep an eye out then. They're high up on my list of must see live now, thx to Spi for introducing me to them a year or so back.
  10. Where did you see them? Do they sometimes play in Canada or the northern states?
  11. How was AMT though? that'd be something else live, I'm jelly.
  12. Oh gotcha. Lol the opposite of the problems I cause for myself when imbibing too much. Feel better!
  13. You've never seen Picard because he's a fictional character in a space based sci-fi show. How could you see him holding a quartz crystal if you've never even seen him?
  14. having never heard of ASMR before I googled it now; creepy and rlly weird. =/
  15. that face u make when your inheritance is jeans
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