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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. At least he's being decent about that, and paying you back for the items. That was really not cool. Still shitty to have to stress about all that, like you're not busy enough...
  2. That was a nice day... I remember after the water slide we all crowded into the tent to watch a teaser trailer of the new forum software and then played the new BOC EP white label that had arrived by messenger pigeon that sunny morning. That's me holding the yellow inner tube btw lol... but isn't that actually the watmm logo? Any idea what that's about?
  3. What do you mean "donated"? Stole or sold? Fuck that noise, be as much of a "dick" as you can. This "woman" inserted herself into your life with no legal or real moral backing, sounds like she stole or sold some of your stuff, disrespected your GF, etc. Don't let shitty people take advantage of you. Edit: Sorry, hopefully obvious I'm not suggesting you stoop to her level, but hopefully you can do something about it. (happy 2500th post btw =) lol). Give it a couple days and see if her or your room mate comes around, apologizes, and smartens up.
  4. I've dealt with this exact issue, scrapyard next to my plant had machinery break down, started a fire deep in their metal pit. I can assure you, you should NOT be breathing that shit in. When galvanized metals are heated it gives off zinc. You can get really sick + over time it's cancer causing among other (headache, diarrhea, vomiting) things. Good ole metal fume fever. Your work should have pulled the plug immediately man. Do you have a safety manager?
  5. Has anyone contacted blerp yet about the quality of the pressing? I haven't seen if anyone has. Since there are so many people it might be worth it. It's pointless for me to contact Blerp, since I bought from Norman Records (tired of fuck-ups with Blerp). I can't even complain to Warp though, because they'll just refer me to the retailer I bought the record from. I've emailed Norman to see what, if anything, can be done. I'm sure fuck-all will be done, since it's a one-off pressing... Icic.... Hold out hope though. NTS sesh fuckups were fixed?
  6. Has anyone contacted blerp yet about the quality of the pressing? I haven't seen if anyone has. Since there are so many people it might be worth it.
  7. wonder what's up with Warp's quality control lately. The NTS sessions debacle and now this? Two of their biggest selling artists with defects in the workmanship of 2 big releases?
  8. its p good looking IMO. now I want a borger
  9. goddamnit zeph lol that's going to be stuck in my really stupid brain for at least 2hrs.
  10. I'm having naan tonight. P cold out so making a curry. Naan.
  11. Don't ever smoke a ribeye steak it's sacrilege.
  12. Nice man, that must have been so exciting... I remember downloading essential mixes from deep dish and portishead off of limewire / kazaa and being totally and utterly floored. Such great stuff. Yeah it was good times, nostalgia
  13. Her eyes are looking in diff directions. This made the bank think she was shifty, perhaps hiding something. This is why she did not get the loan.
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